"The elf I sent is my first partner, come on, big rock snake!"

The strong man shouted loudly, his voice full of enthusiasm.

The big rock snake in front of the strong man twisted his body and crawled out, raised his body, showing a high-spirited look.

Long Longyan yelled, and walked to the opposite side of the big rock snake.

"Long Longyan, I'm going to attack!" The strong man reminded.

Long Longyan nodded, still looking disdainful, but his squinted eyes became serious.

The big rock snake on the opposite side is very good in terms of appearance and imposing manner. It can be seen that it has been carefully taken care of. It is not comparable to those ordinary big rock snakes on the mountain. It cannot be dealt with according to the usual methods of dealing with those ordinary big rock snakes on the mountain.

Although Long Longyan had become serious, his expression remained unchanged.

How did that sentence come from?

Yes, despise the enemy strategically, and attach importance to the enemy tactically!

Baili Yuan also patted Long Longshi, and said: "Pay attention, watch carefully, learn how people fight, don't explode as soon as you go up, it will hurt you."

Long Longshi shook his body, what happened to the big bang? If you have the ability, you can fry one too! No, I'm going to get angry again, and suddenly want to blow myself up.

Then, the battle begins.

"Big Rock Snake, strike!" the brawny man shouted.

"Crash, is it a probing attack?" Someone in the crowd asked.

In the battles of experienced trainers, not all battles need to test the opponent's strength. The battles that need to test the attack are generally in a situation where the opponent's strength is not clear, and often, there will be an evenly matched battle afterwards.

The impact move is a move that most elves can learn, and it is one of the basic moves.

But the trick is not that simple.

If the user's strength is strong enough, one strike can completely cause explosive damage.

With the rock snake's tonnage, body shape, and cultivation level, the impact of this move is quite powerful.

In the face of such a powerful blow from the big rock snake, Long Longyan resorted to a rock blockade!

Rock blockade can block the opponent's actions, cause damage to the opponent, and reduce the speed of the opponent.

Huge rocks were condensed by the Longlong Rock and smashed towards the Big Rock Snake, preventing the Big Rock Snake from moving.

However, the big rock snake smashed the rock in front of it by virtue of the impact, and rushed towards the Longlong Rock, but the power of the impact was reduced a lot, and the speed of the big rock snake was still reduced.

"That's it, Big Rock Snake, continue to use Sacrificial Charge!" the brawny man shouted.

The big rock snake rushed towards Longlong Rock even more fiercely.

Long Longyan did not become panicked but rushed towards the Big Rock Snake.

Then, when the two sides were about to collide, Long Longyan's body actually glowed.

"Not good!" The strong man's expression changed.

"This feeling is..." Baili Yuan's eyes widened.


A violent explosion was released from Longlongyan's body. The big rock snake approached Longlongyan, suffered some injuries, and was pushed back by the thrust of the explosion.

"Why did you use the big bang directly?" Bailiyuan was a little surprised. He didn't understand why he had to use the self-harming move of the big bang when he had just fought against Long Longyan, and... the power of the big bang seemed a little weak.

That's right, the power of this big bang move is indeed weak. The strength shown by Long Longyan shouldn't just cause some injuries to the Big Rock Snake!

Soon, Bailiyuan had the answer.

When the Big Rock Snake was pushed out by the impact of the explosion, Long Longyan was also pushed up by the impact of the explosion, and his clothes didn't seem to be affected at all.

"So you controlled the power of the explosion?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

Regarding the power of controlling the big bang, Bailiyuan is also known as Long Longshi who has practiced before, but his idea has always been to let Long Longshi have the strength to escape, so that he will not lose all his physical strength directly, and persist until his teammates come to support him.

Controlling the power of the explosion will naturally consume less stamina. Similarly, using less stamina will naturally reduce the power of the explosion.

But it is easy to say, but not so simple to control.

The principle of the big bang is similar to that of the self-detonation, which is to convert physical strength into power, then make the power active like a flame, and finally release it, but compared with the self-destruction, the big bang further enhances the power of the released power.

Even with one's own strength, it is difficult to control the power transformed from all physical strength, but releasing all of them at once will eliminate these problems, so the output of self-destruction and big explosion becomes a matter of one click.

So far, Bailiyuan's Longlong Stone can only stand still after the explosion, and it is impossible to run.

And if you want to use the thrust generated by the big bang to move, or even go to the sky like Longlongyan, you need to practice farther.

Bailiyuan felt that it was necessary to change the way of thinking about the cultivation of the big bang of Longlongshi.

For a long time, because of the particularity of the big bang, Bailiyuan has always felt that the position of Longlongshi in the team in the future is the kind of existence that makes the final decision, using the big bang to deliver a fatal blow.

But now, if Long Longshi can really control the power of the explosion as he likes, he can definitely show off a wave of god-level moves!

On the other side, seeing Long Longyan use the power of the big bang to fly into the sky, Long Longshi's eyes that seemed to make people feel that he was very unhappy lit up brightly.

This operation is so cool~

The battle on the field is still going on.

Seeing Long Longyan flying up, the onlookers all exclaimed.

And Long Longyan, who fell from the sky, also turned around, controlled his body, and hit the big rock snake with his head.

Sacrifice and dash!

Long Longyan also used a self-sacrificing charge, retaliating his own body in his own way, coupled with the blessing from the sky, this blow was stronger than the previous big rock snake's self-sacrificing charge in terms of speed and momentum.

The big rock snake wanted to dodge, but found that there was no room for him to dodge!

At this time, everyone discovered that the rock blocked by the rock that Long Longyan used just now was still on the ground.

Although the big rock snake smashed a lot, it still left a lot, and the explosion just blasted the big rock snake into the rock group. Due to the big rock snake's size, it is difficult to dodge effectively in a limited space. If you want to smash the rock and then dodge it, it's too late with the descending speed of Longlong Rock!

At this time, everyone was shocked by the layout of Longlongyan.

This is definitely not something that ordinary wild elves can do!

Even for the elves of the trainers, it is difficult to make such a step-by-step layout without anyone directing them.

This is definitely not a fighting routine that ordinary elves can use!

"Big Rock Snake, dig a hole!" Even though the strong man gave the order, although the situation was critical, he didn't look panicked at all, but became calmer.

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