The sun has begun to set.

The gathering place of Tie Kekun's original group is not the same as the big needle bee group that took Xiaozhi's iron armor pupa, and the gathering place is also different.

When Bailiyuan and the elves arrived at the gathering place of the big needle bee, they were shocked by the scene before them.

Most of the gathering place that should have been a forest has been destroyed, and it is a mess. There are some big needle bees, iron shell beetles and unicorns lying on the ground, not knowing whether they are alive or dead, and some big needle bees are circling, and some are on guard. To prevent the enemy from sneaking in, one part is carrying usable things, or moving the iron shell that is inconvenient, while the other part is checking the fellows lying on the ground to see if they can be rescued.

It looks like it's been a while, and the squirrels are putting the finishing touches on it.

When Bailiyuan saw the familiar fist mark on the ground, Bailiyuan knew who did the damage here, and he could probably guess the specific reason.

It should be the mother marsupial who did it, and it should have been for a while.

Also, the big needle bee poisoned the baby bag dragon and almost died. The mother bag dragon who protected the child would definitely be angry and take revenge.

Although Bailiyuan didn't know which one was stronger or weaker based on the strength of the mother of the marsupial dragon compared with the entire group of the big needle bees, but it could be seen that the big needle bees suffered some losses. After all, the gathering place was destroyed. Can only be forced to move.

I just don't know the casualties of the snail wasp, but there are not many squirrel wasps, iron shell beetles and unicorns lying on the ground at this time, so the loss should not be great.

After all, the wasp can fly. Although the flying height and speed are limited due to the insect's racial restrictions, it can still avoid the attack of the mother bag dragon.

Even the long-range attack of the dragon mother has a range limit.

When Tie Kekun saw the destroyed gathering place, and thought of the prosperity of the original gathering place, Tie Kekun's eyes flashed with a trance.

But soon, her eyes became clear again, her face was still expressionless, but there was a hint of refreshment in her eyes.

Bailiyuan didn't notice Tie Kekun's situation, but looked at the gathering place of the big needle bee.

It may be because there are only a lot of big needle bees here at this time, and only three bronze eggs have been refreshed in the gathering place of big needle bees, all of which are on objects.

Although the big needle bee is very dangerous when attacking in groups, a single one is not a threat to Bailiyuan, so there are no Easter eggs refreshed on the big needle bee, and those items on the ground that refresh the eggs, Bailiyuan estimates, If you touch it by yourself, you are likely to be attacked by the big needle bees. This is the basis for refreshing the bronze egg.

At this time, Tie Kekun suddenly jumped out of Bailiyuan's arms, fell to the ground, and then hit the ground with his sickle-like arm again, causing himself to bounce, and fell out of the hiding place, onto the big needle bee in front of them.

"Hey, idiots!"

Tie Kekun shouted to the big needle bees in the distance.

Bailiyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, Tie Kekun wanted to make trouble, but he didn't know if he could hold it.

But Bailiyuan couldn't bear to just watch Tie Kekun fighting alone, so Bailiyuan led the elves out immediately and stood behind Tie Kekun.

But at this time, I don't know what Tie Kekun said again, which aroused the anger of the big needle bees, and they all surrounded them.

"Tie Kekun, what's the situation?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Just stand aside and watch, I'm going to do it." Tie Kekun said without looking back.


Bailiyuan looked at Tie Kekun facing dozens of big needle bees alone, and felt that his head couldn't turn around for a while.

But Bailiyuan still obeyed Tie Kekun's words and led the elves back.

"Tie Kekun, will something happen?" Xanadu asked worriedly.

"This..." To be honest, Baili Yuan wasn't sure either.

"Attention everyone, if Tie Kekun is in danger, save her as soon as possible." Bailiyuan said, and the elves nodded.

At this time, a big needle bee suddenly attacked Tie Kekun.

Tie Kekun remained motionless.

However, just when the poisonous needle of the big needle bee was about to stab Tie Kekun, Tie Kekun escaped narrowly and narrowly, and at this moment, Tie Kekun stretched out his sickle-shaped arm to stab Big Needle Bee.

A purple light glowed on the sickle-shaped arm, obviously using a skill.

Poison needle skills!

Tie Kekun's arm unexpectedly stabbed the abdomen of the big needle bee.

The big needle bee and Tie Kekun passed by each other, and wanted to spin around and attack Tie Kekun who hadn't got up yet, but felt weak and fell to the ground with a bang.

