I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1041 Traveling through the forest together

A green figure flew over in front of Bailiyuan again, it was a creature like an elf.

"Rabbi?" Baili Yuan exclaimed.

"Bi~" Shi Rabi smiled and nodded at Baili Yuan.

"Did you bring me here?" Baili Yuan asked.

Rabi Shi nodded again, and then signaled Bailiyuan to leave with him.

Bailiyuan followed Shi Rabi to the outside of Zhenxin Town, and finally came to the Evergreen Forest.

Along the way, Bailiyuan has been communicating with Caroline.

Suddenly, 15 years later, with the appearance of Rabi Shi, Bailiyuan felt that it must be Rabi Shi's handwriting, but the purpose of Rabi Shi and the way to go back are unknown, but the coat of arms can be used Traveling back and forth to the world of heraldry, but there is no guarantee that after traveling back, it will be the time of coming to this world or the world of heraldry is also fifteen years later.

At the same time, Caroline is also collecting information about fifteen years later. If the information about fifteen years later is brought back, there will definitely be great benefits. However, to Caroline's surprise, her power was unexpectedly limited.

That's right, the power is limited.

Caroline is a special life form that is lit by artificial intelligence and then evolved. It is all because of the original "X antibody data", invading the network, and wandering in the network is Caroline's core ability .

But now, Caroline's ability is restricted.

An analogy is that someone blocked most of Caroline's permissions, and at the same time imposed a speed limit on Caroline.

The final result is that Caroline can't do anything except find out the time and place, and the other received information becomes garbled.

"It may be that some kind of power is interfering with me... No, maybe it is interfering with the area where you are, preventing you from knowing what will happen fifteen years later, and this kind of power is also interfering with me in disguise. If I leave the area near you The scope may be able to connect to the network of the world fifteen years later." Caroline analyzed.

"Is that so? It's really interesting, but I still underestimated you and me. Do you think that blocking the speed limit can prevent us from surfing the Internet? ... By the way, Caroline, let me ask, the existence of such means is probably What strength?"

"It's not a matter of strength or not. It already involves the power of the world's rules. It's either the strongest existence in the world, or the existence with such a special ability." Caroline said.

"Actually, I think you will be even better in fifteen years."


Caroline smiled, but said nothing.

"Caroline, where do you think Rabbi is taking us?"

"I don't know, but there must be something that needs your help, so I brought you here."

"Didn't I just meet Shirabi once? Shirabi believes me like that?"

"Not necessarily." Caroline said suddenly.

"What's the meaning?"

"I can't explain it to you."

"Huh? Caroline, I really want to feel like you're mocking me."

"You feel wrong."


Baili Yuan temporarily suppressed his doubts.

"By the way, why didn't the rabbi pull me here directly? It's such a long distance from Fengyuan to Guandu, and it's still a short distance from Zhenxin Town to Viridian Forest?"

"Perhaps the landing place was wrong." Caroline guessed.

Soon Rabbi arrived at the destination with Bailiyuan.

Then Rabi Shi led Baili Yuan to a tree hole, and then signaled Baili Yuan to take out the things in the tree hole.

Bailiyuan climbed up the tree hole and took out the contents.

To Bailiyuan's surprise, this thing looked familiar.

This is a slate, a green slate.

Except for the color, this slate is almost exactly the same as the slate used by the big needle bee!

"Not only the appearance is the same, but the values ​​obtained after scanning are also very similar, but the attribute is grass." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan was dumbfounded.

When it comes to stone slabs in the Pokémon world, most people first think of various archaeological slabs. Some people who know more secrets think of Arceus’ attribute slabs, but the slate in Bailiyuan’s hands is not the above. A slate is a kind of attribute slab that contains attribute power and can be used to absorb and improve its own attribute power.

The special slate at the beginning created the highly poisonous stinger bee. Although the poisonous fruits and other forces were cultivated later, it is undeniable that the poisonous slate at the beginning greatly improved the poisonous aptitude of the stinger bee. It has laid a solid foundation for the future growth of the big needle bee.

And the remaining power of the stone slab that was not completely used up by the big needle bee also benefited the frog flower and the smelly flower.

But if Bailiyuan remembered correctly, the poisonous stone slab that Big Needle Bee encountered in the Viridian Forest was also the same.

If nothing else, what Bailiyuan holds now is a grass-type stone slab.

Baili Yuan looked at Rabbi suspiciously.

Bailiyuan didn't know why Rabi Shi brought him to find this stone slab, and he hoped Rabi Shi could explain.

"It's okay, I can understand what you say."

However, Rabi did not explain, but pointed to the slate.

But Bailiyuan understood Shi Rabi's meaning.

"All the secrets are in the slate, go and collect the slate!"

"This is your own imagination, please don't let your imagination affect my judgment." Caroline said.

"Then what do you think rabbi means?" Baili Yuan asked back.

"It's not clear yet, but since this kind of stone slab has attracted rabbi, there must be something strange about it."

Bailiyuan nodded.

At this time, Rabbi's body lit up with light, and the Viridian Forest sounded as if singing a song. At the same time, the trees were shaking constantly, and the light covered a large forest and surrounded it.

Bailiyuan had seen this scene before, and it was the precursor of Shi Rabi traveling through time and space.

Baili Yuan hurriedly put away the stone slabs, and then prepared to follow through.

Rabbi's body lit up.

Then the light flashed, and the surroundings returned to normal.

Bailiyuan blinked.


Bailiyuan found out... When Rabi left by himself?

"Wait, did you forget that there is another person? Rabbi, come back to me!"

But Bailiyuan's shout did not call rabbi back.

The cruel rabbi never came back, leaving Xiaoyuan alone, crying for nothing.

At this moment, Baili Yuan's ears moved.

"There are footsteps!"

Bailiyuan dodged and hid.

Then a voice came from afar.

"Old irons, today I want to take the old irons to explore this new forest, which is named as the Viridian Forest. Remember to double click, okay~"

A man in an off-road suit walked over with a live broadcast device.

Followed by a fire-breathing dragon.

The other party is obviously not the style of the people in the Pokémon world.

"What's the situation?" Bailiyuan hid in the tree and looked at the people below in a daze.




What the hell?

Caroline spoke with a heavy tone.

"Xiao Yuan, in fact, it may not be that Rabi didn't take you across, but... it brought you and this forest together!"


"Although I can't access the Internet yet, the atmospheric environment proves that this is not the world of Pokémon."


Baili Yuan was silent, and after thirty seconds, he choked out a word——


Explain the timeline, Xiao Yuan was first pulled by Shi Rabi to fifteen years later, and then got an attribute slate (not the alpaca slate, already explained), and then Shi Rabi pulled Xiao Yuan to another world , the setting of Pokémon has the setting of other worlds. The other world is similar to the setting of Pokémon coming to modern society. It is equivalent to a parallel world. In fact, the setting is the interaction and overlap of the two worlds. Like the table world, it can also be said to be a world projection. The specific reasons and settings will be written later, and it is also for digging and filling holes.

In the last chapter, Tomoko’s address to Oki Shigeru was also changed to elder brother, forgive me for writing smoothly...

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