Chapter 128 Fighting Course

"Summoning medium · Assassin: In the ancient summoning, special mediums are required to summon the corresponding heroic spirits. These mediums are either objects used by the heroic spirits during their lifetime, or items related to them at the same time as the heroic spirits. Using mediums and magic Communicate with the Hall of Valor to summon heroes of different professions. And the profession itself can be used as a medium for heroic spirit summoning. This brand represents the profession of assassin (Assassin), and assassins can be summoned by using this profession card Heroic spirit of the (Assassin) profession. Note: This medium itself does not have any power, it is a set existence, and the summoning magic circle, consumption, and summoning spells used for summoning are required to be explored and prepared by the user."

Bailiyuan: "..."

okay? very good!

Summoning an assassin to help him fight is completely extra combat power, but...

"Nimma, who knows how to draw a summoning magic circle! And what the hell is that summoning spell? I'm not a magician!"

Otto wrestled!

After thinking about it, Bailiyuan picked up the sign again, and then...

Fall again!

"System, do you know how to draw a summoning magic circle? And what is that Laoshizi summoning spell?" Baili Yuan asked the system.

"I don't know." The system replied without hesitation.

"Then your previous host didn't prescribe this kind of summoning medium?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"It has been opened, such as the oldest snake skin, Gensokyo far away from the world, etc., but he can't draw a summoning array, and he doesn't know the summoning spell, so these summons can be used as long as they can be used. Gensokyo far away from the world he I used it myself, and the oldest snake skin was ground up to make traditional Chinese medicine, and the rest of the unusable ones were left unused," the system said.

Bailiyuan didn't know what to say.

If I know how to draw the summoning magic circle, what the summoning spell is, and I am a magician, then the medium opened in this silver egg is definitely a big hit for me, but now I don't know anything, and this A brand is useless, what is the difference between this and the black iron egg grade stuff that is opened from the silver egg?

Blood loss!

Finally, Bailiyuan put away the sign a little depressed.

What if the magic circle and summoning spells can be opened someday in the future?

The previous host of the system has never opened it, but it doesn't mean that I can't open it, after all, I have a bright face.

After rubbing his hands together, Bailiyuan found a comfortable position, calmed down, and then began to excavate the wind attribute energy in his body.

Sitting cross-legged in the yard, Baili Yuan slowed down his breathing.

The so-called excavation is to sense the latent energy in the body and then stimulate it.

Depending on the type of energy, the way of excitation is also different.

For the excitation of wind energy, Bailiyuan chose the method of feeling, feeling the wind in nature, feeling the trajectory of the wind, feeling the power of the wind, and then stimulating the energy in his body to wake up.

Empty your mind and enter emptiness.

With Baili Yuan's concentration, the whole courtyard seemed to have fallen into tranquility.

The breeze blows.

Time passed slowly, the sun set in the west, and the afterglow of the sun fell on Baili Yuan's body.

And Bailiyuan still maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged.

Suddenly, Baili Yuan opened his eyes, stretched out his chubby legs, and looked towards the gate of the yard.



On this day, the fighting course of Yuncheng Heraldry Academy welcomed several special students.

In the classroom, the students frequently cast their eyes on a child sitting in the first row and the existence of four suspected contract beasts.

Fighting courses learn various fighting techniques and fighting skills. At the same time, fighting training is also carried out. It is a public class. Generally, students who come to the class are fighters.

Although there are also students from other professions who attend the classes for their own needs, and occasionally there are summoners who come to attend the fighting class in order to train their own contracted beasts, but sitting in the middle of the first row so openly is a bit too conspicuous!

Although there are no fixed seats in the public class, but letting a summoner bring his elf to sit in the most dazzling position makes the students of other warrior professions feel a little weird.

Why do I always feel like I'm not working hard in my martial arts lessons?

There are many summoners in the academy, but there is only one five-year-old summoner, and the students who heard some rumors recognized that child——Suspected to be Dean Andy's own son!

That's right, the one sitting in the first row is Bailiyuan.

And Bailiyuan came to class with Flame Chicken, Mosquito Frog, Gala Gala, and Giant Pincer Mantis.

The flame chicken itself has the attribute of fighting, and the mosquito frog has been determined to evolve into a fast-swimming frog in the future, which also has the attribute of fighting. The battle between Galagala and the giant pincer mantis also involves fighting.

Although other elves can also come to attend the fighting class, it doesn't make much sense, they all have courses suitable for themselves.

After discussing with the scientific research team, Bailiyuan also made new arrangements for the cultivation of elves.

Compared with the cultivation method of the monster breeding team, the cultivation method of the scientific research team tends to be more scientific and systematic.

According to the situation of the elf itself, build the elf's own data system, and then carry out scientific training.

The research team believes that the elves have the ability to learn the abilities of the heraldry, such as fighting.

Then the scientific research team applied for a course auditing permit for Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan is not yet a formal student of Yuncheng College, and has not yet entered the school. Right now, Bailiyuan is only registered in Yuncheng College, and he will not be able to officially enroll until he is seven years old.

Therefore, for the course, he needs to have audit permission.

At this time, the problem of too many contracted beasts appeared.

In order to better grasp the situation of the contracted beast, under normal circumstances, the contracted beast must be accompanied by a summoner when it is practicing.

And Bailiyuan has many elves, and different elves have different cultivation methods. If Bailiyuan wants to follow them all, one can imagine the pressure that Bailiyuan will have to bear.

In the future, Bailiyuan and the elves see that three problems are likely to arise.

One is that Bailiyuan cannot fully understand the situation of the elves, which will affect Bailiyuan's command; Spirits affect their own cultivation speed.

In this regard, the scientific research team is also discussing and researching, hoping to reduce the impact of these three problems.

On the contrary, Bailiyuan had nothing to worry about.

Ultraman, the most important thing is time, you may not believe it if you tell it, if you follow Bailiyuan's own race growth rate, Bailiyuan may not be able to reach adulthood when the power of the elves is mature!

"You must take the class seriously." Baili Yuan said to the elves.

The flame chicken nodded seriously.

The same goes for the giant pincer mantis.

As a well-behaved child, Mosquito Frog naturally had to be serious in class, and he also brought paper and pen, as if he was taking notes, but Bailiyuan remembered that Mosquito Frog didn't seem to know the language of this world.

As for Gala Gala, who has already recovered from the blow of "losing a loved one", she also nodded, expressing that she will listen carefully to the class.

Bailiyuan and the elves sat quietly in the first row.

Some students wanted to talk to Baili Yuan, but they were hesitant because of Baili Yuan's identity. At this time, the fighting class also started.

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