Chapter 1034 Kemizaka

The electric dragon who intercepted the cube robot alone in the rear also encountered trouble.

Although electromagnetic waves can affect the program of cube robots, when the number of cube robots increases, relying on the advantage of numbers, cube robots break through the blockade of electromagnetic waves one after another.

Then all the cube robots rushed towards the electric dragon, surrounded the electric dragon closely, and then collectively discharged.

However, two seconds later, there was only a bang, and all the cube robots surrounding Dianlong exploded, emitting black smoke.

The cube robots fell to the ground one after another, revealing the electric dragon with lightning flashing on its body.

Dianlong patted his flashing fist, as if he wanted to knock off the lightning on it.

Then Dianlong put his hands behind his back, his eyes dim.

Isn't it a joke that you might discharge electricity at an electric property treasure?


At this time, on the roof of a building, a figure looked at the supervisor robot.

It was Ken Misaka, and behind her were four of her team members.

"Captain, what should we do now?" A police officer approached and asked.

Before, they pinned the cube robot in the distance, and it went smoothly, but now the cube robots they pinned have flocked to the three of Angela, so now their team is hanging alone on the roof, looking a bit bleak.

Misaka Misaka did not reply, but stared at the supervisor robot flying not far from them in a daze.

"The opportunity came, Misaka Misaka thought of a way to become an elite police officer, DO, Misaka Misaka thought of a way to get promoted."


Captain, you speak your mind!

The four police officers stared blankly at their captain.

What is this for?

"Captain, although the robot in charge is relatively close to us, it is in the sky, and you have seen the situation just now. If you want to rely on the flying Pokmon to fly over, you will probably be treated the same as researcher Angela and the others. We are not afraid of it. But such a sacrifice is not advisable." A police officer persuaded.

"It doesn't matter, Misaka Misaka has already simulated the electromagnetic signal of the cube robot. If Misaka Misaka goes there alone, the chances of success are very high. DO, Misaka Misaka said solemnly."

Lightning flashed on Misaka's forehead, but this time the light flashed at a special frequency.

"But captain, that's in the sky. Although you can discharge electricity, you can't fly!" A policeman's face changed, and Misaka said that if you want to go there alone, it's definitely not riding a flying Pokmon, but a real flying Pokémon. You have to go by yourself!

Misaka Misaka looked at his team members.

"Believe in the power of science! DO, Misaka Misaka said seriously."


The four team members blinked blankly.

Misaka Misaka looked at Maliyang, and then let out his own lantern fish.

"However, Misaka Misaka's own power is limited, and some help is still needed. Lantern fish and sheep, it's time to verify the usual training. DO, Misaka Misaka said proudly." Speaking bold words.

Both Maliyang and Lanternfish nodded, and then lightning appeared on their bodies.

There was also lightning on Misaka Misaka, and then the lightning on Misaka and Lantern Fish seemed to be attracted and flew towards Misaka Misaka, and the lightning on Misaka Misaka became brighter.

In the end, Maliyang and Lanternfish stopped discharging, but they both looked like they were going to be hollowed out, but Misaka became more energetic.

Originally, the electric current on Misaka Misaka could only serve as an auxiliary function, but now, the electric light on Misaka Misaka, who has absorbed the electric current of the Mali sheep and the lantern fish, has the power not weaker than that of ordinary electric elves. As far as the level is concerned, it has already approached Level 5!

The four players couldn't help but took a step back.

"Captain, what are you going to do?"

"Stop it!"

"Why can you absorb the electric current of elves? This is not scientific at all!!!"

But Misaka turned around, with electric current wrapped around his body, but the electromagnetic signal of the cube robot was still imitating his head.

"I don't have time to explain. Misaka Misaka's state can only last for a minute. Let's go first, DO. Misaka Misaka chose to leave after speaking!"

At this time, Jing Misaka is using his own current to absorb and guide the external current, so he can't eat it, and it's not really absorbing the elf's current, but controlling it.

