Chapter 1083: The Not-So-Smart Yazi

The camp is very large, but because it is temporarily built, it is not that luxurious, but it looks a bit rudimentary. Fortunately, it has everything that should be there, and there is also a place for accommodation in Yuncheng College.

But while the others were packing their luggage, Baili Yuan followed Gu Mu to the command center to report.

As the captain in name, there are some things that still require Bailiyuan to come forward.

Although Gu Mu seems to have a lot of problems, he can travel well in his duties. It is estimated that this is the reason why he can be the captain of the action team.

Bailiyuan walked into the command center. The tent of the command center was very large, with a lot of high-tech equipment inside, and a holographic projection map of the fire area. I don't know if it was real-time monitoring or simple terrain simulation.

However, what Bailiyuan didn't know was whether the command center could use such a holographic projection map because of Caroline, that is to say, this technology was actually owned by Bailiyuan.

Fortunately, others don't know that Bailiyuan is the titular owner of the recently developed "Linyuan Technology".

At this time, in addition to some staff members in the command center, there are also a few who are obviously leaders.

A man who looks to be in his fifties is standing in the center, he should be the supreme leader of this camp, but the coat of arms makes it hard to believe the appearance of the world, a handsome man like Yuexuan is more than a grandfather, this fifty Men who are more than one year old may be old people who are over a hundred years old.

Behind the man stood a man who looked like a secretary.

In addition, there are two groups of people standing on both sides. On one side are two men and a woman with a secretary. They should be from Akamoy's action team, and they are probably captains like Gu Mu. He is a character, but he looks more serious than Gu Mu.

On the other side are two men and one woman, whose aura is a bit out of tune with this place, and they should be the leaders of the other three academies.

Although the two sides are not in the same way, it can be seen that they chatted well.

The arrival of Bailiyuan and Gumu also attracted their attention, and they all looked at Bailiyuan, but they didn't speak immediately, not knowing what they were thinking.

After all, they were really unfamiliar with Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan didn't know any of the people present.

Gu Mu brought Xue Xue to the side of the team, Bailiyuan noticed that the other captains subconsciously avoided Gu Mu, as if they were afraid of getting contaminated, but the captains and their secretaries all smiled at Xue Xue and nodded. It can be seen that the positions of Gu Mu and Xue Xue in the hearts of others are simply two extremes.

Naturally, Gu Mu also felt the reason of other people, instead he showed a disdainful laugh, and then held his forehead with one hand.

"Hehehe... Hahaha... Sure enough, you are all afraid of the curse on me! But, mortals, I forgive you, let me bear this curse and pain alone, even if I am hated by you Similarly, the saint must be lonely!"

There was a sudden silence in the tent of the command center.

Xue Xue took a deep breath.

"Master Gu Mu, please be more serious, everyone has already started to hate you."

"You don't understand me at all!"

"No, we understand you very well. Do you know that in the eyes of others, Mr. Gumu, you are like a bug in the sewer, a mosquito feeding at midnight, an alien with a genetic mutation, a primitive man with an underdeveloped IQ, The fear of contracting some incurable disease near you is the reason other people stay away from you."

"What? How is it possible?!" Gu Mu was stunned.

"But don't worry, at least you are still alone in my eyes." Xue Xue said.

"Xue Xue..." Gu Mu was suddenly moved.

"Well, a mental patient." Xue Xue continued.

Furuki: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"Today's Xue Xue is still venomous towards Gu Mu." The leader middle-aged man laughed.

"No, I'm just stating a fact." Xue Xue said.

The middle-aged man smiled, and then looked at Baili Yuan.

"So this kid is the team leader of Yuncheng College?"

Bailiyuan stood up straight.

"Yuncheng College, a student of the first phase of the second grade, Bailiyuan, led the team of Yuncheng College to report."

"Bailiyuan, I know you, it's terrible, you are already a high-level heraldic envoy at a young age, and you are also a double-insignia envoy." The middle-aged man said with a smile, "I am the commander-in-chief of this operation. , Flender, captain of the first action team, welcomes you and Cloud City Academy."

"Thank you so much."

After a wave of simple greetings, Flender's expression and momentum relaxed.

"Is the journey here going well?" Flender asked.

"It's going well, I encountered some small troubles, but they have been resolved." Bailiyuan did not disclose the matter of the giant magma worm, but in fact, I feel that it is useless even if I say it. It's impossible to just deal with that magma worm, and the location of the magma worm is also far away from here, so it can only be said to be an accident.

Bailiyuan didn't say anything, and Flender didn't ask any more questions, but nodded.

Bailiyuan and the others arrived last, so Flender naturally wanted to ask.

"How's that girl Andy doing?" Flender asked with a smile.

"Mother has been doing well recently." Bailiyuan said, outside, Bailiyuan's address to Andy will also change, no matter how casual it is, what if people misunderstand the relationship between them?

"That's good, let me introduce you again." Flender smiled and began to introduce the people around him.

In the action team, apart from Flender from the first action team and Furuki from the seventh action team, the man is the captain of the third action team, named Yoshioka Nen, and the woman is the captain of the sixth action team, named Lan Tian.

On the other side, the leader of Fengcheng College is a thin man, but his eyes are very sharp. A strong man, he looks like a powerful player at first glance, his name is Hiroya.

As for strength.

Flender is a great heraldic envoy, and the others introduced themselves as high-level heraldic envoys, but Bailiyuan can clearly feel that the aura of these people has begun to change, that is to say, they bought a half-step large heraldry make the realm.

That's right, it's all, that is to say, among those present, only Bailiyuan is a real high-level heraldist, the others are half-step great heraldry, and there is Vlad, the great heraldry, and then I During the introduction, everyone except Flender said that he was a high-level heraldry.

Bailiyuan suddenly had the illusion of being fooled by these people collectively.

But Bailiyuan quickly realized that half-step big heraldry is not that special in the world of heraldry, and the treatment is similar to that of high-level heraldry.

Although Bailiyuan was the youngest and only a student, no one underestimated Bailiyuan, and no one came out to provoke trouble.

After all, Bailiyuan also has the strength of a high-level heraldry envoy. The most important thing is that behind Bailiyuan is Andy, do you dare to provoke him?

Everyone is not stupid, although Gu Mu's mind is not very normal, but he will not look for trouble.

Everyone chatted pleasantly for a while, and among them, Bai Liyuan, who looked like an ordinary child but was actually older than all the people present combined, didn't have much chance to interrupt, after all, it was still necessary to dress up when going out. Yes, you can't lose face, pretending to be a good boy is also giving Yuncheng College and Andy a face.

So Baili Yuan's reaction to other people's topics was "hmm, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes".

But this kind of reaction gives other people the feeling that "this child seems not very smart."

After chatting for a while, Flender finally brought the topic to this mission.

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