Chapter 1167: Abducting the Cosmic Man, Lebi Nemesis

"They have followed, so they shouldn't see any problems, right?" Baili Yuan whispered.

However, Xanadu pulled La Bailiyuan.

"Yuan-jun, you are dating me now~"

"Uh, okay."

Xanadu smiled.

In the home space, the big needle bee flipped through the attribute table.

"Insect type restrains super power type, but super power type also restrains poison type..."

Xanadu made very comprehensive preparations and planning for this date.

The two first went shopping in the city, bought some clothes, then went to the playground, and went to the opera.

The restaurants for three meals are also very tasteful and taste very good restaurants.

These plans were all selected and arranged by Caroline. As for Caroline's thoughts, Xanadu didn't care too much.

Some things can be compromised, but there are some things that cannot be missed.

Xanadu thought so.

At night, the two wandered the streets.

And Fujii Momoka and Mr. Miyamoto are also behind them.

"Fujii, I think..." Mr. Miyamoto didn't want to follow anymore. In fact, Mr. Miyamoto didn't want to follow anymore.

After all, he is such an old man, what hasn't he seen?

It is enough to know what kind of person Bailiyuan's fiancée is, and there is also a topic of bragging with other people in the back kitchen when I go back. Watching the two date later... I might as well go home by myself.

He is also a family man!

Fujii Momoka was a little disappointed.

"Brother Baili's fiancée is very good, and her appearance and temperament are not simple. It seems that she has a family, and she is a good match with Brother Baili." Mr. Miyamoto said.

In fact, this is a disguised form to tell Fujii Momoka - you are dead, give up!

"I see, Mr. Miyamoto, thank you." Fujii Momoka bowed to Mr. Miyamoto, very formally.

Mr. Miyamoto waved hurriedly.

"You don't need to do this, just look at it."

Fujii Momoka stood up with a smile on her face again.

"Mr. Miyamoto, that's enough. I want to be alone."

Miyamoto-san hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, stay safe by yourself, call me if you have something to do, I'll find a tavern nearby to stay, let's go back tomorrow morning."

"I see."

Mr. Miyamoto left.

Fujii Momoka also changed direction and left, walking aimlessly on the street.

Although she felt a little depressed, she also looked away in a day.

"I want a handsome boyfriend too!"

And when Fujii Momoka sighed, a figure walked towards her.

Fujii Momoka sensed someone behind her and looked back.

Then a ray of light fell on her.


With just a cry, Fujii Momoka's figure disappeared in place.

This figure is completely black and has a human figure, but its head looks like a crow, holding a special weapon in its hand.

The crow man nodded in satisfaction with his harvest, then turned and left.

What the crow man didn't notice was that behind it, two figures also appeared.

It's Bailiyuan and Xanadu!

After the two heard Fujii Momoka's voice, they rushed over immediately, and then saw the figure of the crow man.

"Fujii Momoka's aura didn't disappear, that special weapon?"

"Do you want to solve it?" Xanadu asked.

The strength of the crow people is not strong.

"Wait a minute and see what happens."

Going up rashly will not only fail to save people, but also be prone to accidents, and may even threaten the lives of the rescued.

But even though he didn't do anything, Xanadu's gaze became unfriendly.

Bailiyuan and Xanadu quietly followed behind the crow man.

After a while, the crow man met another person, and then raised the weapon in his hand. When the light shone, the human being was shrunk down, and then put into the weapon.

"It's a light that shrinks." Baili Yuan said.

It may be that enough people were caught tonight, and the crow man chose to leave.


Bailiyuan and Xanadu used superpowers to lock the location of the crow man, and then followed the crow man around to an abandoned factory.

"Is this the crow man's hiding place?" Baili Yuan said.

Then Caroline controlled the thermal imaging equipment to scan the abandoned factory, and found that there were many heat sources inside the abandoned factory.

"There is also an energy reaction underground, which should be equipment like aircraft. It seems that they should be spacemen."

"Understood, they should have come in a group."

At this time, inside the abandoned factory, Fujii Momoka also woke up.

"Unfamiliar sky...window?"

It's not the ceiling, it seems to be glass.

Fujii Momoka wanted to get up, but found that she was fixed on a bed at this time, and there were many people in the same situation as her around, which looked like... specimens!

"where is this place?"

At this time, a huge monster head appeared outside the glass.

Fujii Momoka exclaimed.

The monster just took a look at the situation inside, and then left.

"What the hell is going on here, I want to go home, is there anyone here to save me..."

Fujii Momoka wanted to cry a little.

Bailiyuan outside is also ready to act.

"Xiao Yuan, let me help."

"No need." Bailiyuan rejected Xanadu's idea.

"I'll go there myself, and they're not strong."

There is only one platinum easter egg refreshed inside, and depending on the location, it should be at the position of the aircraft. That is to say, this easter egg is not an egg of individual strength, but an easter egg of collective threat.

"Sure enough, the cosmonauts have something to eat."

Bailiyuan took out his belt.

【EvolutionDrive】(Evolution Drive)



Abducting the Cosmic Man, Rebik, is the real name of the Crow Man.

The reason why it is said to be abduction of aliens is that they will bring people from other planets to their own planet as slaves.

It's not for profit from trading, but simply to make these captured people their slaves, because they are keen to use slaves.

They come from the P143 nebula, and now they come to the earth to abduct the earth people as slaves because the slaves that can be used on the parent star are facing extinction.

It's a pretty bad cosmic being.

The Lebikes look like crows, good at hand-to-hand combat, and like they are keen to use slaves to show their status, they also have a hierarchy within them.

The specific way of division lies in the color of the eyes.

Ordinary warriors have yellow eyes, but leaders have red eyes.

Although they have just come to the earth for a few days, the operation to capture humans has gone smoothly. Because there are a large number of humans on the earth, they have gained a lot in the past few days.

"It's a great harvest. Bringing these people back from Earth and reporting the existence of the region to the planet will be a great achievement. Soon I will be promoted and raise my salary. I will marry the leader's daughter and reach the pinnacle!"

The leader of the Lebik star sat on a chair and imagined a bright future.

Then, it heard footsteps resounding inside the factory.

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