Catch some drip spiders and go back to be friends with the children in the dojo.

And the bubbles of the spider can be shared, which means that the spider has a certain rescue ability, whether it is used as a fighting elf or a living elf, it is quite good.

With the help of Heima's fishing rod, Bailiyuan caught the dripping spider very quickly, but because Lizi was watching, Bailiyuan was not so shocking.

Some other types of Pokémon were also caught, such as King Carp and Ugly Fish, and they were thrown back into the water after simple comfort and feeding.

The frequency of Bailiyuan's hooking still attracted some people's attention.

"Could it be that there are elves gathering here?"

"Didn't you find that he didn't unhook once?"

"And the elves can be subdued without fighting!"

"It seems that only the dripping spiders have been subdued. Do you need anything?"

"Wow, this kid is really amazing."

"Master, definitely a fishing master!"

"A master, a master, a master!"

Among other people's comments, Bailiyuan was still as stable as a long-haired dog, and the number of dripping spiders had also risen to eight.

Bailiyuan suddenly felt the fishing rod sink in his hand, and his eyes couldn't help but change.

This time, Bailiyuan still chose to lure the dripping spider with a fishing rod, but the struggle of the hooked dripping spider was obviously stronger this time.

The drop spider is interesting this time!

Bailiyuan exerted strength with both arms, and a dripping spider was pulled out of the water, but this time the dripping spider was not blue-green, but orange-purple!

There are purple patterns on the feet and neck, and orange eyes.

"It's the flashing drop spider!" the girl Li Zi exclaimed.

"Flash Elf!?"

"Oh My God!"

"The old man has no regrets in this life!"

"Wake up, you didn't catch this."

After the flashing spider came ashore, it was more vigilant than ordinary spiders, and Bailiyuan failed to use the power of heart on it in the first place.

"The qualifications are pretty good." Baili Yuan smiled.

After seeing Bailiyuan, the person who caught him, the flashing spider dodged and rushed towards Bailiyuan.

"It's a pounce! Be careful of his blood sucking!" the girl Li Zi hurriedly shouted from the side.

But Bailiyuan avoided it even faster.


"Good skill!"

The onlookers made cheers, but no one came up to help. After all, the flashing dripping spider was Bailiyuan's prey, and if Bailiyuan couldn't catch it...then they could make a move.

The flashing drop spider's pounce was in vain, then looked at Bailiyuan, and rushed over again.

Violence is not allowed in this test to test Baili Yuan's wisdom and ability to be friendly with elves, but he did not expect to encounter such an aggressive shining drop spider.

Although ordinary dripping spiders can also suck blood and are troublesome, they are just troublesome and will not hurt people. Otherwise, there would not be so many people who come here to fish, but they did not expect to meet the flashing dripping spider.

And when the flashing drop spider rushed towards Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan finally made a move.

Bailiyuan dodged the flashing drop spider, then turned around, took off his coat, and held it in his hand like a piece of cloth.

Bailiyuan shook the coat in his hand and faced the flashing spider. The flashing spider pounced on Bailiyuan again, and then Bailiyuan stepped aside under the cover of the coat.

"This is..." The girl Li Zi showed a surprised expression.

"It's a bucket spider! I didn't expect it to be like this!"

Bailiyuan and the flashing drop spider circled around, and finally, the flashing drop spider gasped.

However, Bailiyuan still had a smile on his face, and then shook his coat at the flashing spider.

The flashing drop spider was furious, burst out its potential, and swooped towards Bailiyuan at a faster speed.

Bailiyuan narrowed his eyes, then covered himself with his coat, turned around and slipped away from the direction of the flashing spider's pounce.

However, this time, the flashing spider panicked, because after Baili Yuan got out of the way, the flashing spider realized that behind Baili Yuan was a stone!


The flashing drop spider hit the stone, and the stone shattered, but the flashing drop spider also lost the strength to resist at the same time.

Bailiyuan easily dropped the ball, and after shaking the elf ball twice, he successfully subdued the flashing dripping spider.

There were cheers and whistles from all around, and the girl Lizi's hands were flushed red.

"It's so touching!"

Baili Yuan bowed slightly towards the surroundings.

Caroline said suddenly: "You are so coquettish."


Keep fishing.

This time, Bailiyuan didn't catch the last drop spider so quickly. After all, the "Drop Spider" had consumed some of his strength just now. He needed to rest, not only for fishing, but also for the test later.

Then, Bailiyuan felt the fishing rod sink in his hand.

Bailiyuan frowned.

"This weight, this feel..."

It's a big guy.

Bailiyuan stood up.

Bailiyuan's actions also attracted the attention of other people who hadn't dispersed yet.

"Another big guy?" someone asked.

"Come on, brother!"

Bailiyuan felt that the elves were a little different this time, very fierce!

The opponent was very powerful and wanted to pull Baili Yuan into the water, but Baili Yuan's feet stood firmly on the spot as if they had taken root.

"what exactly is it?"

"With such a great power, it can't be a Gyarados, right?"

"Maybe it's the Roaring Whale."

"You think too much. Although the Murky Hill is connected to the sea, the Roaring Whale is so big that it can't get in!"

"I'll just say it, okay?"

"Look, it's coming out!"

When encountering a powerful fish while fishing, it is often necessary to consume the opponent's physical strength first, that is, to wrestle with the opponent. However, wrestling is not a simple competition of strength, but skillful.

Pay attention to one retraction and one release. When the opponent is exerting force, let out the thread, and when the opponent is resting, retract the thread and pull the opponent back to the original position. When the consumption is almost the same, it is time to take up the line!

Bailiyuan's strength is greater than that of ordinary people, so the reeling speed is faster.

Bailiyuan pulled hard, and a green and dilapidated figure was pulled up, and the fishhook was hanging on the opponent.

"It is!" Lizzie was surprised.

People around also exclaimed.

"Run, it's a broken steering wheel, if you get entangled, you will be pulled into the deep sea!"

Someone shouted.

And the figure that was pulled up also began to shake the part similar to the rudder, looking terrifying.

The people around who were still watching leisurely changed their faces, and then they all ran away with a huff, and all ran out of the murmuring hill.

Bailiyuan looked at the anchor-like part of the other party in front of him, and blinked.

Then Baili Yuan felt his body lighten up, and he found himself caught directly by the rudder part, and then was hung on his body by the other party.

"Xiao Yuan!" Li Zi shouted from below.

Bailiyuan felt happy emotions on the broken steering wheel, as if he regarded Bailiyuan as a very satisfying pendant.

"This scene is a bit familiar."

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