I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1127: The End

As a summoner, is there anything wrong with exploding soldiers in battle?

In other words, as an ordinary fat tangerine, is there anything wrong with taking more younger brothers to protect yourself when you go out?

In fact, being summoned to such a group of summoned beasts not only surprised the audience and Angelina, but even Della herself couldn't react.

Doyle blinked, and he suddenly felt that he was really stupid and cute because he was worried that Della would not be able to exert a strong strength because of the familiar.

This is called useless magic?

This is obviously not a mage, the familiar can do it by itself!

The dean directly patted his thigh.


Still have this kind of operation?

Let's change the school rules in the future, the number of summoned beasts must be limited during the mage competition.

Although there is indeed summoning magic in this world, it is not common. OK.

After all, why are there so many monsters following you, a human summoner?

Is your father the God of Creation?

But this kind of thing happens in this world.


"Don't worry, these summoned beasts are not strong."

Indeed, Baili Yuan didn't summon too strong a summoned beast. If it was too strong, he might knock down the opponent with just the summoned beast.

No matter what, Della must be given a chance to perform.

Bailiyuan patted Della's head.

Come on!

Della also reacted.

"Thank you, Daju, let's fight together!"

Then Della began to chant again.

With a roar, Malcut swooped down, and at the same time a rain of fire fell from Melcutt's back.

Rain of Fire!

The attacks fell on the contracted beasts.

The contracted beast summoned by Bailiyuan became the priority attack target of Angelina and Melkart.

As a giant dragon, Malcotte is not afraid of the summoned beasts summoned by Bailiyuan. In Melcutt's mind, only Della can pose a threat to it, but although Della is proficient in moon magic, it is obvious It is not proficient enough, it is very difficult to hit it flying in the air, the hit just now was just an accident.

So what if he hid in that shield of will?

Blindly dodging and shrinking will only become a laughing stock.

When Angelina and Malcotte were attacking the summoned beasts, Della also shot one after another moon magic at Melcutt.

However, as expected by Melkart, although Della's moon magic is proficient, she is not proficient enough. Although the moon magic is a threat to the dragon clan, the ten spells shot can only hit two at most, which is not fatal. harm.

In addition, Della and Bailiyuan's summoned beasts did not cooperate very well. Although Bailiyuan worked hard to control the summoned beasts to limit Malkat's actions, Malkat rarely gave him a chance. , and the Angelina on its back is not watching a show.

Bailiyuan looked anxiously.

He could only tap Della's head to remind her.

The shot went sideways!

Use your strength!

there can't be...

Bailiyuan finally sighed.

Sure enough, girls are still not as good at ejaculation as boys.

Della apparently also discovered the problem that her magic couldn't hit Melkart.

And in such a waste of magic power, she will soon use up all the magic power.

"We can't go on like this, we have to find a way."

However, McCarter had the air superiority and was difficult to deal with.

The competition between the two suddenly became stalemate.

Daila seemed to have made up her mind, took a deep breath, and then began to chant. This time she chanted very slowly, but the mana fluctuations on her body changed from weak to strong.

Angelina discovered the spell fluctuations from Della.

"Malkart, be careful, the other party may want to use range magic."

There are also differences in how different types of spells are cast.

The longer the chanting time and the slower the spell, it is often more powerful or has a wider range, or even includes both.

However, considering Della's current strength, she is more likely to use range spells now.

After sending Huddle back with one paw, Malkart raised his head.

Now the only remaining contracted beasts are the dark knight Sandor and the lower ice element Binas.

"Area magic? Don't worry, I will defend myself!"

Angelina nodded, she believed in McCarter.

Della's magic was ready after Sandor and Pines had consecrated themselves and had received their tickets back home.

The sky seemed to darken a little.

"Huh? This feeling..." The old dean looked at the sky.

This is not something that can be caused by the mana of a trainee mage, even a formal mage is very difficult to do.

Angelina and Malkart looked in Della's direction and found that something was wrong.

In fact, Della and Bailiyuan also realized that something was wrong at this time.

Della was just using magic normally, and Bailiyuan watched Della use the magic of the moon, and then helped her out of curiosity - he also used the magic of the moon to amplify Della's magic.

Then, without knowing what effect it caused, Della's magic completion was unexpectedly high, and the power and influence it brought was naturally even stronger.

What Baili Yuan didn't notice was that a moon-shaped imprint hidden under the hair on his forehead lit up.

And then……

Because the power of magic is too strong, the spell is out of control...

The magic in Della's body was drained.

Della raised her head, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

Bailiyuan patted Della's face with a meat ball.


did not wake up.

It seems that I really fainted.

The magic in the sky also fell.

The magic of the moon · the flower of the moon!

Guanghua fell from the sky.

Melkart felt a great sense of crisis, and turned over immediately to protect Angelina.

"Malkart, get out of the arena!" Angelina said.


"It's too dangerous, leave!"

"All right……"

Leaving the field during the competition means giving up the competition.

Although Malkart wanted to resist magic hard, Angelina obviously didn't want Malkart to suffer too much damage.

Perhaps it is also because of this heart of consideration that Malkart can agree with her and give her his own blessing.

When the Moon Blossom was about to fall on Mel Carter, Mel Carter swooped down to lower his height, and then flew to the outside of the arena.

The moonlight fell, and the soil on the field seemed to melt.

But the shield of will under Moon Blossom did not waver in the slightest.

Moon Flower disappeared.

And the result of this competition is...

"A draw!" The referee teacher announced the result.

Della ran out of magic, and Angelina flew off the field, forfeiting the game, so it ended in a draw.

And a draw means...they all stopped here.

Baili Yuan yawned, and the mark on the top of his head no longer glowed.

"The competition is over, and it's time for me to go back."

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