Chapter 1280 Follow-up

Although the Kirielod incident has temporarily come to an end, and even the door was destroyed, but its impact is still continuing.

This disaster caused a lot of losses, most of the city was destroyed, and many human beings were killed and injured. Even if TPC and Xanadu worked together, many people still died when the Kiriarods and monsters came. time.

After the disaster, what is needed is not sadness, but reflection on the disaster, so as to avoid repeating such tragedies.

Although everyone in the victory team was physically and mentally exhausted, they were still busy with the post-disaster reconstruction work.

At the same time, Ikeda Ryusu and Fujii Momoka were also notified by a mysterious person's telepathy, and learned that there was another black hand behind this incident, and it was a human being!

That mechanical shark monster was made by him.

Then after the investigation by the Victory Team, the Victory Team successfully captured Masaki Keigo. Although Masaki Keigo had long since realized that something was wrong and fled, his location was still pointed out by the mysterious person.

Masaki Keigo didn't think about why he was exposed so quickly until he was arrested, let alone why the Victory Team could find him so quickly.

At the same time, Masaki Keigo's accomplices were also dug out one by one, and then arrested.

The victory team also found a lot of evidence in Keigo Masaki's company and residence, including the complete monster technology, and two stone statues, a giant stone statue and a monster stone statue. There is no possibility of recovery.

However, the two stone statues obtained gave TPC a reference for the study of giants.

The monster technology is used to apply combat armor technology and the modification of the Victory Iron Dragon. The Victory Team has the right to supervise, and the technology of supervision will not be used indiscriminately.

The last is the investigation of the various existences that appeared in this disaster, but nothing useful has been found.

But what is certain is that none of them are malicious, and they are guarding this planet together with humans.

There is also information about the existence of Keigo Masaki who provided information.

Still nothing has been found, but according to Ikeda Ryusuke's communication with him, his introduction to himself is—an ordinary earthman who wants to be a Kamen Rider who guards the city.


Under the night of the city, Kirino watched the city being rebuilt across a river.

"I'll find a serious job too. The city under reconstruction should also need my help." Kirino said with a smile.

It's not a problem to live by buying lottery tickets all the time...

Although Tong Ye has never failed to buy lottery tickets and won the lottery every time, but Tong Ye rarely let himself win the lottery.

Kirino also wants to experience the life of a normal person.

At this time, a motorcycle came and stopped behind him.

Kirino turned around.

"Kamen Rider, I didn't expect you to find me." Kirino said, but there seemed to be no surprise, "I didn't do anything to affect the battle before, but I helped you."

It was Baili Yuan who arrived.

However, what Tongye answered was a box that Bailiyuan threw to him.

Kirino was taken aback.

"This is……"

Kirino picked up the box on the ground and opened it. Inside was a belt and a transformation device.

"Is this a transformation device?" Kirino said in disbelief.

"Why, didn't you see this scene? But it took me a lot of effort to find you..."

If it weren't for the connection between Tongye and Ikeda Longsu before, Bailiyuan would not be able to find Tongye's true identity by chasing the power of telepathy.

"Uh... I really didn't expect it, and I can't see everything in detail like watching a movie." Kirino said with a smile.

If you can really do that, you are a god.

"This is a thank you gift." Baili Yuan said.

But this is not a simple thank you gift, Bailiyuan feels that Tongye is entitled to this power now.

The light left in the darkness is even more precious.

However, Kirino was silent for a moment, and then closed the box.

"Sorry, I can't be a Kamen Rider." Kirino shook his head.

"Why?" Baili Yuan asked, "I think you have the qualifications, and your ability is not bad."

"I want to live the life of an ordinary person now," Kirino said.

But to Tongye's surprise, Bailiyuan didn't persuade him much.

"So that's how it is. In fact, I also want to open an ordinary restaurant, get a beautiful wife, preferably with big breasts, and live with my wife in my arms every day." Baili Yuan said.


Why beautiful wife?

Aren't ordinary people just ordinary wives?

And big boobs...

You are making no secret of your desires!

"But sometimes, someone has to stand up." Baili Yuan said with a smile.

"Anyway, the things I sent will not be taken back, and the transformation device will be handed over to you. If one day you meet someone who thinks you can entrust this power, then you can give this power to the other party." , I believe in your vision, light does not need to exist all the time, but when someone needs it, it will definitely appear!"

After speaking, Bailiyuan left on his motorcycle.

Tongye looked at Bailiyuan's back, and then at the box in front of him.

Kirino feels that Kamen Rider is very different from what he thinks in his heart and what he says outside. He has his own thoughts and desires, but...

"It is because of this that people feel that they are human beings, not gods."

This also made Kirino feel that his ability is no longer a problem, and he also has the confidence to live a better life as an ordinary person.

Tongye got up with the box in his hand, and then patted the dust on the box.

"Really, such a precious thing, just throw it on the ground so casually, what should I do if it breaks? But let me find the user, he is really a willful and troublesome guy..."

Tongye carried the suitcase and walked towards the city, the moonlight shone on him, and the soft hum of the song resounded leisurely.


Things don't stop coming because of disasters.

A monster appeared in the dream, but fortunately Tiga successfully defeated the monster in the end.

However, this level of incident is not as influential as the Kirielod incident, it is only a regional impact.

There are also various situations happening around the world.

But none of this affected Bailiyuan's life.

"Chief Yoshioka's lunch is ready, my new dish, the darkness is gone, what do you think, Miyamoto-san?"

Miyamoto looked at a plate of food that could not be described with his limited vocabulary, and nodded.

"Chief Yoshioka will definitely like it!"

Anyway, I don't eat it!

Miyamoto-san smiled.

"By the way, where is Fujii?" Miyamoto-san continued to ask.

"Her." Baili Yuan blinked, "She's been pestering her father for the past two days to make her a huge robot like Kamen Rider."

"Giant robot? Can it really be done?" Mr. Miyamoto became interested.

"Who knows." Baili Yuan smiled.

However, there are monster technology and the technology of Georzak obtained from Keigo Masaki. As long as they are willing to invest, TPC may not be able to make its own giant robot.


Considering practicality, this proposal should not be passed.

Humans have their own fighting methods, and driving giant robots to fight monsters is not the most suitable fighting method for humans after all.

However, there are no giant robots that are more than 50 meters long, but there are special robots that are about 10 meters long, because robots of this size are very suitable for combat in some special situations, and they can also be driven by humans.

Caroline also monitored that TPC has the idea of ​​developing a small combat robot of about ten meters, and this proposal has been initially approved.

Perhaps in the future, the battle between the Victory Team and the Kamen Riders will no longer be about driving a fighter plane, but about driving a robot to fight against monsters and aliens.

The fighting ability of Victory Team and Kamen Rider will also be greatly improved.

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