I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1231 What They Don't Trust Are Humans! (one more)

No one expected the sudden appearance of Ultraman Hero.

Di Jia was also stunned, and hurriedly stopped.

"What the hell is going on here!" Lina said with her eyes wide open.

Hero Ultraman appeared relatively rarely, so everyone in the Victory Team knew little about him. Everyone in the Victory Team did not understand why Hero Ultraman wanted to protect monsters, but they were still the same as Tiga Ultraman stopped.

Bailiyuan resisted not to rub the place where he was hit.

It hurts.

But do not knead.

Because out of style.

But I have to say, as expected of Ultraman Tiga, I almost hit the flashing lights on Ultraman Hero just now, but even if there is no flashing light for the time being, Bailiyuan knows that Ultraman Hero's The body is about to reach its limit, and it is impossible to fight for a long time.

The original battle time of more than three minutes was directly reduced to more than one minute, less than two minutes.

There is no time to waste.

Bailiyuan knew it clearly.

When Ultraman Tiga and the victory team stopped, Sira did not stop, but continued to walk towards Masaki Nezu.

Nezu Masaki hugged Zilda, and when he saw Sira approaching, he subconsciously hugged his head, but you, Sira, did not hurt Nezu Masaki.

When Genzu was kissing, he found that Ultraman Herao stopped in front of Sira this time, and then hugged Sira, and the light emerged from Ultraman Herao, covering him and Sira .

"What is Ultraman Hero going to do?" Xincheng asked.

But no one could answer him.

Silas fell silent.

The power of the heart!

Baili Yuan comforted Silla with the power of his heart.

Then Bailiyuan let go of Sira, turned around and looked at Nezu Masaki.

Then Bailiyuan squatted down and stretched out his hand to Masaaki Nezu.

Nezu watched this scene in a daze.

"It's Zilda gas, Ultraman Hero is asking for Zilda gas!" Junjianhui said.

"Captain! What should we do?" Zong Fang was startled.

At this time, Ikeda Ryusuke appeared in front of Nezu Masaki, as if he was protecting Nezu Masaki.

"My task is to protect Zilda gas, even Ultraman!" Ikeda Ryusuke said in the channel.

Ju Jianhui was silent.

This is the realization of Ikeda Ryusuke!

"Give the Zilda gas to Ultraman Hero," said Junjianhui.

"But, Captain, there's nothing wrong with Zilda's gas!" Ikeda Ryusu said.

"Captain, don't be careless." Zong Fang also reminded.

Although the rest of the victory team didn't say much, they also didn't fully agree with Joo Jianhui's decision.

Although they trusted Jie Jianhui, there was no room for loss of Zilda's gas. Once something happened, the consequences would be dire.

Do you want to believe in Ultraman Hero?

This is the doubt that floats in everyone's mind.

"Captain Jujianhui, do you know what you're talking about?" Director Sawai said with a serious face.

Not only because of the possibility of an accident, but also because once an accident occurs, Ju Jianhui, as the decision maker, will inevitably bear the same terrible consequences.

How could one be careless in such matters?

But Ju Jianhui didn't take back his words, but took a deep breath.

"First Kamen Rider, then Dr. Nezu, and now Ultraman Hero, they are all worried about the Zilda gas and want to take the Zilda gas away, although I don't know if they can really perfectly Take care of the Zilda gas, but, but..."

Ju Jianhui gritted her teeth, as if it was difficult to speak, but she still said it.

"But all of these show that our victory team, we human beings, cannot achieve the effect we want. Our power is limited after all. When we cannot fully trust them, they are also unable to fully trust them. Trust us."

"We can't do it!"

Ju Jianhui said, and everyone fell silent.

The hard part is not admitting mistakes, but admitting failures.

The winning team can be said to be the top team of mankind. Whether it is knowledge, members or equipment, they are all the top of mankind, but...they still have limited abilities. When facing some dangers, they still cannot guarantee that they can do everything. , to save everything.

Not even other humans and creatures living on Earth can trust them.

This certainly does not represent a failure of any kind.

It is a denial of their pride, of the pride of man.

They still can't do it.

"However, I believe that our future does not require Kamen Rider or Ultraman. We humans will become stronger, able to create the future with our own hands, and protect our homeland! And these are all created by us together. Yes, although we can’t do it now, it doesn’t mean we can’t do it in the future. Even if we die, our descendants will still inherit our will and realize our dreams. Miracles will definitely appear, because we human beings not only inherit the past and possess the present, but also There is also the biggest miracle, that is - we still have a future!"

Ju Jianhui continued, following her words, the eyes of the others lit up, and fighting spirit appeared in their eyes.

Yes, although we can't do it now, it doesn't mean we have no future.

Human beings, the greatest miracle is to have a future!

"Director, this is what I want to say." Ju Jianhui looked at Director Sawai and said.

This is her explanation. Although as the captain, she should be more sensible, but she also knows the real situation.

She is willing to look forward to, but also willing to bear everything.

This is also her responsibility as the captain.

Director Sawai was silent for a while, then smiled.

"I believe in miracles, and I also believe in you, Captain Intermediate." Director Sawai nodded.

It is not only because of the appreciation of Director Sawai that Jujianhui can become the captain of the victory team, but because only Junhui can do this position.

The captain not only needs to convince the players, not only has strong command and ability to control the situation, as the captain of the winning team, but also needs to be able to lead others to the heart of hope!

"Mr. Ikeda, I believe in Ultraman Hero, please convey our decision to Dr. Nezu for me!"

No one made a sound this time, but watched all this silently.

Ikeda Ryusu also quickly conveyed the meaning of Jujian Hui.

Nezu Masaaki was silent for a while, and then handed the box containing the Zilda gas in his arms to Ikeda Ryusuke.

"I believe in the winning team."

Hearing Nezu Masaaki's words, Ikeda Ryusuke was taken aback for a moment, and then took the box from Nezu Masaaki's hand.

"I will not betray your trust!"

Ikeda Ryosuke carried the box, jumped onto the palm of Ultraman Hero, put the box in the palm of Ultraman Hero, and then he jumped to the ground.

Bailiyuan looked at the box containing Zilda's gas in his hand, stood up, and then nodded slightly to Ikeda Longsu.

And just when Bailiyuan was about to throw Zilda gas into the decomposition machine in front of everyone, Silla grabbed Ultraman Hero, then pecked at Ultraman Hero's palm, and put He bit the box containing Zilda's gas in his mouth, and then swallowed it into his stomach.


Everyone was shocked.

Bailiyuan never thought that Silla who had been appeased would do such a thing suddenly, so he was not prepared at all, and Silla's speed was too fast.

Everyone couldn't help but get nervous.

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