Chapter 1226 The winning team is not a big problem

"Your body must have improved in strength and speed compared to before. Although there are traces of transformation, the range is not large, and some functions have been added. As for others, there is not much change." The researcher took Report, and explain his physical condition to Ikeda Longsu.

"Thank you." Ikeda Ryusu stood up and said.

The last time he went missing, he was finally rescued by the space police. Although Ikeda Ryusu didn't feel that there was anything wrong, he was still worried, so he applied to come here to check his situation.

When Tatsuyaku Ikeda left the examination room, Xincheng and Horii were waiting outside, and they were in charge of accompanying him.

"How's the situation?" The two asked hurriedly.

"Everything is normal!" Ikeda Ryusu smiled.

"Okay, let's go back."

"No, I'm going to see my...well, junior." Ikeda Ryusuke said, and then touched his nose.

The younger generation is naturally not the younger generation of the Victory Team, but the younger generation of Kamen Rider - Fujii Momoka.

To be honest, when Ikeda Ryusuke knew that there was another person who was recognized by Kamen Rider and got the belt like himself, he was stunned. When he knew that the other party was just an ordinary kitchen woman, he was stunned. Big push.

Ikeda Ryusuke didn't know how to face Fujii Momoka.

After all, as seniors, both of them lost their first joint battle, and he, a senior, was captured and taken away in a very embarrassing manner.

Xincheng and Horii were stunned for a moment, and then they came to their senses.

"It's Fujii, right?"

Then the two showed smiles that men can understand.

"She's a great beauty."

"Yeah yeah."

Ikeda Ryusu blushed, his age was just an ordinary high school student, and he had never been in a relationship, so he blushed naturally.

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

"Hey hey..."

"Then we won't bother, goodbye."

After speaking, Xincheng and Horii left.

And Ikeda Ryusuke wanted to explain, but the two of them didn't give him a chance at all. In the end, Ikeda Ryusuke could only sigh helplessly, and then went to Fujii Momoka.

However, when Ikeda Ryusu went to find Fujii Momoka, he was in vain.

"Fujii? Although Fujii is still in the back kitchen, her work has been reduced. Today she is out of the base, and she seems to be going to a concert. I heard that it is a concert by a singer named Maya. Now I may go before the end of the concert." Come on." Baili Yuan said with a smile.


Ikeda Ryusu was a little helpless, but he always felt that the staff in the back kitchen was a little strange. He looked at him like... an old father looking at a silly son.

But I don't know him!

So is it an illusion?

Ikeda Longsu left, Bailiyuan smiled.

Unlike Ikeda Ryusuke, although Fujii Momoka also became a Kamen Rider, but the treatment is completely different from Ikeda Ryujuku. Not only was he not transferred to the victory team, but he was also able to work in the back kitchen, and his workload was also reduced. The most important thing is that he was not left in the base for observation at all, but was able to enter and leave the base freely, even with his own transformation device.

This is all because from the perspective of Fujii Momoka's family background, she belongs to TPC's own people.

The matter of Fujii Momoka has not been announced to the public, so Fujii Momoka can live a normal life and even go to the concert.

And Bailiyuan also learned that in order to prevent weird people from attacking Fujii Taoxiang, TPC specially arranged a support team for her to protect her safety.

Although all this seems to be a preference for Fujii Momoka, Caroline has overheard some special information from a TPC high-level meeting.

For example, TPC is preparing to set up a special action team, and Kamen Rider may be the core of this action team.

But the proposal was not approved, because there are only two Kamen Riders in TPC, and the establishment of an action team cannot take into account too many places, and the positioning of the special action team will overlap with the victory team.

Proposals that have not been passed may not be implemented, but it does not mean that they will be shelved forever.

Following Fujii Momoka's support team may be an experiment.

Regarding this matter, Bailiyuan had no idea, and could not do anything, because it had nothing to do with his Ultraman.

What he has to do now is to give Yoshioka Tetsu lunch.

"Let me think about it, what should I do for Tetsu Yoshioka?"


