Chapter 1061 I Have Been a Trainer for Two Days

After a day of fighting, Bailiyuan left the beach.

Although there are many trainers on the beach, their strength is not very good, so Bailiyuan plans to change the map.

In the Alola area, apart from the Guardian God, the Overlord Pokémon, the King of the Island, and the Queen of the Island make Baili Yuan very interested.

Taking advantage of the time before the planned return to the world of the heraldry, Bailiyuan plans to go and see, at least to see the overlord Pokémon of Akara Island, and maybe he can catch up with the successor of the new king of the island. At this time, you can try to challenge the opponent to see if you can get the Z bracelet.

There are two Overlord Pokémon on Akara Island, both of which are in the gurgling hills. They are the Overlord Weak Dingyu and the Overlord Dripping Spider, but because they are in the water, it is not so easy to meet the two Pokémon.

At this time, in order to go to the Chanting Hill, Bailiyuan rode the Sandcastle Lord on the Alola No. 6 road. If he wanted to go to the Chanting Hill, he had to pass the Ohana Ranch near Ohana Town, and then turn to Alola No. 5 road, then take Alola No. 8 road, and the gurgling hills are on No. 8 road.

Although it seems a bit far away, Akala Island is not too big, and if you are fast, you can arrive there in a day.

According to the speed of the sand castle master, it can be reached in more than a day.

But at this time, the appearance of Master Shabao has changed a little.

The Sandcastle Lord on the generous beach absorbed more sand and enlarged his body size so that Bailiyuan could sit more comfortably. At the same time, the Sandcastle Lord also had a ride from the Alola region on his body A mount commonly found on Pokémon.

This was specially made by Caroline for Bailiyuan and Sandcastle Lord.

Although Master Sandcastle walked a bit slower, it was indeed cool to go out riding Lord Sandcastle.

The people and elves on both sides of the road automatically stayed away from the "ruthless man" Bailiyuan.

The elves that often appear on the road are different from the elves in the forest.

The elves on the road are generally very common, and they are all relatively small elves.

For example, Little Duer, the little Lada who looks like in the Alola region, and many common bug-type Pokémon.

But there are no big needle bees blocking the way, because Bailiyuan found that the bee colony on Akara Island seems to be dominated by three bees.

Although the three bees are also bees, compared with the big needle bee, they have a much better temper and are cuter.

After walking for a while, we soon arrived at the Ohana Ranch. The air here seems to be much cleaner.

Although it is called the Ohana Ranch, there are actually many pastures here. It is close to the volcano, and the soil is rich in nutrients, which can grow fresh and tender pastures. In addition, the flat and wide terrain is naturally very suitable for grazing. At the same time, here The milk produced by the large milk tank is also more nutritious, and the Kentaro and Mud Donkey here are also very powerful, which is a very good choice for riding Pokémon.

In the Alola region where riding treasures may be very popular, Pokémon suitable for riding are very popular. Many trainers not only have to bring their own initial Pokémon when they go out, they often go to nearby pastures or cultivate them. The venue chooses a Pokémon suitable for riding as a partner.

Different riding Pokémon have their own advantages and disadvantages. Of course, you can also choose to ride some very individual Pokémon in a non-mainstream way like Bailiyuan.

For example, Pokémon like Kentaro is the most standard riding Pokémon, but it is often liked by men, and it is not recommended for women to choose, because Kentaro is easy to go crazy, and if there is not enough power, it will be removed from the riding device. What was thrown down, and what caused Cantaro to go mad was often a sudden shock.

"Get out of the way, Kentaro is going crazy!"

Just as Baili Yuan got off Master Sandcastle, before he could move a bit, he heard shouts from afar.

Some people in the ranch stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of the sound.

The people who come here are usually to pick Kentello, and some are merchants who come to buy milk.

I saw a Kentaro running crazily, and people also saw the reason why Kentaro went crazy... After all, the person hanging from Kentaro's tail is still very conspicuous.

This must be because Kentaro's tail was pulled.

"Let go!" a dark-skinned child shouted as he ran behind Kentaro.

The person on Kentaro's tail hurriedly let go, and was lucky to get away, but he also fell a little dizzy.

However, Cantaro did not stop going crazy.

The red shovel above Sandcastle's head turned twice, and then Kentaro turned around.

Lord Sandcastle: "Eh? Σ(°△°|||)"

Kentello's eyes were fixed on the red shovel above the head of Lord Sandcastle, he smashed the railing directly, and then rushed towards Lord Sandcastle.

Master Sandcastle didn't hesitate when he saw Kentaro rushing over.

Mere Kentaro, come one to kill one, come two to kill... kill... huh?

Master Shabao's eyes darkened, and Bailiyuan stood in front of Master Shabao, then turned around and smiled.

"As a trainer, of course you must protect your Pokémon!"

Master Sandcastle was a little moved, but he always felt that something was wrong.

I have just been someone else's Pokémon for a short time, so don't lie to me!

Bailiyuan gave a thumbs up.

"You have just been a trainer's elf for a short time, but I have been a trainer for more than a day or two!"

"Get out of the way!" shouted the child who followed Cantaro.

Bailiyuan faced Ken Tailuo, opened his hands, and squatted down slightly.

"Could it be that he wants to block Kentaro with his own strength?" An old man in the far distance of the ranch saw this scene, narrowed his eyes, and then stopped the girl who was about to make a move.

This is interesting!

Finally, Ken Tailuo came to Bailiyuan.

Then, under everyone's gaze, Bailiyuan let out a low cry, raised his hands, and accurately grasped Kentaro's horns, then his body trembled, his feet were pushed back, his feet Two ravines were plowed on the ground, but they were not knocked out. Instead, they stood there steadily, only retreating less than a meter before stopping.

"No way!" The girl behind the old man opened her mouth wide.

"Drink!" Bailiyuan yelled, exerted strength on his waist, raised his hands, and even lifted Kentaro up like this, then twisted his waist, and dropped Kentaro to the ground with a bang.

Kentaro struggled to get up, but Bailiyuan squatted down, pressed on the top of Kentaro's head, and stroked for a while.

"Oddly, obediently~ Otherwise, I'll make you a beef hot pot~" Bailiyuan murmured in a low voice without letting others hear.

But Master Sandcastle heard it, and then looked at Kentello, with some expectation in his heart.

Ken Tailuo calmed down, enjoying Baili Yuan's touch, but the reason why Ken Tailuo was able to calm down was actually the soothing effect of Baili Yuan's heart power.

That's right, definitely not because of Baili Yuan's threat.

Ken Tairo affectionately rubbed Bailiyuan's trouser leg with his nose.

"Success...success?" The little boy opened his mouth wide, his little outlook on life was devastated.

"What a powerful force!" The girl standing behind the old man exclaimed in amazement.

"It's not just that, the friendship ability between the other party and the elves is not weaker than yours." The old man sighed. Although his eyes were cloudy, he could see how quickly Baili Yuan comforted Ken Tailuo, which almost made Ken Tailuo Luo trusted him unconditionally, and soon became closer, and now he may be able to subdue him directly if he loses the ball.

"Kaqi, invite the trainer over there to sit down." The old man shouted to the little boy in the distance, his cloudy eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

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