I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1097 Head Exploded

"Look, there is a giant beast in front of it. It must have caught a cold sitting on the ground. Why don't we put it..."

In the shadow, Baili Yuan looked at a gold-ranked behemoth in the distance and whispered.

The silver-ranked behemoths were not completely hunted by Bailiyuan, but a relatively safe number was killed, and then the gold-ranked behemoths were attacked.

Bailiyuan knew that with the continuous black hands, the disappearance of a large number of giant beasts would definitely attract the attention of other giant beasts, so Bailiyuan could only delay the time of being discovered as much as possible, and at the same time try to ensure as many kills as possible These behemoths.

Half an hour later, Baili Yuan came behind a giant seven-color beast.

It wasn't that Bailiyuan had drifted away, but that Bailiyuan found that there were platinum-level and diamond-level behemoths surrounding Galatron Alpha, and it was almost impossible to assassinate him with arrows, so he could only risk looking It was placed on the two colorful giant beasts sitting alone on both sides.

The seven-color giant beast is obviously the top existence among these giant beasts. Although it also has a crazy aura, it can sit on the side like a big brother and watch the younger brother besiege Galatron Alpha, and the other giant beasts also I didn't mean to come here to disturb the two colorful monster bosses.

Shazi looked at Bailiyuan, as if she was asking Bailiyuan if he really wanted to attack the giant in front of him.

"Trust me! What if it succeeds~"


However, Bailiyuan's height at this time was only 1.4 meters, which was nothing compared to the 100-meter monster in front of him.

"Its body defense must be stronger, so we can only choose some weak places to attack." Baili Yuan raised his head.

"Shazi, can you help me to be put on top of the giant beast?" Baili Yuan asked.

Two considerations.

The first colorful egg is on the top of the giant beast's head, and the second is that Bailiyuan thinks that the effect of attacking the giant beast's head into the giant beast's nostrils or ears may be better.

Anyway, the arrow only needs to break through the defense to have an effect.

Shazi nodded to Bailiyuan's request.

Then the dark power began to condense under Bailiyuan's feet. After a while, Shazi raised her hand to signal Bailiyuan to get ready.

Baili Yuan also took a deep breath, held the arrow and got ready.

Shazi put her hand down, and the dark power exploded under Bailiyuan's feet, and Bailiyuan was directly ejected from the shadow.


I saw a small black dot flying out from the shadow of the seven-color monster, directly hitting the monster's head, and finally reached the top of the monster's head.


The black dot hit the back of the behemoth's head and bounced to the side.

The seven-color monster seemed to sense something, froze for a moment, then turned its head, and continued to look at the battle in the field after noticing anything unusual.

The black dot is naturally the Bailiyuan that was ejected.

Bailiyuan didn't expect Shazi's ejection to be so powerful. Before he had time to react, he hit the back of the giant beast's head and was ejected to the side.

The face was almost flattened.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan responded in time, and the force of the wind appeared beside Bailiyuan, dragged Bailiyuan back, and sent it back to the head of the giant beast, although Bailiyuan's power was restrained because of the digital shell , but it is still possible to use the wind to drag oneself to fly.

After Bailiyuan landed on top of the giant beast's head, thirteen invisible tentacles appeared around his waist, helping Bailiyuan fix his body—the trousers of diligence—invisible tentacles.

After putting on the digital shell, Bailiyuan had to rely on the power of some equipment, otherwise he would be able to run freely on the giant beast with Chakra at this time.

Although the invisible tentacles have powerful tearing ability and attack power, they can also become sticky to a certain extent, allowing Bailiyuan to stick to the giant beast, absorbing objects and fixing the body like an octopus.

Then Baili Yuan stretched out his hand and made a thumbs up gesture in the direction of the giant beast's shadow, indicating that there was no problem.

Shazi, who was hiding in the shadow, looked up at Bailiyuan's outstretched hand at a height of 100 meters.

If her eyes hadn't been raised just now, she could hardly have seen Baili Yuan's hand.

Baili Yuan withdrew his hand and looked around.

The body surface of the giant beast is not that safe either, the place is filled with malice, and it's all black that has turned into gaseous evil.

But even though Baili Yuan was deeply in the evil, he didn't feel anything strange.

Baili Yuan looked at his hands, and sighed a little.

"As expected of a digital shell."

The evil power didn't even affect Baili Yuan, and Baili Yuan didn't need to release the divine power to disperse the evil at all.

"However, this is also good, reducing the possibility of being discovered."

The thirteen tentacles moved, moving towards the direction of the colorful eggs with Bailiyuan.

The tentacles at the waist pressed against Baili Yuan, propped Baili Yuan up, and then Baili Yuan successfully touched the egg.

Colorful eggs +1

But when Baili Yuan raised his body and looked down, he found something strange here.

Before, because the body surface of the giant beast was shrouded in malicious energy, he couldn't see the whole picture of the giant beast clearly, but now he can see clearly, the position where the colorful eggs were refreshed on the giant beast turned out to be a hemisphere-like Things, as if beads were inlaid on the top of the giant beast's head.


Caroline scanned the beads.

"This seems to be the energy source of the giant beast." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan suddenly had a bold idea.

The tentacle pulled Bailiyuan back, and then Bailiyuan came to the edge where the bead and the giant beast came into contact.

Then Bailiyuan took out the arrow in his hand.

Bailiyuan pressed the surrounding area to confirm the hardness here, and then held the arrow backwards.

Baili Yuan fiercely inserted the arrow into the gap between the bead and the giant beast's body.

What excited Baili Yuan was that the arrow was inserted into the gap, and then...

The seven-color monster suddenly let out a painful roar.

Suction appeared on the arrow.

Before Bailiyuan could get excited, he heard a bang, and the head of the colorful giant beast exploded. The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the space, and the other giant beasts that were fighting and Galatron Alpha also He stopped his hand, and at the same time, another seven-color monster also looked at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan held the arrow and was blown away. Because he lost an arrow before, Bailiyuan was extra careful with the arrows. After all, there were only a few arrows, and one was missing when he lost one.

And the head fragments from the giant beast's explosion also flew away with the arrow, and then were absorbed by the arrow.

It has to be said that the digitized body is really strong, and the digitized shell was not damaged at all under such an explosion, but Bailiyuan was dizzy from the shock, and stared at him.

A shadow appeared at the place where Bailiyuan fell, and caught Bailiyuan, and then Shazi hugged Bailiyuan in her arms.

After confirming that Bailiyuan's body was fine, Caroline felt relieved, and then looked at the colorful monster whose head exploded just now through the perspective of Galatron Alpha.

At this time, the headless body of the seven-color monster is still sitting there, but it is not moving.

Caroline, however, felt something was wrong.

It stands to reason that all creatures stabbed by arrows will be absorbed by the arrows, but... why is the body of the seven-color monster still there?

Then, Caroline discovered the problem.

A huge black bead was floating above the headless corpse of the giant beast, shining with ominous light, it looked like the half bead that was exposed from the head of the giant beast before.

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