Chapter 1077 Mission

"Whoever opposes is in favor." In the conference room, Andy asked, then opened his notebook and took out his pen.

"Whoever objects to me writes down the name."

Facing Andy's inquiry, the school managers chose to remain silent.

Humble, quite humble.

Andy nodded in satisfaction.

"Then the candidate is so determined, let's talk about the information sent by Akamoy yesterday." Andy looked around at the school directors.

"It's useless to tell you anyway."


The school managers looked at each other, and then an older principal said slowly: "Master Andy, is it convenient to reveal what information Akamoy sent yesterday?"

Andy didn't refuse.

"There are traces of suspected monsters in the fire area in the south of Azpedan. Akamoy hopes that the four academies will send people to participate in the exploration, just in case..."


In the dean's room.

"A mission?" Baili Yuan stood in front of Andy's desk and asked suspiciously.

"That's right, as the number one in the ranking, no matter how young you are, you still have to take responsibility, and in order to give you this opportunity, I have talked to the school directors for a long time."

The meeting did go on for a long time, but the trustees raised their hands and swore they didn't say a few words in one meeting.

Bailiyuan took the mission statement Andy handed him.

"This task is entrusted to you to lead the team. We will set off tomorrow and go back to prepare." Andy smiled.

"Papa~" Nicole hugged Bailiyuan affectionately, Bailiyuan felt cool, and the tyrannosaurs were sleeping together on the side, Bailiyuan felt that the tyrannosaurs grew a little fast, and every day The food bill to his institute does show that the little guys are growing now.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan can afford it.

Bailiyuan didn't know how many properties Caroline had bought outside and how much money she had earned. Anyway, Bailiyuan hadn't heard Caroline say that she was short of money for a while. The last time she was short of money was to build Galatron Alpha, and now Caroline seems to be working on the next Galatron.

After finishing with Nicole for a while, Bailiyuan returned to the research institute and began to prepare for the next task.

Bailiyuan wasn't too worried about the task, and Andy wouldn't cheat him, if he couldn't do it, he would transform himself.


The next day, it was time to head out.

In this mission, Bailiyuan not only tidied up the equipment, but also confirmed the manpower to take away.

First of all, Uchiha Shisui must be followed. On days without fighting, Uchiha Shisui, the guardian spirit, will soon become "Uchiha Master Husband". In addition to daily training, Uchiha Shisui always cleans with the cosmic bat , clean up the institute, and occasionally help with cooking.

Then Bailiyuan brought the little murloc Potts, and if he didn't pull it out for a walk, he would almost become a salted murloc.

The cosmic bat and Succubus Lihua stayed in the research institute, taking care of the daily operation of the research institute.

The elves, Baili Yuan, were also with them.

Packed everything up and ready to go.

With Bailiyuan leading the team, it is natural to have players.

Shirakawa Junko appeared in front of Bailiyuan with a smile.

"Captain, please teach me more next time."

There were five other members of the team, four of whom were ranked in the top five in the academy, that is to say, they were ranked second to fifth after Bailiyuan.

With their graduation in the fifth month, the new top five middle school, the second place is the future, it can be regarded as a student who has been in the top ten middle school for a long time, and the strength has always been stable in the top five position.

The third one was not a student who could be selected at that time. Although at the beginning of the semester, because the students in front graduated, the students behind will be selected forward, but after a period of time, as the challenges continue, these people who are selected will want to It's a bit difficult to keep your position.

They will face even greater pressure, because there are many people who have hidden their strength before, and then they are going to challenge to get a good ranking in the last semester, not to mention some people break through during the holidays, although they may also have breakthroughs, but the problem The key is what will happen to their strength after the sudden attack.

This is the so-called fat first is not fat, after fat overwhelmed the kang.

The third person was promoted from the eleventh place, and he had also fought against Bailiyuan, a student who impressed Bailiyuan deeply - a star magic user, titled prince, Sazuki Kanji.

Caroline has been paying attention to the changes in the top ten rankings, and has investigated the information of Kanji Sazuki. The reason why the other party is called a prince is not only because of his appearance like the prince in girls' dreams, he seems to be really a country. The prince, just like Emilyka back then, came from a small country.

However, compared with Bailiyuan's title of prince, Prince Sazuki Kanji always has a feeling of being tit for tat against Bailiyuan, and the magic he uses is one of the magic of the sun and the magic of the moon.

The fourth place came from the draft, the eighth place last year, and the fourth place this year, Windcatcher, Rotes, a hunter, a pet with a wind attribute.

The fifth place was also not selected, but he had also fought against Bailiyuan.

It is the palace night who has completely mastered the ghost transformation, the archer, and the title of the palace of evil spirits.

And the ninth insect envoy who was selected at the beginning is now in the sixth position, so he missed this mission.

Apart from them, Bailiyuan found that there are many familiar faces among the people who have been more active in the qualifying competition recently. It seems that they were all beaten by him. Some have graduated, and some have not yet graduated, but the ranking is constantly rising, and the one with the largest increase It was Kanji Sazuki and Miyaya.

Bailiyuan really didn't understand why these people who had fought against him seemed to be cheating, and their strength increased so quickly.

Then, the last team member was short, which meant that this time there was a total of seven members of the team, and there was no teacher leading the team. Although it was rare, but Andy arranged it this way, Baili Yuan didn't ask much.

Perhaps in Andy's mind, Junko Shirakawa, who is already an adult, acts as a teacher, but because of his strength, the position of leading the team is given to Bailiyuan, and Junko Shirakawa's task is to assist from the side.

Six people were waiting for the last member at the airport in the academy.

For this mission, Yuncheng College specially arranged a plane for them.

At this time, in the student union.

A small figure stamped the president's seal on the last document, and then handed the document to the vice president.

Then, the small figure jumped down from the chair and walked towards the door. The other people who were busy in the student union hurriedly stopped their work, then got up one after another, and bowed slightly to the figure who was walking towards the door.

The secretary of the student union hastily handed a backpack to the figure, who nodded, took the backpack and put it on his back.

The student union accountant hurried to the door and helped the figure open the door ahead of time.

"Bon voyage!" Everyone said in unison.

"Yeah." The figure nodded in response, then turned to look at the others, his eyes seemed to say again - if something goes wrong, I'll kill you all when you come back!

Everyone's heart trembled.

The small figure walked out of the student union with a schoolbag on its back, and the accountant of the student union closed the door slowly.

The moment the door was closed, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Although the other party didn't express anything, the pressure shrouded everyone's hearts like an aura. Fortunately, the other party usually works in their president's office, so they don't have to feel the pressure all the time, and the usual student union is still relaxed of.

Before the other party joined the student union and became the president, they never thought that there would be such a coercion from a child.

However, having such a leader has also changed the atmosphere of the entire student union, and the attitude towards the outside world has also changed. The student union has gradually become a truly unambiguous existence in the hobby club, and its status seems to be higher.

But in the eyes of other clubs, the student union is like a black hole that swallows everything, making them afraid to set foot in it easily, and the perception of the student union is even worse.

But the other party is only in the second grade, and he can still work in the student union for many years.

The vice president clapped his hands.

"Everyone, keep going, don't relax, if something really goes wrong, we will be in big trouble when we come back!"

Hearing the vice president's reminder, the others nodded and started working seriously.

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