I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 112 The Pyramid on the Top of the Mountain

To be honest, Bailiyuan had never seen such dense easter eggs since leaving the space turbulence.

Looking at the densely packed easter eggs on the detector, Bailiyuan didn't know what expression to make.

"Emmm... slipped away."

The platinum eggs are all out, although it represents a huge harvest, but it also represents a huge crisis.

Facing the existence of the Easter Egg on his body, Bailiyuan can easily deal with the bearers of the Black Iron Egg and the Bronze Easter Egg, barely able to deal with the bearer of the Silver Easter Egg, and it is absolutely impossible for Bailiyuan to be able to deal with the bearer of the Gold Easter Egg. , not to mention the platinum above and the easter eggs above.

However, although easter eggs are dangerous, it doesn't mean that you have to go through battles to get them, and you can also get them in other tricky ways.

For example, the diamond egg on Andy's chest, the golden egg on Dr. Oki's trophy...

At this moment, Bailiyuan suddenly realized that Andy and Dr. Oki might be really strong!

"I remember Andy said he was going to stew me..."

Bailiyuan suddenly didn't want to go back to the world of heraldic envoys, it's really dangerous!

At this time, Xanadu suddenly pulled the corner of Bailiyuan's clothes, and when Bailiyuan looked at her, she shook her head.

"The top of the mountain, I don't feel any danger." Xanadu's voice sounded from the bottom of Baili Yuan's heart.

Baili Yuan showed a surprised expression, "Huh? Not in danger? It shouldn't be!"

At this time, Xanadu's superpowers flooded into Bailiyuan's mind, and Xanadu directly presented the pictures he saw with superpowers in Bailiyuan's consciousness.

This is an application of superpowers, but it is not pure superpowers, but used in conjunction with hypnotism and illusion.

Interfere with the spirit of the other party, so that the other party sees the picture that you want the other party to see.

Xanadu has grown to this point where Bailiyuan didn't notice.

But fantasy is not what Xanadu is good at. She can only do simple interference, so that Bailiyuan can see a general idea, and it is difficult to show detailed details.

But this level was enough for Bailiyuan to understand the situation on the top of the mountain.

There is also a bare view on the top of the mountain, but what stands out is a huge pyramid-like building standing on the top of the mountain!


Bailiyuan was taken aback, how could there be a pyramid on the top of the mountain?

But that pyramid doesn't really look like it's in too much danger.

After hesitating for a while, Bailiyuan finally decided to leave.

As a human being, the most important thing is to follow the heart.

Withdrew the same way, it was already late at night, after wasting so much time, Bailiyuan still couldn't find a place to live.

"A little melancholy." Bailiyuan looked at the moon in the sky, "Where do you live tonight?"

Shanaido patted Baili Yuan's head to express his comfort, and even the expressionless Super Miaomiao patted Baili Yuan's body.

"Thank you." Baili Yuan smiled at the two elves.

Xanadu yawned, showing a tired look.

Today, I carried out an ultra-long-distance teleportation and found a cave in the middle of the night. I was a little tired, so I greeted Bailiyuan, and Xanadu went straight back to the coat of arms to rest.

Seeing that Xanadu had gone back, Super Miaomiao entered the coat of arms immediately after.

Only Bailiyuan was left standing on the mountain alone.

The smile on Baili Yuan's face gradually froze.

What about being a companion in the world of mortals?

Why did you go back to sleep like this! ! !

Rubbing his chubby face, Bailiyuan looked at the moon in the sky and blinked.

"Or just stay here overnight."

There are elves sleeping in the cave, but it doesn't mean that the mountain is peaceful, because many elves are nocturnal, and they were avoided by the warnings of Shanaido and Super Miaomiao before.

What a rough night.

The next morning...

Sunlight poured into the cave entrance from outside, and the Pokémon on the mountain started a new day of activities.

Hearing the activities of the elves outside, Baili Yuan inside the cave opened his eyes, yawned and stretched.

Sitting cross-legged on the side, the flame chicken closed its eyes and opened its eyes when it heard Baili Yuan's movement.

When Bailiyuan looked at the flame chicken, the flame chicken nodded to Bailiyuan, then got up and walked out of the cave, wanting to move his body.

Bailiyuan watched the flame chicken leave, his eyes still had the dull feeling that he had just woken up.

The cave where Bailiyuan was located was not deep, and of course it couldn't be too deep, because this cave was smashed out last night by Bailiyuan with Huozhixiu and an egg-smashing hammer!

Last night, in order not to sleep outside, Bailiyuan gritted his teeth and used Huozhixin and an egg-smashing hammer to dig a cave on the mountainside. What he dug last night was really full of flames.

Because Ultraman is not the kind of race that is naturally good at digging holes, Bailiyuan has no experience in digging holes, and dare not dig deep, fearing that the cave will collapse, so the hole he dug is only one meter deep and one meter high.

But this hole is just big enough for Bailiyuan to rest in it, and a flame chicken can be squeezed in to watch the night.

However, the Flaming Chicken can only sit cross-legged to watch the night, so the Flaming Chicken that has been sitting all night only needs to move its body in the morning.

It took Bailiyuan a while to recall the situation at this time.

Patting his own face to cheer himself up, Bailiyuan simply tidied up his personal hygiene, then released the elves to have breakfast together, did some simple exercises, and then took the elves back.

Today is the fifth day in the Pokémon world, and there are still two days to stay.

Bailiyuan looked towards the top of the mountain. Because there were no trees to cover it, he could see it more clearly during the day. Although he couldn't see the whole of the top of the mountain, he could see a silver light on the top of the mountain.

The easter egg on the top of the mountain has not disappeared, which proves that the pyramid on the top of the mountain is still there.

Although Bailiyuan was still curious about the pyramid on the mountain, he didn't think about going to see it.

However, compared to these things, Bailiyuan now needs to consider another thing.

That is the food problem of the elves!

Bailiyuan only brought the original elves and his own food for a week, but now the number of elves has increased!

The newly added elves include Glitter Gyarados, Galagala in Alola form, Alien Katie Dog, and Alienated Big Needle Bee.

Their food is divided from other elves of the same attribute.

The one who eats the least is the big needle bee. As she said, she is really easy to keep.

The Big Needle Bee distributes the food of the giant pincer mantis that is beneficial to the development of the contracted insects, but it doesn't share much, because the big needle bee eats the most honey.

The amount of honey is large enough to last for a long time.

Gala Gala and Katie Goufeng are the food of Flame Chicken and Nine Tails that are good for the growth of fire-type contracted beasts, and their appetites are quite normal.

The biggest problem is the Glitter Gyarados. He shared the food from Menus and Mosquito Frog that is good for the growth of water-system contracted beasts, but even if he shared the food of the two elves, with the big appetite of the Glitter Gyarados, The food reserves of Menas and Mosquito Frogs also disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bailiyuan reckons that the food of Menus and Mosquito Frog may be the first to be eaten up, and they can last until today's dinner. The food of Flame Chicken and Nine Tails can eat a few more meals, and they can last until tomorrow's dinner. Claw Mantis food has no effect.

Once the food is eaten, the elves can only starve for the rest of the time.

Tomorrow there is the last exam, and when I get home the day after tomorrow, I will be back to normal and updated, and then I will make up for those signed additions~ Thank you for your support~

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