I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1094 Don't even leave a mouthful of soup?

Flender and the seventh action team followed the traces of the previous passage to find the underground space that Bailiyuan had visited.

What surprised them was that there were many passages underground, but fortunately they had special tracking methods, so they didn't get lost. Then they found the underground space and saw the situation of the underground space.

"It seems that there has been a battle here." Xue Xue looked around.

Flender's eyes scanned the surroundings.

"There should be four or five targets on both sides of the battle, and the strength of both sides should exceed that of ordinary high-level heraldic envoys. According to the traces, there should be three to four targets against a large target." Fran De judged the situation on the battlefield.

"Captain Baili's coat of arms is Summoner," Xue Xue said.

Flender nodded.

This can explain it, but he has seen Bailiyuan before, and Bailiyuan's aura is obviously at the level of a high-level heraldry. If it is Bailiyuan's contracted beast that is fighting that huge enemy, then it means There will be at least three contracted beasts in Bailiyuan who are stronger than high-level heraldic envoys, or even four.

If you combine Bailiyuan to become a coat of arms...

"It's really not easy." Flender sighed.

According to the growth of a person's strength, it is completely possible to judge the resources consumed by a person's growth.

It is not uncommon for a high-level heraldist to breed more than three contracted beasts that exceed the strength of a high-level heraldry within four or five years. This is not unheard of in the world of heraldry, but those are relatively special circumstances, and extremely rare. Behind this, it meant that Bailiyuan must have put more effort and resources into it, and the talents of the contracted beasts couldn't be too bad.

Although contracted beasts can quickly increase their strength or evolve under the cultivation of the summoner, this speed will not exceed the law of biological growth. The accumulation of time and the provision of resources are indispensable.

According to Flender's idea, only Andy and Yuncheng College can provide resources for Bailiyuan.

Flender knew something about Bailiyuan's situation, but he knew more about Andy and Yuncheng College's situation.

Although Bailiyuan is Andy's adopted son, Flender knows that Andy cannot overemphasize Bailiyuan's investment in too many resources of Yuncheng College, and at most provide the resources in his own hands, even if Bailiyuan is Andy's relative. The same goes for the son.

After all, even if Andy said nothing at Yuncheng College, but Andy is not alone in Yuncheng College. Now Andy can have his current status. Di can indeed lead Yuncheng College to become stronger, and Andy also guarantees the interests of the school directors of Yuncheng College.

It's true, but there's nothing weird about it either.

And if Andy damages the interests of other school managers, even if other school managers can't deal with Andy, Yuncheng College will definitely be in chaos, but Flender knows that Cloud City College is getting better and better, especially After the last exchange between the four colleges, Flender even met several directors of Yuncheng College who praised Baili Yuan as a "good boy".

This shows that the relationship between the directors of Yuncheng College and Andy and Bailiyuan is pretty good.

In other words, Bailiyuan did not consume or did not consume too many resources of Yuncheng College.

Then things get interesting.

Either there are other organizations investing in Bailiyuan, or Bailiyuan or Andy has other hidden forces, but at least Flender doesn't remember that Andy or Bailiyuan has any powerful forces that are closely related on the surface.

Although it is indicated in Bailiyuan's information that Bailiyuan cooperates with Yuncheng College because it can bring monsters from other worlds to this world, and owns silk factories, ranches and other industries under its name, but this is only with Yuncheng College. It's just cooperation, and although these industries make money, money does not represent resources, and many spiritual resources cannot be bought even with money.

In addition, the only one under Bailiyuan's name that completely belongs to Bailiyuan is "Linyuan Technology", but "Linyuan Technology" appeared too short to help Bailiyuan's longevity.

Flender analyzed the situation of Wave Bailiyuan.

The 404 different world has not been made public, and Flender has not participated in the 404 different world, so Flender does not know what Bailiyuan did in that world, otherwise he may be more biased towards Bailiyuan What an adventure in another world.

But the truth is that Bailiyuan did have an adventure in another world, and it was not a world.

Flender just analyzed it subconsciously, and had no extra thoughts. At this time, all information related to Andy is worth noting, let alone Bailiyuan, "Andy's adopted son".

As for the reason, it was because Andy had broken through the Great Heraldic Envoy, and the news that he had reached a higher level had spread among the high-level people.

After reaching that level, Andy's identity will be different. In the entire human race camp, Andy's identity will undergo a huge improvement and change, and he will have to bear more. Naturally, it will be impossible to quietly nest in Yuncheng College as a courtyard in the future. long.

And Andy's future actions will involve a lot, even if Andy has no idea, but her strength is doomed that she can't be alone, not to mention that Andy is not a quiet person, the most direct impact is Yuncheng College.

With Andy's breakthrough, the status of Yuncheng College has increased by one point, but Yuncheng College is about to change the dean.

Thinking of Andy, and considering Andy's age, Flender sighed inwardly.

Andy is amazingly talented, and he broke through at a young age, and he is already so old, and he hasn't broken through yet. Maybe he will stay in the realm of the great heraldry for the rest of his life, but it doesn't matter...

Flender came back to his senses, and the people from the Seventh Action Team also checked the surrounding environment.

"I found some caves and corpses of monsters. They have been cleaned up, and there are traces of collection. It is suspected that Captain Baili's contracted beasts did it. They are all unrecorded monsters. They may be new types of monsters, and ovaries were also found, so Judging that this should be the lair of a monster, but there is no trace of Captain Baili and the team member named Shazi. Judging from the layout of the lair, the magma lake may be the place where the lair leader lived, but the lair leader did not. trace." Xue Xuehui reported, then frowned, she found a problem.

"Where's the captain?" Xue Xue asked the mage team.

The team members all came back, but Gu Mu, the captain, was nowhere to be seen.

The other team members looked around and pointed in one direction.

"The captain is there." Al pointed behind Xue Xue.

Xue Xue turned around and found that Gu Mu was doing something near a small magma pit. When Xue Xue led people to walk over, he found that Gu Mu seemed to be sniffing something.

"What are you doing?" Xue Xue asked.

"I smell something other than this world here! There must be traces of death here!" Gu Mu said.

Sick again?

Xue Xue frowned and took two steps, and then she also smelled the smell.

The taste here...

"It smells so good!" the deputy captain exclaimed, and then took a deep breath.

The range of fragrance is not large, but it is strong and lingering.

Flender also came within the scope of the smell, took a sip, and then pinched his chin to think.

"This seems to be the smell of food." The Berserker said, and then touched his stomach, which made him hungry.

"How can..." Xue Xue wanted to deny it.

But Flender nodded.

"That's right, this is the aroma of the food, like the taste of soup, and the ingredients are not simple, the most important thing is the extraordinary craftsmanship of the chef." Flender said.

"There are traces of someone sitting down here. It's two people." The assassin team member observed the traces underground and said.

"By the way, I remembered." Al said suddenly, "When I occasionally sent messages to my classmates who stayed in school for work, they seemed to have said that Captain Baili has good cooking skills, and the food he cooked It will shine!"

"What? The food glows? How can this... Wait!" Xue Xue frowned and looked around, "If it is really Captain Baili, that is to say, Captain Baili led that team member to not only bloodbath this lair , and even have time and leisure to make soup and have a picnic here with the aid of the magma pool?"

Xue Xue's words made everyone react, although it sounded like something was wrong, but the fact seemed to be the case.

Everyone looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you.

So what are we worried about chasing down?

Favorability -1

"Not even a sip of soup." Flender smiled and patted his stomach. The smell made him feel a little hungry.

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