Chapter 1202 The God of Kiri Aylord

Raeder has been doing very well recently. To sum it up, in a word-the earth on the tip of the tongue.

Since being attacked by Abbas last time, Raeder did not return to her mother-in-law's house, but just took her mother-in-law with her, and spun around the earth in a spaceship, tasting delicacies from all over the world. As for Raeder himself , who pretended to be a COSPLAY.

It was also during this process that Raeder learned a lot of languages ​​and customs on Earth.

The most important thing is that this trip made Raeder understand the situation of the earth better, and with the continuous communication with her mother-in-law, Raeder learned a lot of life principles.

However, Raeder still missed his own planet and wanted to return to his own planet, but he was a little worried about his mother-in-law, and finally decided to wait for her mother-in-law's lifespan to end before leaving Earth.

And... to find Abbas and take him away together.

They've already brought a lot of trouble to this planet, Abbas can't be allowed to continue making mistakes!

Recently, the mother-in-law became homesick, and they just returned to Japan, but they didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to the mother-in-law when she went out to buy vegetables.

Raeder decided to protect her mother-in-law and stop these three... weirdos.

Protecting the mother-in-law is because of the feelings between the two, and stopping the three weirdos is because of the justice in Raeder's heart.

"This planet is peaceful, and I will not allow others to destroy the peace of this planet!"

Raeder's planet is at war, so Raeder is more aware of the preciousness of peace.

The three weirdos looked at each other, but they didn't attack. Instead, they turned around and left quickly, and quickly disappeared from Raeder's sight.

After all, they didn't know what to do with Raedel, who looked similar to their leader, so they simply left and went back to ask the leader.

Raeder was a little surprised and didn't understand why these weirdos ran away.

But Raeder heard the siren, so he also teleported back to the spaceship with his mother-in-law.


The video stopped at the moment Radell's teleportation disappeared.

In the conference room of the Victory Team, everyone was having a meeting.

Vicious bloodshed caused by inhumans occurred in the city, which made both TPC and Victory Team pay attention.

"This is the beginning and end of the strange person attack in the city before." Ye Rui said, "Afterwards, 7 people were killed and 21 people were injured. Except for the mother-in-law, no one was missing, and some property was lost."

"What do you think?" Director Sawai asked.

"Maybe it was made by the cosmic people." Zong Fang said.

"The cosmic man who appeared last looks the same as Abbas." Ikeda Ryusuke said.


Others cheered up, and Abbas had a record in the Victory Team, because Abbas was the culprit who made Ikeda Ryusuke become what he is today.

"But the alien protected the old woman, but he took the old woman away in the end." Horii said doubtfully.

"The identity of the old woman has also been confirmed. She is a widowed old man who disappeared last month." Ye Rui said.

"Actually, I think that the cosmic man should not be Abbas." Ikeda Ryusuke said.

The others looked at Ikeda Ryusu suspiciously.

"Because Abbas and that cosmic man have different colors, I have never seen Abbas become that color, and the cosmic man gave me a different feeling from the one Abbas gave me."

"Maybe they are of the same race as Abbas." Horii said, "Just like there are many races in human beings, the other party is also divided into different races."

"I found it!" Ye Rui suddenly said, "Everyone, take a look at this..."

A large number of photos appeared on the screen.

There are mother-in-laws in these photos, some are eating, some are playing, and there are photos with scenic spots, and most of them also include Raeder.

"These photos were taken within a month, and they came from different countries such as China, the United Kingdom, and Germany."

Then a map appeared, and these photos also turned into dots and fell on different positions on the map, and these dots faintly formed a line.

Everyone in the winning team looked at each other.

"Are they traveling around the world?" Lina asked in a daze.

Aliens kidnap the old lady from the earth and travel around the world on the earth?

You can understand kidnapping a beautiful woman, but what's the situation?

Abbas likes hunks, and this red one likes old ladies?

Novel dare not write like this!

"Find him as soon as possible!" Director Sawai said.

Everyone else nodded.


"The same figure as me? It's Raeder!" Abbas understood the situation after hearing the report from his weirdo.

"Hehe, Raeder, let's see where you go this time!"

When Raeder wanted to take Abbas away from the earth, why didn't Abbas want to get rid of Raeder?

Abbas built his base in the mountains some distance from the city. After all, there are Kamen Riders in the city, so we must be careful.

"Although you came back early, humans should have received our question mark, hahaha..." Raedel laughed, and then Raedel stopped laughing, turned around slowly, and looked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Since you're here, come out."

There was silence outside the cave entrance for two seconds, then footsteps sounded, and two figures in robes walked in, a man and a woman.

"Dead?" Abbas saw through the situation of the two of them.

"It's just attached to these two corpses." The woman in the black robe said.

"Who are you?" Abbas asked.

"We are Kirialod people, we believe in the god Kirialod, and I am a witch," said the woman.

"I'm a prophet," said another man.

Specifically the new seer, since the previous seer has disappeared.

It was also because of the disappearance of the previous prophet that Kirierod hid himself and did not act rashly. Instead, he began to investigate the reason for the disappearance of the previous prophet, but found nothing.

This made the Kyri Aelods vigilant.

And recently, the time the Kirielods have been waiting for has come, so they're out and about again.

Not only have new seers been elected, witches have also been added.

But the situation on the earth has become complicated. There are not only two Ultramans, but also Kamen Riders with unknown strength and those unknown existences that appear, which makes them a little bit cautious. At this time, Abbas entered their line of sight.

"We are here to seek cooperation!" said the witch.

"Cooperation? Why?" Abbas asked back.

"Your goal is Kamen Rider, our goal is Ultraman, you want to capture humans, we want to guide humans to the right direction, there is no conflict."

"Do you know me well?"

"Kirierod is omniscient!" The prophet and witch suddenly became fanatical.

"Then you guide humans to the right path, how should I catch humans?" Abbas asked.

"You can't deal with Ogerman and Kamen Rider, but we can, you help us solve Ultraman, we will guide some human beings to become your slaves, for the great cause of Kirielod, you can sacrifice anything, and It is the honor of those human beings to obey the orders of God."

Abbas laughed.

"So you are such gods, then I agree!"

"Then shall we act now?" asked the witch.

"It is to act, but it is not us, but... it!"

Abbas clapped his hands, and a training chamber appeared in the cave, with a dog-like figure inside.

Abbas tried to use the technology of the Naga people to transform the creatures on the earth. This is the first test body.

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