I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1286 Pollen

The Elud people taught Bailiyuan a truth, that is, if you don't have such a strong power, don't jump too much. It's okay if everyone is an ordinary person, but in this world, maybe a powerful person will pop up somewhere.

Even if the Illuds really captured many humans as hostages in the end, this cannot change the fact that the Illuds are still unable to deal with the Victory Team and the Victory Iron Dragon.

At best, the Iruds let the victorious team throw rats, but they are absolutely unable to go further and get more, such as capturing more people or obtaining the resources of the earth, because when it comes to the safety and interests of more human beings , a small number of people cannot be used as a decisive condition.

As the old saying goes, you have to be strong to strike an iron.

The end of the Elud was to die under the beating of the Victorious Iron Dragon.

The victory team also successfully developed a potion that inhibits the assimilation ability of the Illuds, helping another friend in Xincheng who has not been fully assimilated into an Illuds to turn back into a human.

And the priest of the Numerology religion also successfully entered the "List of the Unknown".


After the Illuds, the earth was peaceful for a long time, but there were also small-scale riots, such as Yerui's offline netizen Mianji, but encountered a living artificial intelligence, which put Yerui in danger. Even Lina, who followed as a parent, almost had an accident.

Fortunately, the winning team successfully resolved the artificial intelligence storm.

This incident tells us that there are risks in face-to-face meetings, and we need to be cautious when meeting.

You may not necessarily encounter a living artificial intelligence, maybe it will be an enhanced version of Jiege.

In fact, Bailiyuan doesn't have much opinion on the birth of life by artificial intelligence. After all, that's how Caroline appeared. Although the birth of artificial intelligence has high intelligence, it has almost zero emotions. At this time, guidance is needed to help him establish a sound personality.

There are many variables.

Fortunately, although Caroline did not become an existence of absolute justice, nor an existence of absolute anti-humanity, she did not go to extremes, but existed as a normal living body, with her own emotions and preferences .

Bailiyuan felt that it was his own credit. After all, Caroline had been following him all along and had not received any special stimulation.

Plus my own precepts and deeds...

Tens of thousands of words are omitted here.


The artificial intelligence incident did not cause too much disturbance, after all, the scope of the impact was not large.

The earth was peaceful again until some kind of special plant appeared on the earth.


Bailiyuan looked at the person in front of him who imagined that he was a Bi Diao puppet bear, and blinked.

Normally, Bailiyuan would release the puppet bears in his room for activities, but today it seemed a little different.

Bailiyuan hurriedly sent the puppet bear back to the home space, and asked Caroline to check it.

"At this time, the puppet bear has been hallucinated by something special, and that special substance entered the puppet bear's body through the respiratory tract." Caroline said.

"Breath? Is it spread in the air?" Baili Yuan frowned, and the TPC base was invaded by something again? Why is there a problem with the air in the base?

But Bailiyuan didn't say much, and went back to his room to collect some air, brought it back to the home space, and handed it to Caroline for analysis.

Then Bailiyuan continued to pay attention to the stuffed puppet bear.

"Does that have any effect on the puppet bear?" Baili Yuan asked.

"For the time being, it seems that it will affect the brain of the puppet bear." A phantom of the puppet bear's brain appeared in front of Bailiyuan, and some parts of it were marked in red.

"Although the amount of inhalation is not too much, the impact is obvious. At present, it seems that the brain of the puppet bear will become active, but it will affect the brain operation of the puppet bear, making her happy, and this pleasure exceeds A certain limit will cause her to have hallucinations, but if the simulation continues according to this situation..."

A lot of red appeared on the phantom of the brain, and some of the red gradually deepened.

"If the pleasure goes on like this, if it exceeds a certain limit, it will become violent, but at the same time her brain will become more energetic. Fortunately, the puppet bear does not inhale much, and the effect is only on the surface, and the effect is gradually The weakening should not have a big impact on the puppet bear, but because of this incident, it may be able to promote the brain development of the puppet bear... By the way, the analysis of the air has also come out."

Caroline analyzed quickly.

Then a bunch of data that Bailiyuan could not understand appeared in front of Bailiyuan.

"There is indeed a special substance in the air. It is initially judged to be pollen, which is the puppet bear affected by this pollen. However, the amount of pollen in the air is not too much, and further analysis cannot be carried out."

"Then why haven't I been affected?" Baili Yuan had some doubts.

"It should be a problem of resistance, and you are also different from ordinary humans, just like some humans are allergic to pollen, while others are not affected, there is a difference between you and ordinary humans...Xiao Yuan, I just now After investigating the situation in the TPC base, ordinary people in the base have been affected, but Dagu has not been affected, and there are outsiders in the base."


"They claim to know about super ancient humans!"



Bailiyuan walked out of her room, but she was about to see what was going on outside, because according to the information Caroline collected, this time the incident was not simply affected by the TPC base, but the whole world sexual.

At the same time, there was another thing that caught Baili Yuan's attention, and that was the flickering of Ultraman Hero's transformation device.

It was as if he wanted to tell Bailiyuan something.

This incident aroused the reaction of Altman Hero, specifically, the subconscious reaction left in his body. After the incident happened this time, the subconsciousness in his body was touched.

The events affecting the whole world, as well as the sudden appearance of outsiders who knew about super ancient human beings, as well as the reaction of Ultraman Hero, made Bailiyuan understand that this time the matter was not simple!

Maybe it has something to do with super ancient times!

In addition, by investigating the mission records of the victory team, Caroline determined that this incident may be related to a special flower, which was found to be a product of the earth after research by Horii.

When doing research, Horii was still affected by the flower even though he took protection, which means that the pollen of this flower is difficult to defend against.

Walking inside the TPC base, Bailiyuan saw many familiar faces doing strange things. There is no doubt that they are immersed in their own fantasies at this time, including everyone from the victory team, including Fujii Momoka and Mr. Miyamoto.

After resting for two days, I finally recovered~嘤嘤咒~

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