I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1048 Doubles

If you hit my mind, we can still talk about compensation.

But if you want to get my elf's idea, then I'm sorry, even King Ultra can't save you when he comes!

After the giant pincer mantis appeared, the moods of the people present and those in the live broadcast room fluctuated again.

In the live room——

"What kind of elf is this?"

"This is... the giant pincer mantis!"

"Boss, quickly popularize science!"

"The Giant Pincer Mantis is an evolution of the Flying Mantis, and it's hard to come across in the wild!"

"Little brother Ezreal has a lot of rare elves, he is handsome, I love it."

"Ezreal may not be an ordinary person."

Pipixia also recognized the Giant Pincer Mantis.

The same is true for Chen Hua.

And the two of them knew more details than the water friends.

The reason why the giant pincer mantis is rarely seen in the wild is because the evolution of the giant pincer mantis requires a special method, which is difficult to achieve in the wild.

And this technology has not yet been made public in this world.

That is to say, the people who own the Giant Pincer Mantis are almost all people who have access to more secrets, and are inextricably linked with the upper echelons of this world.

However, the two of them were not too surprised by the appearance of the giant pincer mantis. After all...he is a big boss~

Chen Hua also secretly scanned the qualifications of the Giant Pincer Mantis...

Well, premium.

The poaching trio also wanted to understand the key. To do poaching, one must have a clearer understanding of elves, which elves are precious, which elves are valuable, and... what kind of elves they have and who cannot move.

In this world, although some rare elves are not powerful, they represent the background of the other party. Some elves don't need to be too strong, as long as you take them out, people who know you can probably guess how high your status is.

For example, elves like giant pincer mantis not only represent a kind of power, but also represent a kind of identity and status. Similar to them are big steel snakes, heavy armored tyrannosaurs, and other elves that need to evolve through "mysterious means". The meaning represented by elves is much more complicated than that represented by other elves.

The poaching trio exchanged glances with each other, considering whether to retreat.

Although the value of the sharp-toothed land shark is greater than that of the giant pincer mantis, if the person who owns the sharp-toothed land shark may have a little background, then the person who owns the giant pincer mantis at this time has a deep background.

You might be able to fight, but what about after you win?

Waiting to be hunted down?

But it was obviously impossible for Bailiyuan to let the three of them go.

No matter which world he was in, it was absolutely impossible for Baili Yuan to let someone like the poaching trio just let him go.

Although it is impossible for Bailiyuan to be a vigilante, punish evil and promote good, but it is absolutely impossible to let the tiger go back to the mountain when encountering bad people.

"I'll give you a chance to show off." Baili Yuan said.

Hearing Baili Yuan's words, Pipixia and Chen Hua both took two steps back silently, distanced themselves from Baili Yuan.

Ah, it's so dazzling, who is pretending? !

"Don't look down on people!" The leader of the poachers said coldly, but although he looked a little angry, Baili Yuan could feel that the other party was not really angry, but was planning something.

"Then let's play doubles, Giant Pincer Mantis, Bullet Fist! Fanged Land Shark, Dragon Claw!"

The giant pincer mantis turned into a red shadow and rushed towards the elf who was poaching the trio, and at the same time, the sharp-toothed land shark also rushed out.

The three elves of the poaching trio are the Big Wolf Dog, Heluga and Arbor.

Face the giant pincer mantis and sharp tooth land shark rushing towards you.

The poaching trio also reacted.

"Big Wolfhound, Flame Fang! Hit Giant Pincer Mantis!"

"Hei Lujia, spray flames! Also hit the Giant Pincer Mantis!"

"Abo monster, poisonous attack, entangle the sharp tooth land shark!"

The three of them obviously knew something about the giant pincer mantis, and knew that the giant pincer mantis was afraid of flames.


"Giant pincer mantis, continuous metal claw cutting!"

What kind of trick is this?

Hearing Bailiyuan's yelling moves, Pipixia and Chen Hua were taken aback for a moment, and then Pipixia reacted.