Since the monsters attacked the victory team last time, the monsters seem to have disappeared, and the earth has been peaceful for a long time.

Although some things happened.

For example, Fujii Momoka became friends with Maya for some reason, and then Fujii Momoka shared Maya's new song "Memories of the Blue Night" with Bailiyuan, and later took Bailiyuan to see Maya's concert, and then Bailiyuan discovered that the person standing on the stage turned out to be an alien.

For example, when Dagu and Lina went to the zoo to play, they met the monster King Morat. Finally, with the help of Tiga, the king was reduced in size, and then King Morat was allowed to live with humans, which directly made Molat the foster animal. The popularity of King Rat's zoo has skyrocketed, and the price of tickets has increased.

For example, the TPC general base was attacked again and again by a formless cosmic creature called Bizomo, and then Bailiyuan took action in time to secretly kill some of Bizomo's split bodies to ensure that no casualties would be caused. Watching the play silently, and finally watching Tiga kill the monster-turned Bizomo, don't ask why, it's a test for Dagu.

Of course, Bailiyuan and Caroline also studied Bizomo, a special creature.

Bizomo can proliferate with electrical energy and can evolve. It is an artificial cosmic creature created by genetic factor manipulation in order to purify the atmospheric pollution of the original planet Bizamo.

An amoeba-like (Note 1) life form made with the scientific power of genetic manipulation on the planet Bizomo.

It was discovered from a coral-shaped meteorite discovered in Antarctica. It can inhale carbon dioxide, and then spit out a large amount of oxygen. It can divide and proliferate its own cells according to electrical energy. The consequence of this is that a large amount of oxygen will cause researchers to die due to oxygen poisoning. Died of anger.

Therefore, the researchers of the Earth's Institute of Bioengineering were wiped out, and Hizomo's research was sent to Horii.

Bizomo can also invade high-level machines and evolve, but the evolved Bizomo will become dangerous, so it also destroys the planet Bizomo that made itself before.

Bizumo has a high degree of intelligence that can comprehend the knowledge of computers and human beings, but as an artificially created life form, there is no compassionate "heart" for this. Perhaps, its creators ignored this aspect and did not give it to them. Create heart.

Bailiyuan has his own opinion on this.

When an object has consciousness, even if the language is different or the species are different, the prerequisite for communication and co-existence is to have a heart that can understand each other.

For example, Caroline.

That's what happened recently, and fortunately they didn't cause any problems in the end.

In general, as Abbas said - it's not a big problem.

Note 1: Amoeba (Biology): A category of single-celled animals. Live in water more. The shape of the body is often changed, and it moves or hunts by pseudopods. Most are parasitic, and some can lead to amoebiasis. Also called amoeba.

(1) Entamoeba histolytica

Entamoeba histolytica, also known as dysentery amoeba, mainly parasitizes in the human colon cavity, and can invade long wall tissue or other organ tissues under certain conditions, causing intestinal amoebiasis and extraintestinal amoebiasis respectively. Amoebiasis.

(2) Non-pathogenic amoebas In addition to histolytic amoebas, the common main types of amoebas living in the human intestinal tract are dispanaeba, entamoeba coli, and microtome Amoeba, Hashinei amoeba, iodophilic amoeba brucei, and the rest are commensal protozoa in the intestinal cavity, generally do not invade body tissues, and have no pathogenic effect.

Note 2: There is nothing to write about these three plots. The protagonists of the ideas conveyed in them already have, so I won’t say much. The chapters of Ultraman Tiga are the most written chapters by the author, mainly because of the addition of weird people. The plot, the purpose of the author is to let Xiaoyuan grow through the weird plot, although the original plot is also possible, but it is someone else's plot after all, because Xiaoyuan is about to be promoted to the big coat of arms, and her strength has made a leap, so Xiaoyuan must be clearly arranged.

Note 3: Grandpa is doing well these two days, and the author is much more relaxed today, and he is about to be discharged from the hospital, happy~

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