Chapter 1273 The Seed of Peace, the End of Abbas

The sudden appearance of the huge Abbas attracted the attention of everyone in the city, and Bailiyuan was also besieged by Ababas and the nearby weirdos.

TPC's alarm sounded immediately.

But now TPC has no time to take care of this, they can only trust Kamen Rider.

Fujii Momoka and Ikeda Ryushu, who were also in the city, rushed to the direction of Abbas immediately.

However, facing this situation, Bailiyuan asked his own question.

"Why do you smell like a stone statue? Where have you seen a stone statue?" Baili Yuan asked.

Abbas was taken aback this time.

How does it know that it has seen the stone statue?

But did you think I'd tell you?

"Haha, Kamen Rider, let me tell you, I have integrated the ability of the stone statue, and my ability has been greatly improved. Even you can't defeat me!"

"Huh? Huge improvement?" Baili Yuan smiled.

Abbas does have the aura of a stone statue, and his strength is stronger than when he saw it before, but his strength is limited, at least he has not upgraded from diamond level to colorful level, so it can be judged that Abbas has not merged Complete statue.

"But can the stone statue be used as a fusion material to improve one's own strength?" Baili Yuan raised his eyebrows.

No, it shouldn't be like this. Bailiyuan still has a stone statue in his hand. Caroline has naturally studied the stone statue. The powerful part of the stone statue is not the stone that makes it up, but the hidden power inside it. That is to say, Ah Bo Buzz incorporated part of the power from the stone statue.

But it is undeniable that even such Abbas is considered strong among the cosmic beings in this world.

Has changed from an elite monster to a BOSS monster.

"But I am also a BOSS, and even more powerful!"

Bailiyuan smiled.

"Kamen Rider!"

Fujii Momoka and Ikeda Ryusu rushed over, looking at the huge Ababas in surprise, and Baili Yuan who was in a stalemate with Ababas.

"Leave these weirdos to you, this big guy, leave it to me!" Baili Yuan shook his hands at the two of them.

No matter what, capture Abbas first, and then search its memory to find out everything!

But this kind of Abbas is not so easy to capture alive, unless he has overwhelming power.

Coincidentally, Bailiyuan has such power.

"Kamen Rider, die!" Abbas stepped on Bailiyuan.

"Kamen Rider!" Ikeda Ryusuke Fujii Momoka exclaimed.

But Baili Yuan didn't panic, but raised his hand.

"Caroline, Galatron is on the move!"

"Galatron Alpha, get ready, go out!"


Abbas, who fell down with one kick, was overturned to the ground, and a huge white figure flew into the sky.

"That is……"

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the sky.

Bailiyuan jumped high, put the blue-eyed white dragon plug in his belt, stepped on the blue-eyed white dragon, flew in front of Galatron, and then entered the cockpit door that Galatron opened .

As Bailiyuan entered, the hatch closed, Galatron Alpha's eyes lit up, and Galatron Alpha appeared in his hand.


"What is that?" Abbas stared at the huge white robot in the sky with his eyes wide open.

"High, Gundam?!" Ikeda Ryusuke murmured.

"Handsome." Little stars appeared in Fujii Momoka's eyes, indicating that she wanted it too.

Well, when I go back, I will ask my dad if I can make one for myself.

Galatron Alpha was transformed by Caroline, and because she understood Bailiyuan's preferences, Caroline also improved Galatron Alpha's appearance without affecting her strength.

No matter what the world is, the ugly ones may be strange, but the handsome ones are always the same and will be accepted by most people.

"So, are you ready for your trial?" Baili Yuan asked.

"I can't lose!" Abbas shouted.

Galatron Alpha swooped down from the sky, and Abbas faced Galatron Alpha without showing any sign of weakness.

As a nocturnal race of the Stendel Stars, Abbas is very good at melee combat, and its own talent makes its physical fitness far surpass that of the diurnal race.

However, Abbas was proud of the combat ability that had been improved many times. When faced with Galatron Alpha's attack, it was defeated.

The two sides punched each other, and Abbas was beaten back more than once, while Galatron Alpha turned around, and the Galatron long knife in his hand lit up, and he slashed out, directly hitting Abbas One of Si's arms was cut off at the root, and the severed arm was scorched by high temperature.

"This...impossible, my body is powerful!!!"

However, Bailiyuan didn't care about Abbas' wailing, and Galatron Alpha acted again.

"Die to me!" Abbas yelled, attacking Galatron Alpha with his remaining arm.

But the long knife in Galatron Alpha's hand turned, and cut off Abbas's other arm, and then his legs.

Abbas directly lost the ability to fight.

"Crush!?" Fujii Momoka asked in surprise.

"So strong." Ikeda Ryusu frowned.

He couldn't understand this kind of power.

"Go to hell, go to hell!!!"

Abbas wailed, but his voice was full of hatred for Bailiyuan and Kamen Rider.

"Do you only know this sentence?" Baili Yuan asked, the voice came from Galatron Alpha.

"Without you, I would not be what I am now, but a hero, returning to my hometown..."

"Yeah, you wouldn't be like this without me, and the world wouldn't be like this..." Baili Yuan also sighed, "I know about your hometown, because of the war, right? It's all because of the war in your hometown, without the war, there wouldn't be all this, and you wouldn't have met me."

After hearing Bailiyuan's words, Abbas was speechless.

"Yes, war, this war, we all lost a lot..." The voice of the third person sounded in the hearts of Baili Yuan, Abbas and others.

"Telepathy again? But it shouldn't be the same person as the one before."

Baili Yuan looked down and saw that it was an alien who was very similar to Abbas.

Abbas also saw each other.

"Reder, you haven't left Earth yet?" Abbas asked in surprise.

Unlike Abbas, Raeder has not been transformed, and it still communicates with others through the telepathy of their race.

Ryusu Ikeda naturally knew Raeder, and Raeder had been under the monitoring of the victory team during this time.

"Who is that?" Fujii Momoka asked.

"That's Raider, it should be regarded as... the same clan of the leader of this weirdo." Ikeda Ryusu explained.

Fujii Momoka immediately picked up the knife.

Ikeda Ryusu hurriedly stopped Fujii Momoka.

"Don't be nervous, it's a good alien, it's not that it's still invading the earth."

Raeder didn't realize that he was almost cut off, but continued: "I learned a lot on Earth, so I decided to stop you, even if I sacrificed my life, but... it seems that I am a little arrogant Well, you are no longer something I can deal with, but fortunately there are Kamen Riders, thank you..."

Raeder bowed in the direction of Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan controlled Galatron Alpha and waved his hand.

"Abbass, I am going back to my hometown. I have learned a lot on Earth, and I like the peace of the Earth, but our hometown is still in flames of war. After I return to my hometown, I will try my best to calm down the situation. war."

"Should we get rid of all our night races?" Abbas asked.

Raeder shook his head.

"Seeking peace, I believe that our night race and day race will eventually understand each other and live in peace."

Abbas laughed.

"Hahaha, ridiculous, naive idea!"

Raeder, however, shook his head.

"Yes, I am naive, but I believe that what I have learned from the earth is the key to peace. Even if I fall on the road, as long as I bring back this fire, there will be a succession of the same family after all. This fire, and then let this fire burn, and finally illuminate everyone, whether it is your clan or my clan, I am willing to give everything for it!"

There was no confusion in Raeder's voice, it was full of firmness.

"Tinder..." Abbas put away his smile and stared blankly at the sky.

"I have forgotten what my hometown looked like before the war started..."

Abbas lost his voice, his body gradually petrified, turned into a statue, and died.

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