I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1057 Elf Egg

Fengyuan area.

Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong looked at the message displayed on the communicator and looked at each other.

As for the handsome guy, he has already been picked up by rabbi.

Although Shuiwutong and Chiyansong have also become stronger, they don't have any special abilities and methods. The two of them want to conquer the prime state, but they want to eat farts.

Moreover, it's not that rabbi hasn't been plotted against before, so it's naturally impossible for the two of them to succeed.

However, Rabi Shi did not embarrass the two of them, and Rabi Shi also explained the handsome guy.

Like Baili Yuan, the handsome guy also encountered a crisis before, and was rescued by Rabbi in the battle. When he wanted to send him to another world, he bumped into the wall of the world. , and then fell into this space-time.

Rabi Shi came to send the handsome guy back this time to help the handsome guy recover his memory.

When the handsome guy left, he also expressed his gratitude to Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong. At the same time, he expressed regret that he could not meet "that adult". Always keep in mind the existence of the root, and make greater efforts to protect the world after returning.

Then, the handsome guy also gave the set of doll-like super-evolution stones on his body to the two as a thank you gift.

Then, Shuiwutong and Chiyansong finally arrived at the Fengyuan area, and then, they received a message from Caroline.

"Gather in the Alola region? Why did you run so far?" Shui Wutong complained.

"Go as long as you are told." Chi Yansong said.

"But... okay." Shui Wutong nodded.

Chi Yansong looked at the sea and sighed.

At this time, the two deeply felt what is meant by "a word from the boss, and the subordinate will run to death".

When the two were released to lead the organization, they never thought about this issue.

However, although the two returned to the Fengyuan area, neither of them said that they would go back to their own forces to have a look.

Now that Team Ocean and Team Lava are hiding deeper, it is not certain whether they exist or not. Even if the two find it back, with Baili Yuan, it is impossible for them to become the leaders of the two forces again. As for the original three Not all big cadres are there.

Even the two are now unable to make public appearances in the Hoenn area.

At the beginning, the two led two organizations to make troubles in the Fengyuan area, and now it's time for the two to bear the price.

However, although the two of them are no longer the original two leaders, they still know some gray ways, and they are going to use these gray ways...to go to Alola!

After all, Alola is a bit far away, and the people who go there are usually airships or planes. For the time being, the Hoenn area has not yet opened the sea route to Alola, and it is unrealistic for the two of them to get on the plane, so they can only go through some gray roads. On the way to the Alola region.

For example, forged identities to get on the plane, or get a boat, and ventured to Alola by sea.

But the two prefer to choose the former. After all, the seas of the Pokémon world are also unsafe, and accidents often occur on the alliance's sea routes, let alone sailing by themselves.


Although the island is not big, Bailiyuan has not yet walked from the forest to the place where humans live while riding Sandcastle Lord.

Most of the forest plants here are tropical plants, and the forest has higher humidity.

At the same time, Bailiyuan also saw many Pokémon unique to the Alola region. Of course, there are also many elves that are also found in other regions.

At this moment, Bailiyuan patted the Shabao Lord who was sitting under him.

"Okay, stop, let's have dinner here!"

Lord Sandcastle stopped.

Then Bailiyuan jumped off the Sandcastle Lord, released the elves, took out the kitchen utensils and started preparing lunch, of course, there was also a portion for the sand dune kids.

The elves of Bailiyuan also felt the environment of Alola, and the big needle bee flew into the forest in a circle, ready to see if there was a bee colony in the forest, and exchange some honey.

A golden light bloomed in the forest, and the fragrance enveloped the sky above the forest.

Bailiyuan is ready to cook.

The elves of Bailiyuan took it for granted, but the Sandcastle Master and the Shaqiu Babies didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, it was the first time for them to see human beings cooking. What if human beings always cook like this? ?

But to be honest, it's really delicious.

When the elves were eating, the scent also attracted many elves in the forest, but there was no elves violently robbing them. After all, a group of elves from Bailiyuan sat together, and the aura made these wild elves startled. He even restrained his appetite and didn't come up far.

Baili Yuan smiled, and then prepared some food for the attracted elves.

Humans and nature need to communicate, and if you are kind to wild elves, you will get their response.

Sure enough, after eating, some elves ran away, and when they came back after a while, they brought back some berries or some odds and ends as thanks.

Although there are often incidents of wild elves attacking humans in the wild, as long as you have a friendly heart, you can also get the friendliness of the other party. The other party sat down and had a good talk.

After eating, the elves began to help Bailiyuan pack up the things. The food scraps could be left behind, and after decay, they would be turned into nutrients for the land, and the degraded garbage was picked up.

"Remember to sort garbage. If you don't know how to sort, just think about it. What King Yanwu can eat is wet garbage, and the dry garbage that can't be eaten is harmful garbage that will enter the Pokémon Center after eating. Trash."

The two Yanwu kings who were basking in the sun at the gate of the shrine on the old coast suddenly felt a chill behind them.

At the same time, the gifts from the elves were also packed up. Bailiyuan didn't throw them away, but stored them all. Although the value may not be great, it is the other party's kindness, and it is not without good things, Baili Yuan also found two water stones among these gifts.


"Why do you still have an elf egg? Use your own eggs for dinner?"

Baili Yuan looked at the elf egg in front of him in a daze.

The egg is pink overall, but patterned with brown and white.

"What kind of elf's egg is this?"

"Insufficient information," Caroline said.

At this time, Miao Frog Seed came over and explained.

When an elf sent an elf egg, Mulberry Seed noticed it. As a steady (former) big brother, he also asked about it.

After listening to Miao Frog Seed's explanation, Baili Yuan finally understood.

The person who sent this egg was a victorious crab from the Alola area, but this egg did not belong to the other party, and of course it was not stolen, but an egg brought by seawater that he picked up at the seaside.

The victorious crab is not ready to hatch the eggs of other elves. After all, if a sea bird elf is hatched, it will probably open its eyes and eat him in one bite.

Then the Hokic Crab was attracted by the scent, met Bailiyuan, a human being, and knew that human beings would have all kinds of elves around them, and would also hatch eggs of other elves, so the Hospitable Crab brought this egg here as a gift to Bailiyuan. Riyuan's thanks.

Baili Yuan looked at the elf egg in his hand, shrugged and put it away.

No matter what elf it is, he can afford it.

After putting away the elves, Bailiyuan once again rode Lord Sandcastle to the place where there were humans on the island.

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