Chapter 1111 Evil Doppelganger

Seeing the thirteen figures that looked like him in the mental space, Bailiyuan was at a loss for a moment.

Why is this so much?

Originally, Bailiyuan asked his seven avatars to help guard his spiritual space, but now there are thirteen avatars?

But the six extra figures are a little different, they don't look like good people.

In fact, it wasn't just Baili Yuan who was dumbfounded, before Baili Yuan returned to the spiritual space, the seven clones stared at the six extra clones with big eyes.

"Yo~" A clone who was clearly not a good person greeted Baili Yuan.

"Ontology, who are these guys?" the evil avatar asked with unfriendly eyes.

"This..." Baili Yuan scratched his face.

"Let me come down and explain." An extra clone stood up and explained with a smile.

"Below is your desire avatar. Our six avatars come from your dark side. Simply put, they are your seven deadly sins. All creatures with complex emotions have sins, even you." The desire avatar explained.

Bailiyuan and the other clones agree with this explanation. Although these six clones are extra clones, Bailiyuan can still feel the connection between them and Bailiyuan.

"But..." Baili Yuan frowned, "Why are there six of the seven deadly sins?"

"Because you are the greatest sin - arrogance. When you enter the form of evil, you will turn into arrogance." The clone of desire explained.

"So that's how it is." Baili Yuan understood, "Then how were you born? Because of the six beads before?"

"You can say that." Desire clone said, and then simply sorted out the language, and began to explain from the beginning.

"Because you were corroded by evil before, although all evil was eventually eliminated, your body has been assimilated by evil. The most important thing is that when you were infected by evil, your dark side awakened, and in the evil When you are eliminated, your dark side does not disappear, but hibernates. If you do not prepare early, your dark side is likely to appear when your mind has problems again, and then destroy your normal life. Personality, take its place."

Bailiyuan leaned back.

so scary?

But then Bailiyuan thought of the voice he heard when he was strangled by the Ultraman of Evil. It couldn't be that his dark side came out to do something.

"Fortunately, you got the 'six evil beads', these six beads directly fused with your dark side, forming another personality in your body, but also inspired the 'good and evil sides' in your coat of arms This skill directly fuses your good and evil sides together, so there are six of us, and you are also fused with arrogance. When you use both good and evil sides, you will turn into arrogance. "

"That means you now have thirteen avatars, and at the same time you can become arrogant." The avatar of desire smiled.

"The power of our avatars is different from your previous avatars. We did not inherit your skills or power, but have our own unique power. For example, my power is the art of transformation, which can transform any creature into another creature. The premise is that the strength of the other party does not surpass me, and that the other party knows the real name of the other party."

Speaking of desire, the avatar also experimented a bit, and pointed to a avatar lying on the ground on the other side.

"Angry clone, become a little sheep!"

With a bang, a clone lying on the ground directly turned into a little sheep.

The clone of desire snapped its fingers again, and the little sheep turned back into the clone.

But the clone called Anger stood up, stared at the clone of desire unkindly, and then rushed towards the clone of desire.

The two clones just wrestled together.

Bailiyuan and the other avatars had black lines, but then Bailiyuan felt...

This a bit interesting.

"What about me? How about I become an arrogant force?" Baili Yuan asked.

"I'm not very clear about this, you need to try and dig it out yourself." The avatar of Desire sneakily said during the fight, and then it was stuffed into its mouth by anger.

But the avatar of desire did not show any weakness either, with one hand pinching between the angry legs, steadfastly refusing to let go.

The battle is quite intense.

But Bailiyuan has one last question.

"Why don't I know anything? You, a clone, know so much?"

"Give me the money, I'll tell you!" A clone approached Baili Yuan, posing as asking for money. This clone was also the one that greeted Baili Yuan first.


Did the charge come from ontology?

"I want to have a meal~"

"How many?"

"five million!"


Baili Yuan kicked this clone into the air, and then looked at the other clone.

"I'm the lazy clone." The clone said lazily, "As for why we know...because we come from your dark side and have the memory of your dark side, you just have the arrogance of the dark side and have no memory. "

Bailiyuan understood.

"By the way, we can't be resurrected after death, so try not to let us die." The lazy clone said, and then yawned.

Baili Yuan froze for a moment, then nodded.

Can't the new clone be resurrected?

"Then what if the chicken is broken?" The clone of desire on the other side suddenly interrupted and asked.

"Physical injuries can still be repaired, what's wrong? Why do you ask such a sharp question?" the lazy clone asked.

The clone of desire points to the clone of desire and the clone of anger who are fighting.

"The expression of the angry avatar over there is already abnormal. I think it may be that his dick is going to have a problem."

Baili Yuan turned his head to look, and sure enough, the anger avatar had already started to foam, and the reason was the "severing claw" of the desire avatar, but the foot of the anger avatar was still stuck in the desire avatar's mouth.

The rest of the avatars surrounded him, watching this rare scene.

Bailiyuan chose to say goodbye.

When they came outside, Bailiyuan and Caroline chose to leave after briefly explaining the situation.

There is no need to stay here anymore, and there is nothing worth mining.

As for the way to leave, it is natural to dig through the bottom of the volcano. Caroline didn't stay here for a day. Based on the previous activities of the giant beasts, she judged that the volcano must be the key, and finally succeeded in discovering spatial fluctuations at the bottom of the volcano.

Before leaving, Bailiyuan also touched the sacred egg on the top of the volcano, and then took Galateron Alpha, ready to leave this space.

"This is obviously a sealed place, and the ultimate flame is what suppresses the seal, but there are still many questions, such as who built this place." Caroline said.

"Don't worry about what to do, the benefits are in hand, let's withdraw!" Baili Yuan said.

Caroline didn't reply, after all... Although Bailiyuan's words were casual, they were very real.

Galatron Alpha passed through the bottom of the volcano, and when they passed through the exit at the bottom of the volcano, it seemed that some kind of restriction was triggered. After they left, the positive space shattered, and a large amount of magma flowed down from the outside world. The space sinks and submerges.

Galatron Alpha, who had just left, went directly into the magma, and at the same time noticed the movement here.

After simply observing for a period of time and making sure there were no moths, Galatron Alpha carried Bailiyuan and Shazi away from the magma.

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