Chapter 1184 Forbidden power?

The plan of the Naga people and the dinosaurs is very simple, that is to freeze the transformed two electronic dinosaur monsters, Neza, and then bring them to the earth to hide them. When the time is right, use the two pills to force Neza to Humans submit.

The two dinosaurs and Abbas are in charge of the preliminary work.

The two dinosaurs were very motivated. Although Abbas was a little reluctant, he couldn't resist, but Abbas always felt that things were not that simple.

According to the technological level of the Naga people, it should be easy to steal some information from the earth. After all, Abbas has done similar things. Although the stolen information is not much, it can let him understand the situation of the earth.

In the same way, the Naga people should also be aware of the defense forces on the earth, which cannot be solved by just two dinosaur monsters, such as the existence that appeared that day and claimed to be "Kamen Rider", and the two mysterious creatures that did not appear Terman.

But the plan formulated by the Naga people is still very simple. Now this seemingly simple and straightforward plan is not very feasible.

"The Naga people probably didn't come to give it for nothing. Could it be that the Naga people have other schemes?"

Abbas kept an eye out.

Following the two dinosaurs, Abbas is looking for a place on the earth where the two Maruko Neza can be hidden, and in the process of searching, he is also observing human society.

The two dinosaurs were disguised as humans, and Abbas also had the ability to disguise as humans after being transformed.

Dinosaurs are disguised as a man and a woman, while Abbas is disguised as a strong man.

The three shuttled through the city.

"Humans are destroying the earth like this!" The two dinosaurs were a little annoyed.

These dinosaurs claimed to be from the earth. They used to be dinosaurs on the earth. They were taken away by the Naga people and then evolved into dinosaurs. Now they can be said to be "returning to their hometown with glory and clothes". Then they discovered that the earth was actually occupied by humans. .

In their view, the earth should have appeared earlier, and the earth should be full of vitality and forests.

But now, the forest area on the earth has not only been greatly reduced, but there are many more steel cities, and the environment on the earth has also been damaged.

"Humans must pay for their sins!" said a dinosaur man.

The other dino-man nodded.

Abbas showed a disdainful smile.

The earth does not belong to dinosaurs, nor to humans. Although they are all from the earth, the fight is the relationship between aggression and being invaded. The battle between nocturnal creatures and diurnal creatures on their planet is not simply aggression and being invaded. aggression? Are those high-sounding reasons useful?

In the end, you still have to speak with your fists.

Besides, it is the Naga people who are really in charge. These two dinosaurs seem to really think that they are the masters of the earth.

If the Dinosaurs really win in the end, and if the Dinosaurs still regard themselves as the masters of the earth, then the Canadians will definitely not be polite to the Dinosaurs. It must be very interesting then.

Abbas wanted to laugh a little.

"Abbas, let's go!" A dinosaur man said to Ababas.

Abbas frowned, and before he could answer, the video played on the TV displayed in the window of the electrical store by the roadside attracted his attention.

"Ah, I was saved by the Kamen Rider, and he told me... human beings resist and burn themselves because they are weak, otherwise, no matter how beautiful the fireworks are, they will not be able to shine."

It is right recording when Ryushu Ikeda played.

"This human is not..."

Abbas grinned.

It is said that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet each other. What Abbas hates most now is the Kamen Rider, and this person has something to do with the Kamen Rider...

Then let's take you first!

"I still have something to do, go get busy!" Abbas said, then ignored the two dinosaurs, turned and left.

"Hey, you bastard!"

The male dinosaur was a little annoyed.

However, he didn't do it because he knew he couldn't beat Abbas.

And the controller of the bomb buried in Abbas's body is in the hands of the Naga people. It is the Naga people that Abbas is afraid of, not the dinosaurs.

"You'd better not make a fuss, be careful that the Naga people blame you!" the dinosaur man shouted from behind.

Abbas showed a disdainful smile.

At this time, the Naga people are still being talked about. The dinosaurs really trust the Naga people.

I remember that there is a word on the earth called...

A fox pretends to be a tiger?


the other side.

Bailiyuan walks around the streets of Tokyo every night, and can collect many strange robots of that kind every day.

Caroline also successfully analyzed the situation of the robot.

"This kind of robot is transformed from some kind of machine life. Every part of the robot's body can be said to be a combination of computer and engine, so it can move without internal components. Although there are multiple individuals, these Individuals are connected, and guesses can merge with each other."

"And these robots do not have independent initiative, but follow a certain program, and plan actions based on this program and the ultimate goal." Caroline said.

"Then can you control them?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Because they are not pure machines, I can't hack into their systems. However, they should have control terminals. If they can get the terminals, they should be able to subdue these robots." Caroline said, she also understood what Bailiyuan meant.

That is to subdue!

Compared with other monsters, aren't these robots who can divide and combine, have no emotion, and are very obedient, the real cannon fodder?

Heddle is too tired, and it's time to rest.

In fact, subduing these robots is secondary, and the main thing is the crisis represented behind these robots.

Caroline not only studied the situation of these robots, but also figured out the reasons behind the appearance of these robots.

The existence of this system and the robot did not install any security measures such as firewalls for the robot, because... it is not necessary.

After activating the robot, the robot will answer every question. However, there is no record or trace in their memory about the behind-the-scenes manipulator. They are only responsible for performing their own tasks.

That is to say, it is impossible to directly understand any behind-the-scenes things through these robots.

Power up those bots, and the bots start up again, and they can then communicate.

"We are the security system... When the forbidden power is activated, we will act... When the forbidden power is used, we will destroy it..."

"What about the basis for judging the power of prohibition?" asked Caroline.

"Is energy usage up to standard."

Both Bailiyuan and Caroline were silent.

This answer means that the forbidden power referred to by the other party is not simply a certain technology or power, but... a power within a range.

When the standard is met, these robots can detect and then go to destroy.

"This is not the so-called guarantee that the forbidden power will not be used, but that technology and power beyond this level are not allowed to appear! This is the destruction of civilization and power!" Caroline said.

"Then the purpose of the black hands behind the scenes is to eliminate those forces that might surpass them?" Baili Yuan murmured.

In order not to be surpassed, destroying other fledgling powers is undoubtedly a disaster for those targeted planets, and there may never be a chance to rise again.

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