Chapter 1101 Falling into Magma

Bailiyuan struggled to get up from the ground, feeling that his body was about to fall apart, especially in his abdomen, which felt like a tearing pain. If it wasn't for Bailiyuan's skin's strong defense, he might have died just now. It's going to be ripped open.


Having said that, the body of the Otto family does not seem to have internal organs, but is composed of pure light particles.

Ding dong ding dong...

Baili Yuan lowered his head, the indicator light on his chest was already flickering, and then he felt a sense of weakness.

But Bailiyuan didn't care too much, but raised his head to look at the location of the seven-color monster in the sky just now.

At this time there, the figure of the giant beast has disappeared, only the black gas drifts with the wind, and then disappears.

"Did you win?" Baili Yuan was overjoyed.


This is the power of Bailiyuan's strongest blow!

However, to be honest, if Bailiyuan can't instantly kill the opponent, then Bailiyuan can only use the fallen form next, but the fallen form cannot restrain the black mud that makes up the giant beast, and the next battle may be very difficult.

Just like now, Galatron Alpha.

Because the turtle-shaped monster is also made of black mud, although Galatron Alpha blasted off the head of the turtle-shaped monster several times, the other party was resurrected in a blink of an eye.

The indicator light on the chest of the avatar of goodness also lit up, and one minute is almost up.

And just when the avatar of goodness wanted to use its last strength to purify the remaining malicious gas, something suddenly flew out of the malicious gas and rushed towards Bailiyuan.

"not good!"

The avatar of goodness shone brightly and disappeared in place.


The avatar of goodness used the teleportation of the Otto family with the last strength, and stopped in front of Bailiyuan.

The object rushing towards Bailiyuan collided with Shan's clone, knocking Shan's clone into the air.

At the moment of blocking, Bailiyuan also saw clearly what was flying towards him.

It was those six strange beads!

Baili Yuan was startled, subconsciously turned around and ran away.

On the other side, the Shan avatar struggled on the ground for a couple of times, and then his body lit up, returning to the state of a human body, but he looked at Baili Yuan with an extremely anxious expression.

Bailiyuan flew in front, and the six beads chased after him. In order to fly a little longer, Bailiyuan knocked the light from two glow stones for himself, so that he could maintain his holy state for a while longer.

Caroline also reacted, Galatron Alpha gave up the turtle-shaped behemoth, but flew in the direction of Bailiyuan, wanting to support Bailiyuan.

However, it was too late, the six beads accelerated one by one, appeared in front of Baili Yuan almost as if teleported, and then adsorbed on Baili Yuan's body.

One on the forehead, one on the chest, one on the shoulders and one on the outside of the legs.

Bailiyuan let out a cry of pain, and the indicator light on his chest went off immediately, but then the indicator light on Bailiyuan's chest lit up red, and his form also changed—the fallen form!

Black malice entangled Baili Yuan, and Baili Yuan lost his mind almost instantly.

At the same time, an unfixed figure flew out of Bailiyuan's body, it was Caroline's body, which was squeezed out of Bailiyuan's body by force.

Then, Bailiyuan fell directly from the sky and fell into the magma below.

No one expected the sudden change, and even Shazi, who was nearby, had not had time to rescue her.

But when Bailiyuan fell into the magma, everyone's hearts were tugged.

At this time, a red figure jumped into the magma following Baili Yuan.

It's the flame chicken who just arrived!

"Flame Chicken, don't!" Shouted Shanzhi's avatar, but the Flame Chicken was wrapped in flames, plunged into the magma, and chased Bailiyuan.

Galatron Alpha came slowly.

Caroline's body was attached to Galatron Alpha, and she was about to enter the magma, but at this moment, the magma surface in the crater began to solidify, and she fell into dormancy at an extremely fast speed!

Caroline controlled Galatron Alpha and raised her hand to shoot the magma, but only a deep pit was blown out, and the magma in the volcano seemed to have completely solidified.

Galatron Alpha scanned the interior of the volcano, but the result was "volcanic condensation", and there were no traces of Bailiyuan and Flame Chicken.

The only good news is that the avatar of Shan is still there, proving that Bailiyuan is not dead, but the flame chicken...

At this time, there was a roar in the distance.

The remaining behemoths, including the turtle-shaped behemoth, all turned their heads to look in the direction of the volcano after the accident occurred, and then even gave up their opponents and rushed towards the direction of the volcano frantically, as if...there is this The exit of the space is the same!

Seeing the giant beast rushing towards him, the clone of goodness and Caroline both turned around.

"Let's deal with these giant beasts first." Shan Zhi's avatar suggested.

Caroline controlled Galatron Alpha and nodded.

If these behemoths are not dealt with, then things will go awry, not to mention that among these behemoths there is a seven-colored behemoth, and... the opponent also has beads in his body!

The elves also chased after them.

And Shazi's pose sank into the shadows again, and the shadows began to sink from the surface.


Among the volcanoes.

Bailiyuan and Flamingo didn't know about the extinguishing of the volcano.

Because Bailiyuan had lost consciousness at this time, and the flame chicken was chasing after Bailiyuan.

But the flame chicken is in a very bad state at this time.

The magma caused great damage to the flame chicken, and at the same time there was severe pain and heat that almost incinerated him. If it weren't for the belief of "rescue the owner" supporting the flame chicken, the flame chicken would have lost consciousness at this time. What the flame chicken can do is to consume its own flames to protect itself.

But how can flames compare to magma?

The flame chicken is almost at its limit.

After all, going deep into the magma is not something the flame chicken can bear.

In fact, Flame Chicken didn't know why he wanted to chase him down, but when he saw Bailiyuan fall into the magma, he followed.

The flame chicken didn't want to see Bailiyuan fall into the endless magma alone.

After all, he is Bailiyuan's contracted beast, how could the contracted beast watch the summoner fall into danger alone? And Bailiyuan's home space still has many of his partners.

Finally, the flame chicken sensed the wave of power ahead.

It's the master!

The flame chicken ignited the last flame and accelerated its sinking speed in the magma. Finally, Baili Yuan's figure appeared in his perception.

At this time, malice had already enveloped Baili Yuan's head and most of his body, only the chest was not covered by evil.

The flame chicken hurriedly stretched out its claws and grabbed Bailiyuan.

However, his flame finally burned out.

The magma burned the flame chicken's skin, followed by flesh and blood, and then bones...

The flame chicken stretched out its claws hard.


Wake up!

The flame chicken shouted in his heart.

Finally, the flame chicken's paw touched the light indicator on Baili Yuan's chest.

However, he himself finally lost consciousness in the magma, and the remaining broken body gradually disappeared in the magma.

At this time, Bailiyuan, who had already lost consciousness, seemed to hear the cry in the flame chicken's heart, and his eyes miraculously lit up.

The light bloomed from Baili Yuan's body, covering himself and the remaining body of the flame chicken, and then partly flowed into the broken body of the flame chicken.

This is not the power of light, nor the power of the divine.


The vitality of Bailiyuan!

The two just sank to the bottom of the volcano.


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