Chapter 130

Fighting lessons continue.

At the end of the theoretical course, the students all turned to the actual battlefield.

The actual battlefield is vast, and there are many professional equipment for students to practice.

In addition to Master Dalang, there are several teaching assistants who are responsible for instructing the students in their cultivation. The teaching assistants in the fighting class are usually the instructors or seniors or sisters of the fighting profession.

The trainees selected the equipment they needed, and then started their own training.

Although students will also practice privately, the difference is that there will be tutors, seniors, and senior sisters in the course to give pointers, which makes the progress much faster than private practice.

That's why many students asked questions about the doubts they had accumulated during this period of cultivation.

Because fighting skills cannot be practiced overnight, some students who progress slowly will choose to take multiple rounds of fighting courses.

Bailiyuan stood there with the elves, a little at a loss.

"By the way, what kind of training should I do first?" Baili Yuan didn't know what to do for a while.

Looking at all kinds of professional equipment, Bailiyuan blinked.

"Then let's start with the basics."

The so-called foundation is - lifting the stone lock!

Bailiyuan took the four elves and chose stone locks of different sizes to start playing, ah no, it was practice.

The flame chicken picked a stone lock and kicked it like a shuttlecock.

The mosquito-repellent frog threw a stone lock back and forth with both hands.

Gala Gala swung a smaller stone lock up like a tiger.

Only the giant pincer mantis didn't force the stone lock, but went to the sandbag on the side for hitting training.

On the other hand, Bailiyuan was holding a big stone lock that was at least three times larger than himself, but it looked very easy.

The physique at level 50 is much stronger than Baili Yuan imagined.

Moreover, Bailiyuan is a human body transformed from the main body, and his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people. In addition, he won the power from the Tiger King, and the power of the coat of arms increased, creating Bailiyuan's strong physique.

Master Dalang walked back and forth among the students, answering the students' questions. When he passed by Baili Yuan, he found the situation of Baili Yuan and the elves, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

This doesn't look like training at all, it's completely like a social young man playing handsome on the side of the road!

"Okay, okay, stop, it won't work if you train like this." Master Da Lang waved his hand.

Baili Yuan threw his hands away.


The heavy stone lock fell to the ground with a dull sound.

Master Dalang twitched the corner of his mouth again. Although the stone locks of this quality are easy for most of the students here to lift, Bailiyuan, who seems to be only five years old, feels very inconsistent when holding them. up.

"Let your contracted beast stop for a while too," Master Dalang said.

"Everyone stop for a moment." Baili Yuan said to the elves.

The elves also put down the stone locks, but they were much gentler than Baili Yuan.

Master Dalang looked Bailiyuan up and down again, he didn't expect this fat child to have such great strength.

This kid, maybe...

After groaning for a while, Master Da Lang softened his expression a bit, and then looked at Baili Yuan.

"You are Xiao Yuan of Dean Andy's family, right?"

"Yeah." Baili Yuan nodded.

"I just took a general look at your training situation. It is wrong for you to practice like this. It has little improvement in fighting skills." Master Da Lang nodded and said.

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up, this is to teach him how to practice!

"Tell me first what you usually train." Master Dalang said.

"Well... Cultivate the strength in the body." Baili Yuan snapped his fingers, "Then learn to kill, it's gone."


Master Dalang thinks that the young man is a little out of sorts.

Master Dalang had a forced smile on his face, "Who taught you all these?"

"Teacher Shedu."

"Shedu! So it's him." Master Dalang seemed to know Shedu, nodded, and didn't say much.

"Dean Andy is really relieved." Master Dalang shook his head, then looked at Bailiyuan again, "You come with me."

After speaking, Master Dalang walked aside, and Bailiyuan hurriedly led the elves to follow.

The place Master Dalang took Baili Yuan to was a relatively remote corner. There were no other students here, only a water tank filled with water.

"If my estimate is correct, what that kid Shedu taught you should be the killing technique. Everything you learn is for the sole goal of killing the enemy in the end. There is no specific number of ways to kill the technique, what you need is vision, With strength and experience, it is very easy to learn the art of killing, but it is not a fighting art." Master Dalang walked to a water tank and stood still, then turned to look at Bailiyuan.

"You see clearly."

After finishing speaking, Master Dalang punched the water in the water tank with his fist, and the water splashed everywhere.

"Have you seen it clearly? What do you think it is?" Master Dalang asked.

"The old man is playing with water!" Baili Yuan said.


Master Dalang felt a little tight in his chest.

Taking a deep breath, Master Dalang felt that he could not have the same knowledge as a child.

Since Bailiyuan came to take his own course, Master Dalang felt that he had an obligation to open a door for Bailiyuan to learn martial arts first.

That's right, this is an obligation. I came here to teach and educate people. I need to have enough patience, learn to forgive the students' small mistakes, and let the students warm like the sun... Damn, I am so great!

After sorting out his mood, Master Dalang continued to speak.

"Fart, this is ordinary hitting water." Master Dalang said.

"Oh." Baili Yuan nodded as if realizing something.

"Ordinary fighting is similar to the effect of hitting water. Although it is powerful, the power is dispersed, and it will waste a lot after being used. The purpose of learning fighting skills is to learn how to control your own power and Perfectly exerting its greatest power."

"And the first step in learning martial arts is to learn how to exert strength!" Master Da Lang said seriously.

Bailiyuan and the elves nodded.

"There are different techniques for exerting force, and you need to do a variety of specialized exercises to learn different techniques for exerting force, but before learning the techniques for exerting force, what you need to learn is to control your own strength, which is the foundation of the foundation. " Master Dalang said.

Bailiyuan got serious, controlling his own strength was exactly what he was training for, and Shedu was training himself in actual combat. I don't know what Master Dalang would say.

"You look good."

After finishing speaking, Master Dalang punched the water in the tank again, with even more force.

Baili Yuan's eyes widened.

"Old man playing with water, the second style!"

Master Dalang: "..."

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