I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1129 Bubbles

"Although your growth rate is very fast and you have little experience, there is no solution." Andy laughed.

"any solution?"

"It's here." Andy pointed to the pool under his feet.

"Secret Waterfall Secret Realm?"

"That's right." Andy didn't make a fool of himself, "The Secret Waterfall is one of the important places for spiritual training in Yuncheng College. Here you can face your inner world and quickly improve your state of mind. Even if you can't clear the way, you can It can make your heart stronger, and in this way, it can also greatly reduce the possibility of you condensing a strange core, but the only disadvantage is that it cannot speed up the speed of your condensing core, and... the experience will not be very good. "


Andy got up, then bent down and patted Baili Yuan's shoulder.

"This is the only thing I can do for you. Therefore, it is up to you whether you can quickly condense the core. My task is to ensure that you will not have any problems when raising your mood."

In fact, Andy also considered the possibility of letting Bailiyuan slow down the speed of strength improvement before, but the speed of Bailiyuan's strength improvement is too fast, and Andy also knows that some people are so unreasonable and cannot be suppressed at all of.

Besides, Andy doesn't have much time left, and soon she won't be able to continue to protect Bailiyuan from wind and rain. If Bailiyuan's situation is exposed by then, it will definitely be a very big problem. After all, with so many coats of arms, No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for people to ignore him, and it will attract the prying eyes of countless evil organizations. Even within Akamoy, it may not be possible to just let Bailiyuan go. The water in this world is very deep.

So Andy can only let Bailiyuan go, and then help Bailiyuan to make up for it at this time. At least he must ensure that Bailiyuan has enough strength. It is not necessarily required that he can defeat the people who spy on him, but he must ensure that others cannot. To discover his secrets casually, strength and status are the best deterrents!

The main thing is...

"Don't worry, relax, don't be nervous, you have so many crests, even if there is a problem with this crest core, won't other crest cores still have a chance in the future."


Bailiyuan didn't know what Andy was thinking, he only felt that this woman...

"Then I'm going to fail, can you let me touch Naoko to comfort me?"

Andy smiled, and then patted Bailiyuan's head.

"Then do you think I can crush your dog's head now?"

"Ahem, trust me, I will succeed!"

"That's good." Andy nodded, then withdrew his hand.

"But when I came here before, nothing happened." Baili Yuan said.

"Of course, because you haven't come into contact with the real secret of this Secret Waterfall Realm, you were sent here to protect you."

"Protect me? Why?"

"Why are there so many reasons? You'll know when you become a great heraldry." Andy patted Baili Yuan on the head.

"When the secret place of the waterfall is closed, there will be a special fog outside, and you cannot enter here without a token, so you can practice here with peace of mind. As for the real secret of the secret place of the waterfall, come with me..."

Andy walked towards the waterfall, and Bailiyuan hurriedly followed behind.

"Why haven't you stopped yet? Could it be that Andy is going to go through the waterfall? Isn't that... Andy is about to get wet?" Baili Yuan thought, and then his eyes widened expectantly.

However, when Andy walked under the waterfall, the waterfall suddenly disappeared, and Andy passed directly behind the waterfall, and the surrounding space began to fluctuate like water ripples, and then Andy disappeared from Bailiyuan's sight middle.

"Go in?" Bailiyuan was a little surprised. It's not like he didn't try to walk into the waterfall when he was in the secret place of the waterfall before, but the waterfall didn't disappear at that time, and he didn't disappear behind the waterfall.

But just stunned for a moment, Bailiyuan followed, also passed through the invisible membrane, and then disappeared behind the waterfall.

When Bailiyuan regained his vision again, he found that he had come to a strange space.

The surrounding environment looks the same as the Secret Waterfall, but the style is different. The Secret Waterfall looked a little dreamy before, but now, the Secret Waterfall here has become very mysterious.

That's right, it's a mystery!

The sky is purple, the brightness is very low, and there are huge bubbles of various colors floating around. These bubbles are a kind of light source here. The plants are hidden in the dark, and some of them can be seen to be able to emit light.

At this time, Bailiyuan and Andy were on the rocks under the waterfall.

And the waterfall behind them turned out to be a glowing waterfall of colorful colors.

It's like a scene from a fairy tale!

"To come here, people who have at least the strength of the big coat of arms need to be activated. You can sit on the stone under the waterfall and practice. Attract those bubbles and integrate them into your body. You can feel the power of the secret place of the waterfall." Ann said Dee.

Then Andy hung a pendant around Bailiyuan's neck.

"If you have a problem, this pendant will automatically break, and then I will come in and take you out. At the same time, if you take the initiative to crush the pendant, I will also come in and take you out."

"Aren't you staying here with me?" Baili Yuan asked.

"I don't need to practice, it's so boring to stay here, for you, I asked Yuexuan to move the game...office materials here, I want to work outside, you can practice here by yourself, wait until two months I'll come in later to check your practice results." Andy said, the expression on his face didn't change, everything was so natural.

Bailiyuan believed it.

"Then you have worked hard."

"Hmph, it's good that you know, well, I'm going out first, you can start practicing."

Andy is out.

Baili Yuan sat cross-legged on the stone under the waterfall, closed his eyes, and began to use his strength to attract the air bubbles around him.

Everything went well, a bubble was attracted by Baili Yuan, and then entered Baili Yuan's body.


Bailiyuan opened his eyes and frowned.

"Why didn't anything happen?"

"Perhaps the air bubbles are not enough," Caroline said.

Bailiyuan nodded, and then continued to attract bubbles.

The second bubble was also attracted into the body by Bailiyuan.


Bailiyuan still didn't feel any effect.

"Continue, I don't believe it!"

The third, the fourth, the fifth...

In the blink of an eye, Bailiyuan absorbed ten bubbles, but...

"Why still nothing happened?" Baili Yuan frowned.

"Maybe something has changed, but you haven't felt it." Caroline comforted, "Calm down and feel it."

Baili Yuan nodded, closed his eyes, and calmed down.


He still didn't feel anything.

"Perhaps in terms of the mind, you can go to the mind space to have a look." Caroline guessed.

Bailiyuan entered the spiritual space.

The spiritual space is still full of light, and there is a grassland below. However, the originally bustling spiritual space is now a little deserted.

Bailiyuan's expression changed after he saw the situation in the mental space clearly.

Ten bubbles were floating in the spiritual space, and there was a clone of Bailiyuan lying inside. These clones closed their eyes, as if they had fallen asleep.

And outside of these bubbles, there are three figures dangling.

The clone of good, the clone of evil, the clone of desire.

"What's going on?" Bailiyuan asked.

"All the bubbles you absorbed came here, and then you locked them up." The clone of desire said with a shrug.

"It is estimated that they are also tempering their state of mind." The avatar of goodness doubted.

"I tried it just now, and these bubbles cannot be broken." Evil clone said.


Bailiyuan finally knew why the bubbles were useless to him, it turned out that they all found his avatar!

But why are you looking for my avatar? Is my body shameless?

Pave the way for two chapters, travel through tomorrow

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