Chapter 1237 I Believe in Her (Third Watch)

Kuroda is a weirdo!

This is not good news!

Humans may not be as strong as beasts in physical fitness, but the reason why they can defeat beasts is because they have wisdom!

And because of wisdom, human desires began to breed, some moved towards the light, while others sank into the darkness.

If the fact that human beings can become weirdos is spread, maybe some human beings will go into the dark in pursuit of power.

By that time, the world will no longer be so stable.

Although there are monsters in this world, they don't appear every day, and if there are more monsters, they will definitely go to the streets to make trouble every day.

No need to guess.

Strength inflates a person.

Because of this, although Ultra fighters will protect the earth and human beings, they are all guiding human progress instead of providing powerful weapons to support human beings, because weapons that are too powerful and easily obtained will only lead human beings to perish.

This situation is not uncommon in the universe.

Only by allowing human beings to grow themselves and yearn for light and peace from the bottom of their hearts, can human beings create a better future.

However, don't worry, when the darkness comes, the light will also stop the darkness.

"Senior Baili, you should leave first." Fujii Momoka said, then walked out, stopping in front of Ayako Shiranui.

Ayako Shiranui, who was still worried about Kuroda's changes and injuries, was a little surprised to find that there was an extra person in front of her.

"Wait, I remember you are..."

"You don't have to remember me, although I'm also very upset with you. After all, you got the qualification because of Senior Baili, not because of your cooking skills." Fujii Momoka said, looking at Kuroda, "However, Although I am upset with you, I will not vent it in this way. Sooner or later, I will use my cooking skills to defeat you openly, but now..."

Fujii Momoka raised the transformation device in her hand.

"This is..." Ayako Shiranui's eyes widened.

Kuroda was also taken aback.

"Although Ikeda said to transform in advance before the battle, it is a hero to say some beautiful words before transforming!"


Fujii Momoka transformed.

Kamen Rider, Dessert!

Short for short, D Ride!

"Kamen Rider?" Ayako Shiranui said in a daze.

She never thought that Fujii Momoka was also a Kamen Rider!

Although Fujii Momoka fought, there were no outsiders present at the time, and everyone else was ordered to keep silent, so up to now, Fujii Momoka's identity as Kamen Rider has not been revealed.

But Fujii Momoka is not a sneaky person.

In the past, it was just because there was no chance to perform.

Moreover, she was exhausted in the last battle. During this time, she has strengthened her training, and now is the time to test the results!

"Are you the female knight that the leader mentioned? Hehe, let's kill you together!"

Kuroda is swollen now.

Fujii Momoka didn't talk nonsense, and directly put on a posture and rushed forward.


Kuroda fought Fujii Momoka without showing any weakness.

And Bailiyuan came to Shiranui Ayako's side.

"Are you okay?" Bailiyuan asked.

"It's you?" Ayako Shiranui naturally recognized Bailiyuan, the person who made her a success, but when she faced Bailiyuan, she felt a little complicated.

After all, Bailiyuan gave her a push when she got the letter of introduction.

However, Ayako Shiranui is a member of the ninja family after all, so she temporarily suppressed the distracting thoughts in her heart and stood up.

"I'm fine." Ayako Shiranui gritted her teeth, got up and shook her head.

It hurts!

Ayako Shiranui knew her body very well. She was injured by Kuroda's kick just now, but fortunately it was not serious, but it might take a while to recuperate.

But this guy named Bailiyuan didn't know to help me, is he so dull?

Ayako Shiranui knew that now was not the time to be entangled in so many things.

She followed Baili Yuan to the distance, then she hesitated for a moment, and said: "That woman..."

"Fujii Momoka."

"Fujii, is Fujii really a Kamen Rider?" Ayako Shiranui asked.

"What do you think?" Baili Yuan didn't answer directly.

Ayako Shiranui frowned.

"What's the meaning?"

Bailiyuan looked at Ayako Shiranui.

"What do you think is a Kamen Rider?"

"That's the kind..."

"Is it armor? But humans in the past didn't have armor, but they were able to do similar things." Baili Yuan shook his head and said, "Kamen Rider is not a name, but a title, for those who don't want to The title of the hero who reveals his face."

"If you can stand up and stop Kuroda, why aren't you a 'Kamen Rider'?"

Ayako Shiranui frowned.

Is this person... sick?

What are you talking about?

I just asked about Fujii Momoka's situation, why are you talking so much?

Ayako Shiranui fell silent, and spoke again after a while.

"Can Fujii beat Kuroda?" Ayako Shiranui asked.

This is what she cares most about.

"I believe in Fujii Momoka." Baili Yuan said, still did not answer directly.


Whether Fujii Momoka can beat Kuroda has nothing to do with Baili Yuanxiang's disbelief in her, and in the end, no accident, Fujii Momoka should win.

Because Fujii Momoka is stronger, and in terms of combat, Kuroda obviously has no special training, so he can only rely on his own explosive power to resist.

Kuroda is now in decline.

But the reason why Bailiyuan said this is because Bailiyuan felt that the appearance of Kamen Rider seemed to make human beings lose the courage to fight against weirdos.

Those others who ran away are the best proof.

In the end, only one Ayako Shiranui stood up.

Although this kind of performance is normal in general, human beings will instinctively avoid danger, and those with abilities will stand up.

But it cannot always be like this, because Bailiyuan has a hunch that there will be more terrifying darkness coming, and human beings must be aware of the difficulties they may face, and not give up or escape.

Otherwise, mankind can only fall faster.

Even ordinary people must have the courage to resist weird people and the darkness!

The reason why Bailiyuan said "believe" is because a hero needs the trust of his guardian when he is fighting.

There are many tragedies caused by distrust, so we must be vigilant!

Among other things, this trust is also the basis for human beings to stick together.

Because of the gap in strength, there will inevitably be a gap, and this gap is a flaw that will be exploited by the enemy. Only trust can face the enemy's attack safely.

These are the things that Bailiyuan wants to convey.

The battle between Fujii Momoka and Kuroda soon became clear after Kuroda's decline.

Kuroda lost!

Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, wishing everyone an early New Year, happy new year~

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