"It's a combined skill!"

Combination skills also have this concept in this world. After all, elves have been in this world for many years, but combination skills are really difficult to practice!

Continuous chop + metal claw + skill: flow cutting technique!

The effect of this set of skills is that the jet flame of Helujia who hit the giant pincer mantis first seemed to be cut off, and at the same time, facing the big wolf dog that rushed over, the giant pincer mantis directly crossed with it After passing by, the big wolf dog let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

Straight to the point!

Although the big wolf dog was not defeated directly, it also caused the big wolf dog to suffer a lot of damage.

"Not good, Hei Lujia, hurry up and help!"

But the giant pincer mantis ignored the rushing Hei Lujia, but turned around and rushed towards the big wolfhound that had just got up.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, Cross Scissors, Fanged Land Shark, Quicksand Hell!"


I don't know when, when the giant pincer mantis fought with the other two elves, the sharp tooth land shark also fought with the Arbo monster once.

Fangtooth Shark's body lit up, and the surrounding sand began to flow, turning into a vortex and entangled with Arbor.

"Abo monster, the sludge bomb smashed the quicksand hell!"

The sludge bomb shattered the quicksand inferno that was forming, but then when the Arbor and Poacher looked at the location of the tusk shark, they found that the tusk shark had disappeared.

"Not good! Ah Bo, pay attention to the following!"

The last wail of the big wolfhound was also heard from the other side.


"Heiluga, spray flames!"

"Giant pincer mantis, get out of the way."

At this time, the ground under Abo Monster's body cracked, and Fangtooth Shark rushed out directly.

The Arbo monster avoided it in time, but the sharp-toothed land shark rushed straight into the air, and then fell down suddenly.

"Dragon God dives!"


The Fangtooth Land Shark fell, shaking the ground.

But a figure rushed out from the smoke and dust, it was Abo monster.

Abo Monster is more flexible than imagined, but it was still affected and injured a bit.

The smoke and dust scattered, and the figure of the Fangtooth Shark appeared in everyone's sight.

"Dragon Claw!"

Fangtooth Shark charged at Arbor again.

On the other side, Hei Lujia was also chasing and biting the Giant Pincer Mantis.

"Abo monster, crush it!"

Fangtooth Shark once again fought Arbo Monster with a move, and both of them were pushed back by the impact without holding back.

At this moment, Bailiyuan spoke again.

"It's now, giant pincer mantis, the ultimate impact!"

There was a light on the giant pincer mantis, and then rushed out, and the direction was... the sharp-toothed land shark!

"Fangtooth land shark jump up!"

Before everyone could react, the sharp-toothed land shark jumped up with its back facing the giant pincer mantis, flapping the fins on its arms, and it was suspended in the air for a short time.

And after the sharp-tooth land shark jumped up, the giant pincer mantis that rushed out also directly slammed into the Arbo monster directly in front of him. Because the Arbo monster just fought against the sharp-tooth land shark, the old strength was used up, and the new strength was not There is no way to avoid it.


The giant pincer mantis bumped into the Arbo monster, knocked the Arbo monster out, and did not get up again.

But the poachers also reacted.

"Great opportunity, Heiluga, Flame Fang is attacking the Giant Pincer Mantis!"

The power of the final impact is very strong, but it will also be shocked after use. At this time, the giant pincer mantis is the target!

However, the corners of Baili Yuan's mouth curled up.

"Fangtooth Land Shark, come on Dragon God dive again!"


Everyone looked up, and saw that the fangtooth land shark that had just jumped up adjusted its direction with its fins, and then a light lit up on its body, rushing towards the figure of Hei Lujia who rushed below him, and Hei Lujia's eyes Staring at the giant pincer mantis, he didn't notice the sharp-toothed land shark in the air at all.


"Bullet Punch!"

The Giant Pincer Mantis, who had recovered his strength, turned around and made up the knife.

Hei Lujia also completely lost his ability to fight.

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