Chapter 1115 My Family

Andy hopes that Bailiyuan will not be distracted by other things in the future, so other things will be handed over to others.

However, there are not many things about Bailiyuan.

As for Bailiyuan's property... To be honest, Bailiyuan didn't get involved much at all.

And the research of the research institute has nothing to do with Baili Yuan.

After discussing with Caroline, Bailiyuan found that there were few things that really worried Bailiyuan.

There are three things before Bailiyuan.

One thing communicates Zanpakuto.

The two women who appeared in his mind space before were undoubtedly the spirit of Zanpakuto, but Bailiyuan couldn't communicate with the spirit of Zanpakuto, Bailiyuan decided to communicate this time, after all, he had to lick... Thank you in person click on them.

The second matter is the construction of the church and the operation of the diving department, which are not too much trouble, and Caroline can help Bailiyuan handle them.

The last thing you might not believe is bred to a big milk tank.

Of course, it wasn't Bailiyuan who served it himself. If it was Xue Li's big milk pot, Bailiyuan could try it.

However, Xueli and her big milk pot had already left together after the Wenwu Conference, and Bailiyuan was on a mission at that time, so she didn't have time to say goodbye to Xueli, so they could only contact through video calls.

As for the results of the tattoo martial arts conference...

Although the rankings of Yuncheng Academy are not low, they are not the final champions.

There are not many strong people in this world, and there are even better ones.

The so-called breeding of the big milk tank is to introduce elves from the Pokémon world that can lay eggs with the big milk tank.

Large milk tank farms need to expand production. Continuously introducing large milk tanks is not a long-term solution, so it must be able to reproduce continuously.

But the big milk pot can't lay eggs by itself, because the big milk pot race is all female.

As we all know, lilies are infinitely good, but they just don't give birth.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay a lot of money for seeds... Ahem, so it is necessary to introduce elves that can lay eggs with big milk pots to achieve sustainable development.

Fortunately, there are quite a few elves who can lay eggs with big milk pots.

The common little Lada and Arbor snake are fine, but they are also different from the big milk pots bred by different elves. This is not what Baili Yuan and Caroline said, but about big milk pots obtained from the Pokémon world. Indicated in the propagation information of the pot.

In the world of Pokémon, it is recognized that the egg elf that is most suitable for the big milk tank is Kentaro.

Next comes the Afro Buffalo, then the Mount Lamb and the Mount Goat, and finally the other elves.

Of course, this ranking is considered in terms of milk production, and it would be different if it is considered in terms of genetic skills.

In the end, Bailiyuan chose Kentello.

But considering that Bailiyuan's Kentaro only has two kidneys, Bailiyuan must find a way to introduce more Kentaro.

Fortunately, Kentaro is not uncommon.

Maybe it is possible to introduce a batch of well-developed Kentaro directly from the ranch of the king of the island in Akara Island.


in the shop.

Bailiyuan sat in front of the counter, drinking milk and eating the delicious food he brought.

It's been a while since Bailiyuan came to the store, but this time his system store didn't ship again. Although Bailiyuan had small crystals, he didn't want to buy any.

And looking at Baili Yuan who was eating, Jiang Yang had black lines all over his head.

This is a store, not a restaurant!

But... the rice is delicious!

Jiang Yang finally understood why Bailiyuan was wearing a chef's clothes and even carrying an artifact kitchen knife. This cooking skill is no longer a simple cooking skill!

The maid lady and Bai Chuxue also ate with Baili Yuan with chopsticks and bowls.

Jiang Yang thought about it too, but... Bailiyuan didn't give him chopsticks, so he can't take out chopsticks to eat by himself, right?

Jiang Yang blinked, and finally took out a pair of purple gold chopsticks.

"Little boss, can I have a meal?"


In the end, Bailiyuan didn't refuse.

Today's shop is a bit deserted, four people are eating around the counter.

"Little boss, are you going to the world of cultivating immortals?" Jiang Yang asked.

"I have something to do at the moment, so I can't go." Baili Yuan said after swallowing what was in his mouth.

Jiang Yang nodded.

"Then, is there anything the little boss wants to buy in the shop today?"

"I want to buy some special seasonings."

"Seasoning?" Jiang Yang was taken aback.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Recently, I am preparing to cook an ingredient, and I want to try to use seasonings from other worlds or some special seasonings."

The food that Bailiyuan was talking about was naturally Yanxing Fish King.

The Yanxing Fish King has been disassembled, and there are only three useful things. One is the bead on his forehead, which has a very strong fire element inside, which is a very good fire attribute material. The second is the flame of the Yanxing Fish King. Bubbles, although the Yanxing Fish King is different from ordinary fish, it also has bubbles, which store a large amount of fire elements, which can be directly absorbed and digested, and have been handed over to the elves. The third is the Yanxing Fish King. The spine is also a very good fire attribute material.

As for the rest, they are all ingredients.

Bailiyuan is going to cook Yanxing Yuwang.

As for Baili Yuan's demand, Jiang Yang was a little surprised, but when he saw the food in front of him, he understood it.

"I do have seasoning here, and there are many unusual seasonings." Jiang Yang smiled mysteriously.


Baili Yuan became interested.

"And this time I don't need to charge you points." Jiang Yang said.


Bailiyuan, the maid lady and Bai Chuxue were all stunned, looking at Jiang Yang in disbelief.

Bailiyuan hugged her chest.

"I think it's fine to trade normally, I'm not such a casual person..."

"Boss, you have changed!" Miss Maid.

"The boss is such a person?" Bai Chuxue asked in surprise.

"..." Jiang Yang was speechless, "What are you thinking?"

Then Jiang Yang smiled and rubbed his hands, "I can provide seasoning for the little boss for free, but... I hope the little boss can share some of your dishes with me, and we can cooperate for a long time in the future."

Only then did Bailiyuan realize that Jiang Yang was after his food.

But the maid lady put down her chopsticks, her face expressionless.

"You mean I don't cook well?" the maid asked.

"Huh? What?" Jiang Yang was taken aback.

"Huh? What?" Bailiyuan said the same thing, which made Jiang Yang and the two girls startled.

"Boss, you are going too far. How can you let the young lady cook? Do you know the harm of oil fume to the skin?" Bailiyuan pointed to Jiang Yang's nose.


Before Jiang Yang could explain Bailiyuan, he grabbed the hand of the maid lady.

"Miss, come to my house. I will cook for you. The food I cook is delicious. My bed is big and soft..."

Do you think I, Bailiyuan, are accusing Jiang Yang? In fact, I want to poach people~

"Can I go too?" Bai Chuxue suddenly leaned over and asked.

Bailiyuan glanced at Bai Chuxue's chest, then shook his head.

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