I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 121 I, Pikachu, Can Fight Another Round

To Bailiyuan's surprise, the spirit used by Si Ji turned out to be a Caracalla.

Siji's Caracalla is normal Caracalla, not Alola's Caracalla.

Therefore, this Caracalla is ground type.

Caracalla and Galagala look very similar, but the skull is slightly different, with cracks at the edges that only the eyes can see. It holds a bone in its hand as a weapon, its body is brown, its belly is flaxen, its fingers and toes have white nails, and it has a short tail.

Bailiyuan paid special attention to the bones and skulls in Caracalla's hands, and found that the bones and skulls in Caracalla's hands were not as simple as they seemed.

There is a kind of magical energy fluctuation on Si Ji's Caracalla skull, which is somewhat similar to the energy of the ghost system, but the specific purpose is not very clear.

As for the bone in Caracalla's hand, it is different. One end of the bone is thicker. Although it looks the same as an ordinary bone, Bailiyuan also felt strange energy fluctuations on this bone, not the same energy as the skull. But a more wonderful energy.

Baili Yuan squinted his eyes, a little concerned about the bones in Caracalla's hand.

However, it is a battle at this time, which is not a good opportunity to continue to explore.

"Use the ground system to deal with the electric system?"

Fighting against the attribute made Bailiyuan a little serious. After all, level doesn't mean everything. The accident caused by the north-facing nose just now made Bailiyuan be careful.

It is not impossible for electric attribute skills to deal damage to ground attribute spirits, but some conditions are required.

But if it's the other way around, no matter what the situation is, ground-type skills can cause a lot of damage to electric attribute elves.

In other words, if Si Ji commanded properly, Caracalla could completely eliminate Pikachu at the same level with the least cost.

However, Pikachu and Caracalla on the field at this time are not at the same level. Pikachu is 41st level, while Caracalla may not have reached 25th level. The gap cannot be made up by simple attribute restraint, unless this one Caracalla is also as talented as the north-facing nose just now.

Bailiyuan knew that although his Pikachu didn't have the strength of Pishen's kind of god of beasts and gods, it was just an ordinary electric mouse with a race value of 300, but the gap in strength could not be easily made up Yes, not to mention that Caracalla's racial value is only 320.

Is it against the sky to have an extra 20 race points?

But if you think about it carefully, it may not be stable.

"Pikachu, move at high speed!" Bailiyuan ordered, it's better to be more cautious at this time, although there are not many elves with extraordinary talents, but don't forget that Si Ji is a child of a rich family, and being rich can really defy the sky!

Pikachu on the field moved quickly.

"We use gas gathering here!" Si Ji ordered.

The bone in Caracalla's hand turned around, and then began to use gas collection.

"Shadow clone!" Baili Yuan said.

Then there were countless Pikachu running fast on the field, and as far as the eye could see, it was all yellow.

"Continue to use gas collection!" Si Ji ordered.

"Speed ​​up!" Baili Yuan's order was simple.

Pikachu's speed went up a notch.

"Continue to gather energy!" Si Ji said.

"Keep running! Keep the shadow clone." Baili Yuan.

"Continue to gather energy!" Si Ji said.

"Run..." Baili Yuan.

"Can you stop running? My eyes are blurred! I don't know which one to fight!" Si Ji shouted with a broken mind.

The shadow clone moved at a high speed, and it looked like a large group of Pikachus were running wildly off the field. Si Ji felt a little dizzy. He still couldn't judge which of the shadow clones was the real body based on experience, so he could only watch.

Although Caracalla collected Qi three times, her speed was flawed. If she couldn't catch up, it would still be useless if she couldn't fight. If the opponent counterattacked while Caracalla was attacking, it would be very difficult for Caracalla to defend. This made Si Ji dare not give orders easily. Caracalla started.

At this time, Caracalla was holding her bone stick, looking at the countless Pikachu figures around her, feeling a little flustered.

"You do it if you have the ability!" Baili Yuan spread his hands.

"Damn it, Caracalla, clear the field with bone boomerangs!" Si Ji shouted, taking the lead, and if he couldn't see the real body in the shadow clones, he had to use stupid methods to attack all the clones.

Caracalla threw the bone in her hand and swept it towards the countless clones of Pikachu on the field. Because of being turned by Pikachu, she panicked and was more unhappy. Caracalla used enough strength to throw it.

"It's still too young to hold back." Bailiyuan smiled. Although the bone boomerang is indeed a good way to clear the clone, but the weapon is not around, which also makes Caracalla's empty door open, which is the right way to counterattack good time.

If Si Ji continues to wait, Bailiyuan will not just let Pikachu lose his energy for nothing, and will definitely stop Pikachu on his own initiative, and then take the initiative to do it. If this Caracalla is not talented, Caracalla still can't win, but At least he won't lose too badly, maybe he can fight back and cause some damage to Pikachu.

However, it's too late now...

"Pikachu, it's now!" Baili Yuan shouted.

"What?" Si Ji was startled, and looked back at the bones that Caracalla threw out to sweep up Pikachu's clone, and hurriedly looked at Caracalla's position.

At some point, a figure of Pikachu appeared behind Caracalla, and this Pikachu was the real one!

Caracalla also found Pikachu and was taken aback, old iron, are you from the ghost department? Are you still walking?

Pikachu didn't care so much, and acted directly. Pikachu flicked his tail and sent Caracalla flying.

Pikachu hasn't learned Iron Tail yet, but the power of her tail is still not to be underestimated.

Bailiyuan has also done research on the circumstances under which ground-type elves can be immune to electric-type skills, and it is also explained in Sakagi's "The Profound Truth of the Earth".

When ground-type elves are standing on the ground intact without any interference, they will have a subtle connection with the ground, leading the current in the attack of electric-type skills into the ground, so they are immune to electric-type skills, but it cannot be said that they are completely Immunity, still suffer some damage, but this damage can be ignored.

However, if the ground-type elves leave the ground, their immunity to electric-type skills will be greatly reduced.

That's why Pikachu sent Caracalla flying.

"The last hundred thousand volts!"

"Pee! Ka! Chu!"

Pikachu's cheeks flashed with lightning, and the lightning flashed, and he slashed towards Caracalla in the air.

Caracalla, whose feet were in the air, waved her limbs in horror, trying to move her body, and then...


"Karakala lost the ability to fight!" Miss Joy raised her hand and shouted.

"Thank you, Caracalla." Si Ji retracted Caracalla who had fainted.

Bailiyuan looked at Pikachu off the court, Pikachu was still full of fighting spirit, and the battle just now didn't consume much energy.

Ms. Joy looked at Pikachu with flickering eyes. She found that this Pikachu was unexpectedly strong. .

That question came to Ms. Joy's mind again - what is the identity of this child named Xiao Yuan?

"It seems that Pikachu can fight another round." Baili Yuan nodded, and Ran Qi looked at Si Ji, at this time Si Ji released the fourth elf.

"Go, mandible ant!"

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