Chapter 1020

"Is this the aurora? Wow, it's so beautiful." Xiaoyu sighed.

But Lizi and Angela were not in the mood to sigh.

Chestnut looked at Angela.

"If my knowledge of geography is should be impossible for the aurora to appear in Larousse City." Chestnut said.

Angela nodded.

"Is this some kind of spectacle?" Xiaoyu asked.

"No, it should have something to do with elves." Angela said, "Most accidents in this world are almost caused by elves."

Angela lowered her head and smiled.

"There might be something wrong."

Lizi and Xiaoyu looked dumbfounded, something is going to happen, why are you laughing?

Absol, who was beside Angela, had already stood up, his expression became a little serious, and he also looked at Angela, as if he wanted to tell Angela something.

Anji stretched his hand and touched Absolu's head, calming down Absolu's uneasiness.

Absol is known as the Calamity Beast, an evil Pokémon, but the fact is that it is not Absol who brings disasters, but Absol has the ability to predict disasters that ordinary humans and elves do not have. The prediction is not accurate, it should be said that it is a super sensitive ability to disaster.

Precognition is before the disaster begins, and perception is to discover the disaster when it is just in its infancy.

Apparently now disaster has arrived.

Angela dragged the buttocks of Lalulas and Goth Boy, and put the two elves who were still eating snacks on her shoulders.

"Come on, let's go see what happened."


City of Larousse.

Today, the city of Larousse ushered in an uninvited visitor.

The red figure landed on the top tip of the battle tower, the tallest building in Larus City.

The visitor looked a bit like an alien. Its body was mainly orange-red, its face was blue-green, and there were three blue-green spots on its back. There is a purple streak running through the face, and crystallized windpipes in the chest cavity. It has white round eyes in rectangular black eye sockets.

The crystal on the figure's chest lit up, and the aurora appeared out of nowhere, covering the entire sky of Larousse City. It was extremely dazzling, but under this beauty, it contained other meanings.

【Where are you? I'm here to find you...]

The researchers and scholars in Larousse City all walked out of the room and saw the aurora in the sky.

While the scholars and researchers lamented the beauty of the aurora, they took out their phones to call the police.

Nonsense, everyone is a learned person, even if you haven't studied geography, you still have common sense.

You tell me that Larousse can see the aurora during the day?

I'm afraid I didn't wake up!

It seems that someone is doing something behind the scenes, why don't you just watch it if you don't call the police?

Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, Miss Junsha will definitely give the answer.

If there is nothing to do, go back and continue to do research. If there is something to do, there is still time to pack up and run away.

Why run?

Nonsense, not all researchers have the strength to participate in the alliance conference.

While admiring the aurora, Miss Junsha of Larousse received an alarm call from scholars and researchers.

Miss Jun Sha, who was drinking coffee, was also taken aback.

"Isn't this your new research?"


Miss Junsha realized the problem, and began to call the surveillance in Larus City to find the reason for the appearance of the aurora.

Larousse City is a high-tech city, and surveillance cameras have covered the entire city.

While Miss Junsha was looking for the reason for the appearance of the aurora, the aurora suddenly disappeared in the sky of Larousse City.


"It seems that there is no problem..."

"Don't relax your vigilance, continue to monitor, and work overtime today." Ms. Junsha said to other police officers at the police station.

"Huh? Working overtime? No more..."

"Don't complain, working overtime is a blessing for you, and it is to make you a better police officer."



The three of Angela wandered around the city of Larousse.

Although people no longer pay attention to the sky because of the disappearance of the aurora, the three of Angela did not let down their vigilance. Absolu's premonition will not go wrong, and something bad must have entered the city.

"Ah!" Xiaoyu exclaimed suddenly.

"Did you find anything?" Chestnut asked.

"It's the little Kirby!" Xiaoyu pointed in one direction.

I saw a little Kirby lying on the lawn in the direction of Xiaoyu's finger.


Xiaoyu ran in the direction of the little Kirby, and Lizi had no choice but to follow behind.

"What's the situation with this little Snorkel?" Angela asked.

"It's a wild little Kirby that Xiaoyu met on the way back from the battle tower." Lizi explained simply.

Xiaoyu has come to the little Snorby, communicated with the little Snorby, and fed the little Snorkel some food, and the little Snorkel took out a sausage from its fur and handed it to the little Snorby. Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu: (⊙o⊙)

"Lizi, don't feed the little Snorkellings casually in the wild." Angela said suddenly.

Chestnut was taken aback, then looked at Angela.


"Feeding is an important way to cultivate intimacy, you know that." Angela said with a smile.

Chestnut nodded.

"And intimacy is the key to the evolution of the little Snorbymon into a Snorbymon."

"Is there any problem?" Li Zi was still a little puzzled.

"Then are you ready to raise a Kirby?" Angela asked.

Chestnut was stunned, and then reacted.

Feeding is indeed an easy way to increase intimacy, and it is also a way for many trainers to subdue elves.

Most of the elves are very simple creatures, and the intimacy has been cultivated. If they are discarded, it will deal a huge blow to the elves.

Why not marry?

As for irresponsibility, as a normal trainer, it is absolutely impossible.

Although the cost of raising Snorby can be reduced appropriately, it is still quite high, and the cost of reducing the cost is sacrificing Snorby's combat ability.

Xiaoyu just flirted with Kabi for a while, and then left with Angela and Chestnut.

And the little Kabimon looked at the back of Xiaoyu leaving, this time he stood up and took a step.

If you want to find the elf who created the aurora, you can't look for it aimlessly, after all, the city of Larousse is really not small.

Although there are many possibilities, there must always be some bias and goals.

Angela took out her phone and looked at it for a while, and then had a choice.

"Miss Junsha issued a yellow second-level alert before, proving that there is a possibility of accidents. Now the alert has not been canceled, which shows that the cause of the aurora phenomenon has not been found. Larousse is a high-tech city. The city There are a lot of monitoring in the city, but if no problem is found, it means that the cause of the problem may not be within the scope of monitoring, so we first look for places in the city that are not monitored," Angela said.

"I know." Xiaoyu raised her hand.

"Ladies toilet!"

Angela's expression froze, and after analyzing a wave of Xiaoyu herself, she didn't understand it at all.

Lizi rolled her eyes: "The men's restroom is not monitored either."

"How do you know? Have you been there?"

"Fire Beast..."

"Stop, I know I'm wrong!"

Xiaoyu resolutely confessed.

Angela coughed twice and interrupted Xiaoyu's nonsense.

"There are actually quite a few unmonitored locations in Larousse City, but they are mainly important research institutes and areas exposed to the wild. Let's split up and search for areas in the wild. These areas are generally active by elves. Be careful, the elves living on the edge of the city are not as docile as the elves in the city, feeding them food may not only get no thanks, but also be shot out of the backpack." Angela said while looking at Xiaoyu , is actually reminding Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu nodded, but he didn't know if he remembered it or not.

"Okay, let's act separately, try to find the reason before this evening, send a message every hour, keep in touch, the reason behind it may be some kind of vicious Pokémon, we must pay attention." Angela clapped her hands and said.

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