Chapter 1244 Possibly urgent to urinate (one more)

Interior of a meeting room on the Crimean islands.

At this time, Director Sawai was staying in the meeting room with a group of TPC leaders from various countries. Of course, they were not having any meeting, but were forced to stay here.

A group of special flying objects wandered around them, making them afraid to act rashly.

They are imprisoned here.

"Director Sawai, what should we do?" Someone asked in a low voice.

Director Sawai opened his mouth calmly, "Don't panic, panic is useless."


"I'm sure someone will come to our rescue."

Now they can only believe that someone will save them.


The victorious team was finally dispatched.

The battle plan they formulated was also very clear.

Through analysis, it was found that the defense covering the Cremos Islands was developed by a certain country in the old defense army era, that is to say, it was man-made. Now that we have a better understanding of its defense methods, we can make targeted plans up.

The victory team chose to send personnel to sneak into the interior to destroy their defenses, rescue Director Sawai and the TPC heads of various countries at the same time, and then conduct a frontal battle.

The way to infiltrate is naturally to infiltrate secretly through the undersea tunnel, and attack in the air with the two Feiyan to attract the attention of the enemy and ensure that the infiltration under the sea will not be discovered.

In order to sneak in under the sea, this time the Dolphin 202 was mobilized to sneak in secretly underwater.

Dolphin 202 is a newly developed small universal submarine, which can take up to six people, and the driver needs special training. Equipped with a superconducting engine, it can move quickly even on water. The weapons are missiles and machine guns, and it is also equipped with a MAX power system converter.

By the way, Dolphin 202 was conceived by Tetsuji Yoshioka and then designed.

When the Max power system appeared, Yoshioka Tetsu was greedy. This is good, and I will also make one for my submarine.

And then there was the Dolphin 202.

After the Dolphin 202 was built, its pilot only recently completed training.

In other words, this is the first official mission of Dolphin 202.

At the same time, the Artdis was quietly approaching the Cremos Islands, but it was actually the transport dolphin 202.

After all, the Dolphin 202 cannot be allowed to swim from the victory team's base all the way to the Cremos Islands.

Artdis will stay on the nearby sea surface, and taking advantage of this time, Artdis will secretly send Dolphin 202 to the bottom of the sea.

Although Dolphin 202 can sneak in, the most important thing is the personnel who will destroy the defense and rescue after diving.

In addition to the driver on the Dolphin 202, there are only two people who are responsible for sneaking, destroying and rescue missions.

The task is very heavy, so you can't choose it casually.

In the end, one of the two candidates fell on Dagu.

Dagu has excellent personal ability and is qualified for this job.

Although logically speaking, referring to personal combat ability, Ikeda Ryusuke is stronger, and it is completely possible for the two Kamen Riders Ikeda Ryushu and Fujii Momoka to sneak in.

But in fact, Ikeda Ryusuke and Fujii Momoka could not participate in this operation, because they had to guard against weird people!

First of all, Fujii Momoka is not in the base, and went out to practice.

Secondly, Director Sawai wants to rescue, but he can't ignore the safety of the city, and because the other victorious team members are dispatched, Ryusu Ikeda has a lot of tasks alone.

As for the other candidate besides Dagu, it is naturally Tetsu Yoshioka who conceived the Dolphin 202!

Tetsu Yoshioka is going to do it himself this time!

Although other people wanted to stop Tetsu Yoshioka, but after all, Tetsu Yoshioka is the chief and Director Sawai is not at home, no one can control Tetsu Yoshioka.

But don't underestimate Yoshioka Tetsu. Although he is getting older and his body functions have degraded, he is still not bad, and he has experienced many battles and has quite a lot of experience.

While the victory team was planning, Bailiyuan's side also started to act.

Bailiyuan has already gone to the defensive barrier launcher, and the easter egg has already been obtained, but he did not destroy the launcher, so as not to overwhelm the enemy.

"Xiaoyuan, the situation inside has been scanned." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Then let's sneak into the meeting room first!"

And beside Bailiyuan, there are elves with tactical goggles, and Uchiha Shisui.

There are many enemies inside, and the tactical eyepiece will inform the elf of the scanned situation.

"The action begins."

Bailiyuan said.


The elves behind Bailiyuan disappeared one after another.


This is an ordinary Daixima galaxy person. They don't have a humanoid appearance, but fly in the air, without hands and feet. They look like a mass of unknown material, with a layer of hard bones on the outside and internal organs inside.

Well, it is a hollow structure.

However, although the people of the Daixima galaxy look like this, they are not weakly aggressive. They can release attacks from sharp corners, and they can also camouflage. They have a high degree of intelligence.

For example, this time, they hijacked Director Sawai and TPC leaders from all over the world, and then used the rules of the human world to prepare to take TPC as their own and then control the earth.

This is much smarter than the aliens who came up to conquer by force.

It's always easier to capture a race leader than to fight an entire race.

Now there are two Daixima galaxy people patrolling here, and they are communicating with signal fluctuations that they can only understand.

"I don't know when this incident will end."

"It should be soon. This matter has been planned for a long time, and there should be no problems."

"Yes, yes, as long as these humans are in our hands, the earth will soon be ours."

"When this incident is over, I will get married in my hometown."

"Me too, I promised my brother, I will definitely go back."


And at this moment, two white lights directly shot at the two people from the Daixima galaxy.



"Ah, I'm cracked!"

The two Daixima galaxies fell to the ground and lost their lives before they could send a signal to the other companions that they were under attack.

Giant Pincer Mantis and Uchiha Shisui stood on both sides, and they were the ones who shot just now.

However, only the giant pincer mantis smashed a Daixima galaxy person, and the body of another Daixima galaxy person was hanging on Uchiha Shisui's short knife.

Shisui Uchiha glanced at the body of the Daixima galaxy man on the dagger.

"Sure enough, the exoskeleton is very hard, but the internal organs are soft, which is the key part." Uchiha Shisui made a judgment, and then threw the body of the Daixima galaxy person on the ground.

"Go on, there are many more."

The Giant Pincer Mantis nodded.

Other elves in other directions are also quietly cleaning up the patrols of the people from the Daixima galaxy.

The elves moved quickly, and finally, there was only the last meeting room left.

In the conference room.

Director Sawai looked at the people from the Daixima galaxy around him and raised his eyebrows.

"Director, what's the matter?" the female secretary asked quietly.

"Look, that monster is swaying in front of me quickly, passing me every three minutes on average, and now its swaying speed has become faster, obviously abnormal, as if...something happened."

The female secretary narrowed her eyes.


She suddenly understood.

"Director, it may be urgent to urinate!"

Director Sawai: "???"

Director Sawai stared blankly at his female secretary.

How did she become her own secretary?

I didn't dive into her myself!

If Director Sawai hadn't thought of his female secretary's professional quality, he would have almost resigned her on the spot.

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