Mali sheep and lantern fish both made salute gestures.

Misaka Misaka jumped down from upstairs.

"team leader!"

"Captain, don't!"

The faces of the four police officers changed drastically, and they rushed to the edge of the tall building and looked down.

Then, they saw that Misaka Misaka pressed one hand against the wall when he fell, and Misaka Misaka was stuck to the wall.

"Miss Junsha, look up!" A police officer shouted.

"What happened again?" Miss Junsha raised her head, and then saw Misaka Misaka stuck to the far wall.

Miss Junsha's face changed again.

"You guys continue to support Angela here, Wind Speed ​​Dog, go to Misaka Misaka!"

Although Ms. Junsha doesn't understand what's going on now, and what is the principle behind Misaka, but now she knows that Misaka's situation is very dangerous. Once she gets rid of Misaka, Misaka will become Misaka-chan.

And Misaka, on the other hand, looked at the supervisor robot in the sky in the distance.

"Concentrate the current on the feet and then burst out after the run-up."

Misaka held the ID card in his hand, then got up and ran, rushing towards the direction of the supervisor robot.

The electric current on Misaka's body concentrated on his feet, and Misaka's body was attracted to the wall.

After the run-up, the electric current under Misaka's feet suddenly exploded, blasting a hole in the wall, but Misaka also used the reaction force to shoot at the supervisor robot like a cannonball.

Seeing that she was approaching the supervisor robot, Misaka Misaka's face changed. Due to the explosion of the current, she could no longer maintain the frequency of the electromagnetic signal of the cube robot. This also meant that her "simulated infiltration" plan failed!

At this time, the electromagnetic signal of Jing Misaka discharged from the body is very strong, and it is very conspicuous among the cube robots.

"But as long as the speed is fast enough..." Misaka Misaka thought.

But at this time, a cube robot rushed over and bumped into Misaka Misaka.

Just like that, Misaka fell like an intercepted missile.

The robot in charge turned to Misaka's direction, as if to see what kind of thing had sneaked in just now.

"Captain!" The four team members above exclaimed.

Ma Liyang and Lantern Fish also became anxious.

Misaka fell, and the police cap on his head flew up.

But Misaka's eyes were still fixed on the supervisor robot who was facing her.

The electric current concentrated on the palm of Misaka Misaka, who was still holding the ID card in her hand.

"This is the last current, DO, Misaka Misaka said seriously."


Misaka flung out his arm.

The current hit the ID card, and the ID card was shot out, directly at the supervisor robot.

But this time, the cube robots tried to intercept but failed.

Because the rate of fire of the small ID card is far faster than that of a human being, Misaka Misaka.

Misaka didn't miss the shot, and the ID card swished in front of the supervisor robot, and then clicked into the screen of the supervisor robot center.

The supervisor robot is very strong, and was not shot through by the ID card. The ID card was only inserted into the crystal screen of the supervisor robot, and did not affect the internal system.

Therefore, when the ID card was inserted on the screen, the supervisor robot paused, and the picture on the broken screen also changed.

[Identity authentication... Unblocking the system... Identity verification successful...]

Dr. Lundo in the command room saw the sign that the system was blocked and was touched, his face was happy, and then he hammered down the shutdown button of the defense system.


The screens in the control room all changed back to their normal colors.

At the same time, the supervisor robot outside was directly shut down, and all the controlled cube robots were also shut down, falling and falling.

And Misaka also floated down from the sky with the cube robots.

"Successful, can I be promoted? But..." The current on Jing Misaka's body was completely consumed, and she knew that she had no way to save herself.

At this time, a figure leaped high and rushed towards Misaka Misaka in the air, and Misaka Misaka felt himself falling into a soft and warm embrace.

It's the wind speed dog and Miss Junsha who have arrived!

Jing Misaka leaned in Miss Junsha's arms, stared blankly at Miss Junsha's sassy side face, and then her face was unexpectedly stained red.

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