Chapter 1159 Girl Saki and Makina

In fact, many problems have already been put there. The reason why they have not been discovered is that on the one hand, no one pays attention to them, and on the other hand, they want to find problems in a lot of materials. It is not easy for human beings alone.

Fortunately, Caroline can easily process these materials and find the information she needs from them.

"I counted the photos left by Shizibishuhai. These color-reversed rainbows usually appear in the last few days from October to January of the next year, and most of the people who disappeared near Shizibishuhai also happened at this time. Missing in the paragraph."

Caroline spoke the conclusion.

"During this period of time, there were no conditions for a rainbow to form at all, and the angle of the light was not right, so there was a problem with that inverted rainbow."

Bailiyuan nodded involuntarily.

A rainbow is an optical phenomenon in meteorology. When sunlight hits raindrops in midair, the light is refracted and reflected, forming an arched colorful spectrum in the sky.

The colors are generally seven colors, from outside to inside: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

However, in the rainbow that appears in the Lion's Nose Tree Sea, the order of the inner and outer colors is reversed.

"It's also considered a spectacle there."

"It's strange, I'm afraid some man-eating monster is there." Baili Yuan sighed.

If there was no comparison with the missing persons, or if Bailiyuan didn't think there was a problem subjectively, even Bailiyuan would not pay much attention to the situation there.

Not to mention that other people or organizations will pay attention there.

"There is still some time until the end of the month, so let's go and have a look."

"It can only be this way."

Bailiyuan temporarily put this matter aside.


After two days of peace, the earth became restless again.

Just like in the world of Ultraman Leo before, there are not only so many monsters and cosmic beings in the TV plot, but with the advancement of TPC technology, various weapons are not vegetarian, and some monsters don’t use Austrian at all. If Terman comes forward, the TPC branches in various places will be able to solve the problem.

Of course, it is inevitable to spend a lot of effort, and even a huge sacrifice.

Although there are TPC branches all over the world, only the TPC headquarters has a team like the Victory Team. The combat method of other branches is still a group battle. If they are attacked, the casualties will not be small.

Fortunately, the level of technology in this world is not weak, and various automated equipment and unmanned weapons have reduced such casualties.

Then, there were monsters in Japan again.

The cause of everything is that Dagu brought back a woman from outside...

Well, Lina was also there at the time, and the woman brought back by Dagu was actually not from Earth.

Don't ask Baili Yuan how he knew, no matter how similar they look, Baili Yuan can still distinguish between people on earth and people from space.

Dagu, who has awakened the factor of light, can also do this. Although he may not be able to see so clearly, he can see the problem.

"Turn off the perspective first," Caroline said.

Baili Yuan pursed his lips, then closed his perspective and looked away.

There was a girl who was running away in the direction Bailiyuan was looking at just now, but Bailiyuan was not here to spy on her, but to take a look at her situation.

If it wasn't for the fact that the girl hadn't run out of the TPC general base, and was worried about making too much noise to attract the attention of the TPC, Caroline would never have allowed Bailiyuan to use her clairvoyance ability.

However, although Bailiyuan watched a lot of things, under Caroline's supervision, he still didn't watch what he shouldn't.

And the pressure on Bailiyuan to use the pupil of God is not small.

"Wait a while and watch the Diamond Sutra for two hours to clear out those things that shouldn't be in your mind."

"I really didn't read much..."

"Shut up!"


"Tell me what you found," Caroline said.

When it came to business, Baili Yuan got serious.

"The other party's body is very weak, and her vitality is a little low. It may be because she has been on the earth for a long time and cannot adapt to the environment of the earth, which has damaged her vitality. If it continues, she may die soon." Bailiyuan said.

This situation is like a freshwater fish entering the ocean.

People on earth who live in the plains for a long time may die from altitude sickness on the plateau, let alone change to another planet.

"I found the information. Earlier, the victory team brought back a special device, and at the same time brought back this girl. This girl called herself Sha Ji. She was the one who opened the device before, and then it seemed to send some signal. This Only then did the monsters be attracted, and then Sha Ji escaped." Caroline retrieved information about this matter from the database.

However, because TPC is in the sea, Sha Ji has not yet run out of the range of the base, but hid in the transport ship. It is estimated that he will leave TPC with the transport ship tomorrow morning.

Bailiyuan looked at the player in his hand, which was broadcasting news about the appearance of monsters.

Today a monster descended from the sky and moved on the earth. It seemed to be looking for something. The winning team launched a counterattack, but it was said to be a counterattack, but the monster did not make any substantial attack.

However, this monster's defense is very strong, and the winning team cannot cause substantial damage to it at all.

And at night, the monster fell into a deep sleep, and the victorious team, who had nothing to do with it, could only arrange it on the ground.

Now is the news about the victorious team's arrangement.

"This monster should be the one attracted by Sha Ji." Baili Yuan rubbed his chin and said, "But sleep at the end, life is very healthy."

"...The victory team hasn't figured out the purpose of the monster and Sha Ji's situation." Caroline said.

"What's the matter, just ask her directly..."

Misunderstandings are often due to lack of communication, so... Bailiyuan will leave the other party where they are and communicate well.

At this time, Sha Ji was hiding in the transport ship, carefully avoiding patrols.

Then, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, he was caught by the opponent without any resistance, and then disappeared into the TPC base.


The communication between Bailiyuan and Sha Ji went smoothly.

Saki, a cosmic girl with a peculiar pendant-shaped flute.

She claims to have come to the earth 200 years ago. She lost the capsule that can summon the monster Makina, and has been wandering on the earth since then. The capsule was not rediscovered until today, and the strange sound of the flute is the key to start the capsule. , and because of this, she called the monster Makina, but Makina's landing point was a bit crooked. Not only did Sha Ji not be found, but it also triggered a battle with the Victory Team.

Sha Ji once met Da Gu when he was a boy, because Baili Yuan's body has the same light as Da Gu, so Sha Ji is willing to believe in Bai Li Yuan.

"I'm really not hostile, I just want to go home, Maqi is a guardian monster, and it has no malice." Sha Ji said.

"I see. I can feel your heart. There is no hostility there, but longing for your hometown. Don't worry, I will help you." Baili Yuan said.

"Really?" Sha Ji smiled, "Thank you."

Bailiyuan accepted the thanks.

"However, Mackina is asleep now, let's talk about it when it wakes up tomorrow."

"Okay." Sha Ji agreed. She was also very happy and looking forward to tomorrow.

Then Bailiyuan pulled out a book and read it.

Sha Ji looked at the book in Bailiyuan's hand suspiciously.

"What are you doing?"

"Purify the soul." Baili Yuan replied.

On the cover of the book in his hand were printed three large characters - "Diamond Sutra".

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