The big needle bee that fell to the ground was already turning purple all over, obviously in a state of poisoning, and it was still in a state of being highly poisoned!

Logically speaking, the big needle bee is also a Pokémon of the poison system. Even if it is poisoned, and it is the poison of Tie Kekun, its power may only be half of the normal situation, and it is even difficult to be poisoned.

Moreover, the Poison Needle skill cannot guarantee that the opponent will be directly poisoned.

But Tie Kekun's poison was so overbearing that it directly made the big needle bee lose its fighting ability.

The weak strength of the big needle bee is one aspect, but the toxicity of the iron shell bee also accounts for a large part.

Tie Kekun stood up and cast a provocative look at the big needle bees.

Seeing Tie Kekun being so arrogant, the big needle bees had a bad temper and couldn't bear it at all, so they rushed towards Tie Kekun collectively.

But Tie Kekun was not afraid.

However, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. After Tie Kekun poisoned five big needle bees, Tie Kekun was also surrounded by the remaining big needle bees, and then the poisonous needles of the big needle bees continued The ground stabbed the body, and the attack of the big needle bees made Tie Kekun close his eyes in pain and fell to the ground.

"Not good! Go save Tie Kekun!" Bai Liyuan shouted loudly.

However, before the elves could make a move, a bright light lit up in the encirclement of the big needle bees.

"This is..." Baili Yuan paused as he stepped forward, looking at the scene in front of him in surprise.

The big needle bees were washed away by the light, revealing the iron-shelled Kun in the center that was releasing the light of human evolution.

"Evolved?" Baili Yuan was a little dazed.

It has only been half a day since the last evolution of Tie Kekun, so this is the second evolution?

In the light, a figure broke away from the shell of the iron shell insect and crawled out of the cocoon.

The light dissipated, and a slender-looking giant needle bee appeared above the receded shell, exuding a cold aura.

"Big Needle Bee."

Bailiyuan looked at the big needle bee that evolved from the iron-shelled beetle in front of him.

Compared with the ordinary big needle bees around, the big needle bee is smaller in size and looks very slender, but the two poisonous stingers like lances in the hands are more slender, shining with cold light, and they look absolutely powerful .

And the color of the big needle bee is also different from the general big needle bee, and it doesn't seem to be the green of the ordinary shining big needle bee.

A normal snail bee has a yellow body, black circular lines on the abdomen, the same yellow tail needles as the body, and white poisonous needles on the hands.

But the evolved Big Needle Bee is black and purple! Even the tail needle is black and purple, and the two lines on the abdomen are lavender, but her eyes are normal red, and the poison needle on her hand is also normal white.

The evolved Big Needle Bee looked around at the same kind around him, and a provocative look flashed in his eyes again.

The big needle bees attacked again, but this time, the number didn't seem to play much role.

The black-and-purple Big Needle Bee uses its smaller body to dodge flexibly, and at the same time counterattacks other Big Needle Bees.

Compared with the ordinary big needle bee, the speed of the black and purple big needle bee seems to be faster, and the activities are more flexible.

Often those ordinary snail bees are directly poisoned after being stabbed by black and purple stingers, and a few stingers can survive two needles, but this can't change their fate of being poisoned too. The black-purple big needle bees dodge the poisonous needles stabbed by the big needle bees with ease.

A few minutes later, the big needle bees all fell to the ground, and the black and purple big needle bees continued to stab the big needle bees on the ground with their poisonous needles.

While stinging, the big needle bee was still shouting——

"Is it comfortable? Is it comfortable? Is it comfortable..."

Introduction of iron shell kun (chrysalis):

Appearance - Iron Pupa is a pale yellow chrysalis-shaped Pokémon. Iron-shelled chrysalis have a round top of the head and black triangular eyes. It has sickle-shaped arms in the middle of its body (emphasis added). The heat it radiates makes it feel warm to the touch.

Sex Differences - There are no sex differences in iron shell pupae.

Special ability - the thick shell of the iron-shelled pupa makes it unable to move quickly, so it can only strengthen its shell in order to protect itself, just like using hardening. When necessary, it will use its poisonous needle.

Temperament - the iron shell pupa will just stay quietly on the tree and wait for evolution.

Habitat - Iron shell pupae are abundant in the forests of the Kanto region.

Diet - The iron-shell pupa cannot eat, so it is starving and waiting for evolution.

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