Chapter 1284 Friend, have you heard of the Numerology Cult?

There is a platinum egg on the Tower of Illud.

"It's really delicious!"

Bailiyuan reckoned that even if he didn't do it himself, the victory team could still get rid of the Illuds with their current abilities.

But the actions of the Victory Team have made the Illuds realize that they cannot complete their plan. At this time, the Illuds have already started to act, releasing special electromagnetics, which interfered with the city's communication and the base of the Victory Team. .

Ordinary people can't face the methods of the Illuds.

"But the existence of such strength can evoke the darkness in the hearts of human beings." Caroline said, "Since the last incident of the Kirierods, I learned through the Internet that there are many obvious problems in human beings. People with changes in their personalities and minds, and the number of such people is increasing day by day, and the occurrence rate of vicious incidents has also increased considerably.”

Although the last Kirielod incident was resolved, the Victory Team also improved its credibility and also justified the names of Ultraman and Kamen Rider, but the impact of the incident was not all positive.

Because many people died, this caused panic among many people.

This world has become dangerous!

Maybe tomorrow I will die because of the monster.

Because of safety, human beings will live in peace, but if there is a threat to their existence, they may do something.

Someone is positive.

Some people, on the other hand, gave up on themselves and even chose to have a final carnival.

Anyway, there is no future, so take advantage of the present and do everything you want, even if it hurts other people!

So, the world is in chaos.

If it weren't for the fact that all countries in this world united together early to maintain peace, things might have been more serious.

But fortunately, there are more people who yearn for peace and stability and face it positively than those who give up on themselves.

However, the quantity does not determine everything. Those who give up on themselves will cause terrible harm.

"Don't move forward, don't you know the truth?" Xincheng shouted, the blockers wanted to get close to the Tower of Illud.

"So what? Even if you are still a human being, you still live in pain, and one day you may die under the attack of a monster. It's better to become an Illud. By the way, if you want to, I can do it together." Go?" Someone said with a smile.

Some people have lost hope in life.

"Stop joking!" Xincheng shouted.

There was a dispute between the two sides.

Xincheng's friend was turned into an Illud, and then killed by him.

The reason for this is that Xincheng's friends don't want to lose their human identity, and at the same time, resources donate their bodies for the victory team to study the situation of the Illuds.

"How can you say such a thing with a smile!" Xincheng shouted, his eyes glaring at everyone.

"Then can your victory team still influence the choices of us ordinary people..."

At this time, a hand pressed his shoulder and interrupted his words.

"Friend, have you heard of the Numerology? Do you want to know more about it?" A man wearing a strange priest's clothes appeared behind the person who wanted to go to the Tower of Illud.

"Huh? What are you doing?" the other party asked vigilantly.

Xincheng did not expect such a strange person to appear.

The visitor was naturally Bailiyuan in disguise.

"Do you want to believe in our great God of Fate?"

Does this sound familiar?

Well, it's the words of the Kirielod people that Bailiyuan learned.

"You strange guy, get out!" The other party was irritated by Bailiyuan, because he always felt that Bailiyuan looked at him as if he was looking at a fool, it was a look of contempt.

Of course he is familiar with this look!

Because he has encountered many such eyes in his life... No, everyone looks at him like this!

"Get out!"

"Oh? Then are you going to join the Illud's camp? Don't you know that you will not be you after you join?" Baili Yuan asked.

The other party hesitated for a moment, but then snorted coldly.

"So what, even if that's the case, you don't know my pain at all, so you talk nonsense and want to educate me, you are not worthy at all!"

"Pain, what pain do you have?" Baili Yuan asked curiously, showing an expression of "tell me about your pain to make me happy".

"Everyone looks down on me!" the other party shouted.

However, Bailiyuan shook his head.

"There are still many people who want to kill me, my pain is above yours!"

People in Xincheng and nearby frowned. Where did this topic go?

The other party: "My parents don't care about me anymore, my pain is above yours!"

Bailiyuan: "I have a home and can't go back, my pain is above yours!"

The other party: "My girlfriend ran away with someone else, my pain is above yours!"

Bailiyuan: "I've lived so long without ever having a girlfriend, my pain is above yours!"

The other party: "I have no friends, my pain is above yours!"

Bailiyuan: "I have many enemies, and my pain is above yours!"

The other party: "I have brain cancer, and my pain is above yours!"

Bailiyuan: "I have... Oh, sorry, I don't have cancer in my brain, but I am handsome, and my pain is above yours!"

other side:"……"

"Are you playing with me?" the other party shouted.

Bailiyuan hurriedly waved his hand.

"You can eat shit, but you can't talk nonsense. How can I play with you? It's my fault that the equipment is good, but I don't accept Pengci."


The other party didn't talk nonsense with Bailiyuan, and directly punched Bailiyuan.

However, Baili Yuan directly grabbed the opponent's wrist and pressed him to the ground.

"I don't even believe that I am a human being, but I am willing to give up everything I have to join those Illuds. In my opinion, you are quite ridiculous." Baili Yuan shook his head and said.

"Do I still have to forgive those who hurt me? You bitch!" The other party was pushed to the ground by Baili Yuan and shouted.

"I didn't say it, but you don't want to rely on your own efforts to resist revenge, don't think about your own mistakes, but attribute everything to the sins of others, escape from reality, abandon everything, be unfaithful, unrighteous, and unfilial Son, you live in vain... um, how old are you?"

"Damn it!" The other party gritted his teeth.

And the look of Xincheng has also changed.

The priest's words... are not normal, how can there be such a persuasive priest?

"Let go of me!" the other party yelled.

"I don't!"

"I'm not going, you let me go, I won't attack you."

"But what does that have to do with me wanting to punch you now?"

"... from the Victory Team, save me!" The opponent chose to call for foreign aid.

Although Xincheng was upset at the person being held by Bailiyuan, he still had to save the person, but Bailiyuan let go of his hand on his own initiative.

Xincheng froze for a moment.

"Thank you for your cooperation," Xincheng said.

"Don't get me wrong, a friend is here." Bailiyuan looked behind Xincheng.

As soon as Xincheng turned around, he found several Illuds appearing behind him, and he hurriedly raised his pistol.

However, Bailiyuan held down Xincheng's hand and walked towards the Illud with a smile on his face.

"Human, do you choose to join our Elud?" the Elud asked.

"No, I just want to ask, friends, have you heard of the Destiny Cult? Do you want to know more about it? For the sake of your alien friends, now you only need a roast suckling pig to get a formal believer Are you tempted by the position? Do you want to think about it?"


It takes two minutes for you to read a chapter of a novel, but it takes an hour for me to write a chapter of a novel. My pain is above yours~

Guess there will be a third chapter~

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