Chapter 1197 Natsu Marusako

The TPC headquarters is shrouded in strong electromagnetic waves, and abnormal phenomena appear...

Then the entire system of the base was cut off.

Then the screen is hacked.

The speed of this set of operations is quite fast, and it can be seen that the opponent is very skilled.

"Solemnly warn mankind that the earth will be ruled by our Naga people. We Naga people are the gods of the universe. Don't make any fearless resistance... If you dare to defy our Naga people, we will definitely make you regret it!"

The winning team wanted to reverse the tracking, but the system was paralyzed, and reverse tracking was impossible. At the same time, the entire base was also paralyzed because of the system failure.

On the other side, Dako and Horii were also preparing to return to the Victory Team, but before they could leave, they discovered an abnormal energy response from the dinosaur biological center.

Daiko and Horii hurried back to the institute.

For a while, the winning team became chaotic and busy.

And Bailiyuan naturally also discovered the situation of this TPC.

"In these years, nine out of ten invading cosmic beings claim to be gods, and the remaining one is a demigod." Bailiyuan complained.

Now it's rest time, Bailiyuan is in his room, but his room is also disconnected from the internet.

"The anti-tracking was successful, and the signal of the other party was connected." Caroline said.

"The anti-tracking was successful?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"Well, the other party's signal is similar to the signal used on Ikeda Ryusu. Not surprisingly, they are the ones who modified Ikeda Ryusu."

"Najia people?" Bailiyuan thought for a while, but he didn't think about what kind of Najia people existed, and it was not recorded in the information he got before.

After all, the universe is so big, Bailiyuan's understanding of this universe is limited after all.

"Connect with them." Baili Yuan said.

"What are you going to do?" Caroline asked.

"It's okay, just talk to them."

Caroline quickly connected Bailiyuan's communicator with the Naga's signal.

"Moxi, Moxi, can you hear me?" Bailiyuan said.

On the other side, the Naga who were watching the movement on the earth suddenly found that their signal had been hacked.

"A human from Earth?"


But the Naga people also replied to Baili Yuan.

"Who are you?" the Naga asked.

"Ikeda Longsu was transformed by you, right?" Baili Yuan asked back, "This matter will have results."

Then Bailiyuan hung up the signal.

"Anti-tracking failed!"

"Who the hell are they?"

"Is it that organization called TPC?"

"No, but there are forces with such a high level of technology on Earth?"

And Abbas reacted.

Ikeda Longsu?

Isn't this...Kamen Rider!

"Kamen Rider won't chase after the universe?" Abbas suddenly became nervous.

But he didn't show it, but looked around without leaving a trace.

"I'm going to prepare to support the dinosaurs, so I'll take my leave first."

The Naga people ignored Abbas, they were discussing the matter of being counter-invaded, and had no time to care about Ababas, and they were not worried about Ababas' betrayal.

Abbas exited the command room.


Daiko and Horii over there.

Dinosaur Bio Center was revived by frozen dinosaurs, called Maruha Naiza by the Naga people, and the revived dinosaurs began to move around the city.

And Daiko and Horii caught a strange girl near the area where Maruha Naiza was placed before.

The opponent's hand is not a human hand!

It is the female dinosaur disguised as a human, Yi Wu!

Seeing that Maruha Niza was successfully activated, and the Naga people did not continue to invade the TPC system, TPC quickly resumed operation.

For the Naga people, even if the system is invaded, so what, they have the power to directly destroy all creatures on the earth, and the equivalent is justice. If the earth people do not obey, they will all be destroyed!

After Maruha Naiza appeared, TPC resumed operation, and the winning team also rushed out, and then began to fight against Maruha Naiza.

But Maruha Naiza is unexpectedly strong.

However, Naiza Maruha was active for a while and then stopped.

This is not a problem with Naiza, but an ultimatum given by the Naga to humans.

For an hour, humans need to surrender, or they will be destroyed!

After all, without letting the people of the earth know what they are facing, how can they be subdued without a fight?

It is the "benevolence" of the Naga people to let him surrender than wanton massacre!

The victory team also scanned the stationary Maruka Naiza, trying to find a way to deal with Maruka Naiza.

However, they soon discovered that there was a red, round thing in Naiza's body.

Certainly not Maruha Naiza's eggs.

Looking at the scanned data, Horii felt familiar.

"Wait, isn't this...a neutron bomb? And this yield..."

"Is there a problem?" Dagu asked next to Horii, he didn't understand such a high-end thing.

"The problem is big!"

The neutron bomb is a small hydrogen bomb developed on the basis of the hydrogen bomb, with high-energy neutron radiation as the main lethal force and a power of kilotons. It only kills enemy personnel, does little damage to buildings and facilities, and will not cause long-term radioactive pollution. Although it has never been used in actual combat, military experts still call it the "God of War" on the battlefield—— A tactical weapon with the power of nuclear weapons and usable.

But the equivalent is enough, and it can still destroy stars!

"A neutron bomb of this size would destroy at least half of the living things on Earth!" Horii said.

"How come?" Dagu was a little surprised.

At this time, Yi Wu, a dinosaur girl who was unconscious behind the two, woke up.


Bailiyuan came to the city where Maruha Naiza was located.

Caroline also discovered a problem inside Maruha Neiza.

"Can mechatronic dinosaurs invade?" Baili Yuan asked.

"It cannot be hacked, its system has been shut down." Caroline said, "And even if it is activated, it must not be so easy to hack. The technology level of Najia people is not low, and they have special encryption for their own signals. Although I know something about it from Ikeda Ryusu, it is still a bit difficult to directly crack it, unless you get in touch with the signal emitted by the other party, and then track and invade."

"That is to say, we have to wait until it connects or releases the signal?"

"That's right, that's right."

Bailiyuan thrust her waist, looked up at the huge Maruza Naizha.

"Then can we dig out the neutron bomb first?"

"It's best not to move around, maybe it will directly detonate the neutron bomb."

Bailiyuan and Caroline discussed it for a while, but there was no good solution. Although Bailiyuan wanted to go to the universe to steal a house, he was worried that the Najia people would directly detonate the neutron bomb in Naiza's body remotely. "It's not a big problem" can be laughed off.

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