Chapter 1027 (//?//)

Chapter 1027 \\()\\

All the avatars were resolved, and Deoxys naturally felt it.

Deoxys looked in the direction of Bailiyuan, of course, not with his eyes, but by sensing the electromagnetic signal released by Bailiyuan.

Rikkakuza also discovered the situation in Larus City.

Likongzao: [Oh ho, is that guy's enemy? But why does that elf look familiar? 】

But Likongzao knew that the opportunity had come!

An enemy of an enemy is a friend!

Rikakuza raised his head, and then he was ready to use his strength.

Likongzao rushed towards the super power shield, the power on his body exploded, and hit the super power shield.

Ultimate Shock!

The superpower shield was directly knocked out by the empty seat, and the open seat was successfully squeezed into the city of Larousse, but the sudden explosion also consumed the power of the open seat a little bit, and some of the strength was weak, so I needed to breathe a sigh of relief .

The entry of the Rift Seat into Larus City also attracted the attention of Deoxys. Deoxys no longer paid attention to Bailiyuan, but noticed the Rift Seat.

Compared with Bailiyuan, Likongzao is the biggest enemy he has to face.

Besides, the battle four years ago was still fresh in Deoxys' memory.

Looking at the cracked seat rushing in, Deoxys no longer maintained the protective shield, but rushed towards the cracked seat.

Likongzuo looked at Deoxys who was rushing towards him, and then looked in the direction of Bailiyuan.

[Good opportunity, attacking this guy at this time can not only prevent him from attacking me, but also cause him a lot of damage... Wait, hey, over there, why didn't you move? 】

Nonsense, even if Bailiyuan became what he is now, his strength is still at the diamond level, and he is not as good as Lie Kongzao and Deoxys. Besides... did Bailiyuan come to fight?

Most importantly... do you think what you think is what you think? I, Bailiyuan, don't know anything!

Deoxys rushed to the side of the empty seat, the super power was released, and he wanted to push the empty seat out of the super power shield.

As for Rikakuzao, who hadn't slowed down yet, he naturally didn't dodge. Instead, he was hit by Deoxys' super power, and then pushed out. It's too embarrassing to go out without moving a few times!

Rikakuza just twisted his body and was not pushed too far by the super power, but Rikakuza couldn't maintain his balance because of this, fell from the sky, smashed into the city, and destroyed a tall building.

The psychic shield surrounding the city of Larousse gradually disappeared.

The eyes of the alliance people brightened.

"Everyone, enter Larousse City to rescue the trapped, Miss Junsha, please contact the trainer who is with the super ancient Pokmon." To the city of Larousse.

"I understand. All the police officers pay attention. All teams enter the city and report the situation at any time. The first team will follow me." Miss Junsha commanded methodically, and then rushed into with a team and her own wind speed dog. City.

Likongzao struggled to get up from the ruins of the tall building, and then flew into the sky with a roar.

Lie Kongzuo was surprised that Bailiyuan didn't come to support him, but he didn't think too much about it. No matter what, it would be good to beat them all together.

However, the first one to fight now is Deoxys in the sky, who had a grudge with him four years ago.

Dragon's Fury!


Deoxys dodged easily, but Lie Kongzao was persistent and chased after him fiercely.

The wrath of the dragon and the destructive light were sprayed out by the Rift Seat as if it was free of money and consumption. Deoxys also flew around the city with the Rift Seat, using the city's terrain to avoid attacks, and the Rift Seat returned without success.

Deoxys also has his own considerations. His main purpose is to find his companions. If he fights with the empty seat, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will not be able to continue looking for his companions, so Deoxys is going to hide while hiding. With the attack of Likongzao, he continued to search, hoping to find his companion in advance, and then run away with his companion.

As for fighting with Likongzuo... Who would fight with him if he was full?

The battle four years ago was also because Deoxys felt that the empty seat would threaten the core of his companion, so he took action. After all, his companion only had the core at that time, and he had no counterattack power at all.

The two wandered around the city.

And Mikri chased after them from a distance.

It's a pity that Menus can't run fast on land, let alone run with Mikri.

Fortunately, although Mi Keli is slender, his physical strength is not bad. It is only a long-distance running, but he can still hold on.

"Meinas, hurry up...ah, it's turning...and turning again..."

Menus: "..."

On the other side, Bailiyuan saw Likongzuo fighting with Deoxys, and knew that his chance had come.

"Now is the time to find..."

"Wait, Xiaoyuan, someone is coming!" Caroline reminded.

Bailiyuan reacted, and immediately put away the big needle bee.

Nonsense, Bailiyuan couldn't explain the current situation of himself and the big needle bee, so he chose not to explain and ran away.

Bailiyuan flew into the sky by himself, dodged Miss Junsha and others who were looking for her, and then began to search for Angela in the city.

But Bailiyuan was thinking about one thing...

"Since Miss Junsha and the others have come in, they will definitely help the people in the city, that is to say, they will also save Angela, so can I retreat now?"

It seems... makes sense~

"Wait a minute!" Miss Junsha shouted watching Bailiyuan fly away, but Bailiyuan ignored Miss Junsha and disappeared after a few turns.

Miss Junsha frowned.

"Report, there is no trace of the trainer." A police officer reported after looking around.

The reason why I just looked around is because now the range they are in has become an empty sandy land, which can be seen at a glance.

At this time, Miss Junsha's earphones rang, and the people of the alliance reported the situation just monitored by the drone to Miss Junsha.

"The super-ancient Pokémon sent away the trainer? Suspected superpower teleportation? Why did you leave? Is the goal achieved, or... hiding from us?" Miss Junsha frowned.

"Let's go, search around here to see if there is anyone who needs help."

Although Bailiyuan felt that Miss Junsha and the others would go to rescue Angela, he did not leave. Instead, he was going to wait until he saw that Angela was safe. Now his form can be maintained, so he did not change back, because there is surveillance .

Bailiyuan had already discovered the drones flying around.

However, Bailiyuan didn't solve the drone. Although he might expose some abilities, he wouldn't come into contact with other people.

Let you know my mystery, but you don't know who I am, are you angry?

While waiting, Bailiyuan didn't do nothing, he chose to touch the underground glory egg.

Bailiyuan came to the top of the glory egg, and then controlled the ground to turn into sand, forming a passage, and he slowly flew into the ground.

"The super ancient Pokémon has gone underground, go and have a look." The people of the alliance shouted.

The superpower shield that surrounded Larousse City disappeared, and the wind blew into Larousse City again. The wind generators returned to normal, and Larousse City was also powered on. However, because of the impact of the battle, Larousse City There was an error in the system in Ruth City.

[Zizizi...the system is on...the threat is found...the threat is removed...]

When everyone was busy saving people and evacuating, no one noticed that the intelligent control center in Larousse had been turned on again, but red exclamation marks appeared on all the screens.

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