Say something (???????)

Say something ( )

The plan couldn't keep up with the rapid changes. Something happened at home. My grandfather was hospitalized and needed surgery. The author's parents couldn't stay with me in the hospital all the time because of many things, so the author had to stay with me in the hospital. I went to the hospital, and now the air ticket has been refunded. I can't go out this year, and I have to stay with my grandfather in the hospital.

Therefore, this book may not be able to be updated for the time being, and the author will try his best to keep it updated normally. The computer has been carried to the hospital, but he can only sit on the floor and type. If there is more time, it will be updated. After all, the new book must be guaranteed. Update, the author can only say to update as much as possible now, I want to say sorry to everyone here, I can't update today.

I hope everyone understands.

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