Chapter 1165 Looking for a fake girlfriend?

"Senior Baili, I saw a monster at close range, such a big monster, and Ultraman Tiga, Senior Baili must have never seen it at close range." Fujii Momoka returned, and then began to pull Baili Li Yuan talked about what she saw and heard this time.

But this time Fujii Momoka didn't have any special purpose for Bailiyuan, but because she saw something shocking and couldn't hide it, so she couldn't help but say it.

Because now everyone else in the back kitchen has heard Fujii Momoka's words.

This is not a whisper.

Mr. Miyamoto also heard Fujii Momoka's words.

"It's Ultraman Tiga. He is the patron saint of mankind, but the other Ultraman Hero rarely appears. Sure enough, Tiga is more friendly."

"Senior Baili, what kind of existence do you think Ultraman is?" Fujii Momoka asked suddenly.

Bailiyuan paused while cooking.

"Ultraman, probably no different from humans."

"Impossible, have you ever seen a god like a human?" Mr. Miyamoto interjected.

Although Mr. Miyamoto is usually very kind, but when the topic of Ultraman is involved, Mr. Miyamoto will become "Ultraman Blow".

Ultraman awesome!

Ultraman is great!

Ultraman is the best in the world!

"Yes yes yes." Baili Yuan said perfunctorily.

Miyamoto-san snorted and went back to cooking.

Bailiyuan and Fujii Momoxiang looked at each other, and then they both smiled.


TPC has also been busy in the last half month.

What Bailiyuan did before had some impact on TPC.

TPC began to deal with the relationship between humans and lightning people.

Not only because of Bailiyuan's reminder, but also because of lightning men harassing human beings all over the world. Although not very frequent, they have caused casualties, and Ultraman does not appear all the time.

And it can be predicted that the Lightning Man will only appear more frequently in the future.

Originally, the hardliners wanted to go to war directly with the Lightning Man, and even a plan was made, and the name was chosen, called "Lightning Man War".

However, when the plan came to Director Sawai, Director Sawai hesitated for a while, and then considered the issue of communication and coexistence.

In the past, even though he was a moderate, when faced with the safety of human beings, he would definitely choose to fight back, no matter right or wrong.

But now he began to think about the future.

The Lightning Man is eliminated today, so what about the future?

In the future there will be Flame Man and Water Drop Man. Should we also destroy these beings who are also on the earth?

At that time, will there be only human beings left on the earth?

War and hatred are endless!

Another path must be found.

And before the Lightning Man’s problem has expanded, it’s time to start a new attempt—a brand-new attempt by human beings on the future road!

Sawai doesn't want human beings to become invaders, and he doesn't want to see Ultraman stand on their opposite side one day.

But this has nothing to do with Bailiyuan.

At this time, Bailiyuan was nursing the baby in the home space.

"A monster appeared again?"

"The monster that appeared near the oil plant in the R sea area of ​​the western Pacific Ocean is code-named Reylos by the TPC. It is speculated that ordinary creatures become monsters due to the radiation energy of the underground nuclear test. Because the radiation energy is absorbed, the cells also Contains radioactivity."

"First, it destroyed the offshore drilling platform, and then it was induced by the sound waves of the hypersonic fish navigation system of the Institute of Marine Science. As a result, it attacked the institute and was finally wiped out by Tiga."

"Is it a monster like Flandre?"

"Similar, but stronger," Caroline said.

Flandre, who was eating dirt in his home space, lay down inexplicably.

"What's going on over there at the Lion's Nose Sea of ​​Trees?"

"Still nothing."

"Is there anything else that needs attention?"

"For the time being, there is no movement in the world. In fact, as long as there are no monsters and aliens in this world, it will be relatively peaceful."


"But there's another thing."

"What's the matter?" Baili Yuan asked curiously, he felt that Caroline's tone was a bit strange.

"About Fujii Momoka, what do you think of her?"

"Um, what's wrong?"

"Fujii Momoka obviously has a crush on you, what are you going to do? Do you want Fujii Momoka to become the second Shirakawa Junko?"

"Why do you ask such a question?"

Bailiyuan scratched his head, feeling a little distressed.

Although being popular with girls is something to be happy about, Bailiyuan couldn't be happy.

"Fujii Momoka is not Shirakawa Junko." Baili Yuan said.

Yes, Fujii Momoka is not Shirakawa Junko.

Shirakawa Junko is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. At the beginning, she could abandon everything to pursue Bailiyuan, and Junko Shirakawa also had someone to help her, but what about Fujii Momoka?

Fujii Momoka is just an ordinary girl.

The most important thing is that Bailiyuan doesn't have any feelings for Fujii Momoka, in fact, the same is true for Shirakawa Junko back then.

Even Fujii Momoka couldn't compare to Shirakawa Junko's situation back then.

At the beginning, Bailiyuan and Baichuan Junzi were comrades-in-arms who lived and died together. Bailiyuan's feelings for Bailiyuan appeared after Bailiyuan saved her life, but now Bailiyuan and Fujii Taoxiang are just ordinary colleagues. .

If Bailiyuan was an ordinary person, he would indeed consider Fujii Taoxiang, but Bailiyuan and Fujii Taoxiang were not from the same world.

However, the other party may not necessarily think so.

Junko Shirakawa has proved this point.

However, the price was wasting Bai Chuan Junzi's thirty years of youth, which has always been a pimple in Baili Yuan's heart.

However, Bailiyuan is not narcissistic enough to think that Fujii Momoka's fans will be fascinated. What happened to Shirakawa Junko may not happen again, but it must be prevented.

"What are you going to do?" Caroline asked.

"This kind of thing can't be taken one step at a time, or just refuse it directly."

"Then you might as well just quit your job."

"It's a shame to be here..."

"Keep a proper distance, it really doesn't should resign."

No one can say that they can fully understand the relationship problems, let alone someone like Bailiyuan who has little experience.

Although Bailiyuan likes people with big breasts and big buttocks, this kind of liking is not emotional.

After all, how many normal men can refuse?

Boys will eventually become men too.

"Actually, there is another way."

"any solution?"

"You make up a girlfriend, or get someone to pretend to be your girlfriend!"

Bailiyuan was taken aback, if he had a girlfriend in name, Fujii Momoka would definitely give up his goal.

However, what Bailiyuan didn't notice was that after Caroline finished speaking, Xanadu, who was reading a book, and Big Needle Bee, who was training, paused.

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