I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1017 That Adult and Root

The handsome guy woke up the next day.

"Well, I am..."

The handsome guy opened his eyes, and saw a bald man smiling at him.

"Little brother, are you awake?"

The handsome guy nodded subconsciously, then sat up suddenly.

"Wait, where am I? Who are you? I... who am I?"

This time it was Shui Wutong's turn to be dazed.

This Interpol doesn't know himself as a fugitive?

Wait, didn't you recognize it and pretend to have amnesia?

Oh, mere Interpol.

Water Indus: stare——

Shui Wutong stared at the handsome guy.

The handsome guy blushed, and then rubbed his body backwards.

"Well, although I am handsome and forget who I am, I don't like men."


At this time, Chi Yansong returned to the room with the handsome guy's bad frog, food in his hand.

Seeing his master wake up, the bad frog excitedly jumped to the side of the handsome guy.

Chi Yansong also narrowed his eyes, and then exchanged a look with Shui Wutong.

"Bad frog?" The handsome guy smiled.

Shui Wutong said: "Do you know what your name is?"

The handsome guy froze for a moment, then frowned and thought about it.

"I...I really want to be called a handsome guy!"


Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong pounced on the handsome guy at the same time, and pressed the handsome guy under him. He was relatively thin, and the handsome guy who had just woken up naturally couldn't resist the Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong who exercised every day and simulated mechanical prosthetics under their skin.

"What are you doing? Don't! Don't touch there!"

"You don't have to pretend, I've already seen it!"

"What are you pretending to be, I don't know what you are talking about!"

"You obviously don't have amnesia!"

"I... ummm..."

The bad frog looked at this scene in a daze, and couldn't react to what happened.

After half a day, Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong finally figured out what happened to the handsome guy.

The handsome guy did lose his memory, but he remembered his name, and after seeing the bad frog, he remembered his own bad frog. Flame pine.

"So what is it for?" the handsome guy asked sadly while hugging the quilt, while the bad frog was comforting his trainer.

Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong ignored the handsome guy, but exchanged opinions.

After Bailiyuan left last night, he temporarily handed over the handsome guy to the two to take care of. Logically speaking, the two should leave after the handsome guy woke up, but now that the handsome guy has lost his memory, the two are "worried".

Shuiwutong and Chiyansong reached a consensus.

There is an Interpol with amnesia, how can he let it go?

Although because of Baili Yuan, the two of them couldn't do anything directly, but if they didn't do something, they would be sorry for their former status as "bosses of evil forces".

The best thing is that the memory of this Interpol can be recovered!

Shui Wutong suddenly took out the handsome guy's elf ball and put away the bad frog.

"Sorry, handsome brother, just now we were afraid that you would still be controlled." Chi Yansong was a cultural person after all, so he just opened his mouth with excuses and reasons.

"Control?" The handsome guy was taken aback.

"That's right, you were controlled by an evil organization with a superpower Pokémon before. That adult saved you. We are worried that you are still controlled, so some things have to be guarded against."

"This is your elf, keep it safe, he is protecting you loyally." Shui Wutong handed the elf ball to the handsome guy.

The handsome guy frowned, and then took the elf ball. Although he felt something was wrong, he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Shui Wutong actually put away the bad frog because he was worried about what the bad frog would do, and while the bad frog was being put away, they were fooling around... Ah no, it's time to tell the handsome guy the truth!

"That's right, you are controlled by the Rockets!" Chi Yansong said, splashing dirty water whenever he wanted, without blinking his eyes.

"Team Rocket? What's that?"

"It is the biggest evil force in the Chengdu area and the Kanto area, and in order to protect you, we brought you to the Fengyuan area."

"Fengyuan area?" The handsome guy frowned and thought about it, but he couldn't think of anything.

"Sorry, I can't recall these things."

Shuiwutong and Chiyansong smiled.


"Do you know my identity?" the handsome guy asked.

Chi Yansong frowned.

"We don't know too much. We only know that you are Interpol, a hero who specializes in fighting organizations like the Rockets, but it was the adult who rescued you. That adult may know more."

"Hero, I'm sorry." The handsome guy scratched his head shyly, "By the way, who is that adult you're talking about?"

Shui Wutong shook his head: "We can't say the name of that adult."


"Because we are an organization that fights against the evil forces in the dark and protects the world in the dark. Our mission is very dangerous, so there are many enemies and we cannot be exposed to the sun at will. If you really want to know, you can go and Let's see that lord." Chi Yansong said seriously.

Hearing Chi Yansong's words, the handsome guy had an unidentified expression on his face.

"Okay then, where is that lord? Can I go see him?" The handsome guy had an expectant expression on his face.

"Of course." Shui Wutong said with a smile, anyway, they were going to find Bailiyuan, and they didn't mind bringing a handsome guy with them.

"Great." The handsome guy smiled, "By the way, may I know the name of your organization?"

Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong fell silent and looked at each other.

Shui Wutong: Have you decided on a name?

Chi Yansong: No, but I can make one temporarily. By the way, I still remember the world of Shisui Uchiha...

"Gen, the name of our organization is root! You Interpol are the leaves bathing in the sun, and we are the roots in the dark."

"Gen, an appropriate name, you are greater than me, and you should be called heroes." There was a look of admiration in the handsome man's eyes, and he was moved by the spirit of Chi Yansong's mouth.

Both Shuiwutong and Chiyansong turned their heads away, pinching their arms and thighs.

Holding back a laugh is really hard work!

Shui Wutong suddenly stood up.

"Let's go, Interpol, we'll take you to meet that lord, he's not on this island."

After talking about Shui Wutong, he walked out the door, and Chi Yansong followed behind.

"As expected of a hero in the dark, you really act swiftly and resolutely." The handsome guy felt his body, then got out of bed, quickly packed his things, looked on the bed, and followed out.

Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong glanced at the handsome guy following up, and they exchanged glances.

There is still a long way to go to find Bailiyuan~

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