Chapter 103

"Hey~ look what I found, a mutated unicorn, by the way, this kind of elf is called a flash elf, she has passed out now, but the spikes on her head and tail look poisonous Then cut off her head and tail, the other parts should be eaten raw, but our time is not tight, we can also roast her, that will definitely be more delicious, according to my experience Speaking of which, she should be crunchy after roasting, and taste like chicken..."

Bailiyuan inserted his light gag into the mouth of the Easter egg system, deep into the throat, if the system had one.

The easter egg system shut up.

I just wanted to check this unicorn, who said I was going to eat her?

Bailiyuan looked at the unicorn's body, it was soft and elastic, the protein was twice that of beef, but the fat was only half of that of beef...

Bailiyuan swallowed, suppressed the desire in his heart, and began to observe the situation of the unicorn carefully.

Because Bailiyuan didn't have a reference, and he didn't have much contact with unicorns, he could only compare and observe the unicorns in front of him according to the introduction in the illustrated book.

Unsurprisingly, what can be seen is limited.

Soon Bailiyuan lost interest in unicorns.

Bailiyuan looked at the unicorn's horn, and the bronze egg was on it.

Baili Yuan condensed her own light on her hands, and with the toxicity shown by the unicorn just now, who knows if touching her horns and tail thorns will cause poisoning? It's better to be careful.

If the easter egg is not required to be touched by Bailiyuan and cannot be separated by anything, Bailiyuan would prefer to wear rubber gloves.

However, concentrating the light on the hand can also play a role in isolation.

After taking precautions, Bailiyuan touched the light spot on the unicorn representing the egg with his hand, and picked up the egg.

The unicorn suddenly trembled.


Bailiyuan took a step back.

However, the unicorn still lay on the ground after shaking for a while, showing no sign of waking up.

Baili Yuan thought for a while, stepped forward again, with light attached to his hand, and curiously held the unicorn's unicorn again.

The unicorn's body became stiff and twisted unnaturally.

Bailiyuan's hands moved up and down, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing...

Following Bailiyuan's stroke, the unicorn's body began to tremble continuously.

However, the unicorn is still in a coma, and all these reactions are completely her own conditioned reactions.

Baili Yuan's hand was moving faster and faster, and the light in his hand also penetrated into the horn of the unicorn following Baili Yuan's movement.

Although a small amount of light is lost, it doesn't affect it. For Bailiyuan, the lost light is only a drop in the bucket, and it can be replenished in ten minutes, and it doesn't affect the transformation. hunger and thirst.

And the light entering the body of the unicorn will not have any bad effects.

Ultraman injects a small amount of his own light into the body of other creatures to make them feel comfortable. Based on this principle, Ultraman has developed healing light skills.

The healing light is a must-have skill for the young ladies of the Silver Cross, but there are not many Ultramans who know the healing light except for the Silver Cross.

Bailiyuan's hand speed became faster and faster. Finally, the unconscious unicorn suddenly straightened its body, suddenly spit out white silks unconsciously, and twitched violently, and then the unicorn's body bloomed bright of light.

Bailiyuan let go of the unicorn's silk the first time.

When the light dissipated, a pupa covered in purple appeared in front of Baili Yuan.

"Is this evolution?"

Bailiyuan blinked his eyes, then took out the illustrated book and compared them.

The chrysalis in front of him looks exactly the same as the iron-shelled insect after the evolution of the unicorn, but it is purple, and it is almost as tall as Bailiyuan.

The only difference is that the iron shell is purple!

Probably because of evolution, Tie Kekun had come to his senses at this time, and was staring at Bailiyuan with a pair of big black eyes.

In Tie Kekun's eyes was the anger because Baili Yuan knocked her out, and there was also an indescribable expression...

When Bailiyuan looked at Tie Kekun, Tie Kekun subconsciously moved his eyes away.

What's happening here?

Bailiyuan rubbed his eyes, and he found that he actually felt that Tie Kekun had a charming and alluring aura.

Baili Yuan felt that it was either his eyes that had a problem, or something wrong with the iron shell.

slip away...

Bailiyuan quickly climbed down the tree.

However, when Tie Kekun saw that Baili Yuan wanted to run away, his eyes instantly became sharp.

want to run? impossible!

The thick shells of normal iron shells prevent them from moving quickly, so in order to protect themselves, iron shells can only strengthen their shells, just like using hardening.

However, the one in front of Bailiyuan was obviously not a normal iron-shelled kun.

There is a sickle-shaped arm in the middle of the iron shell kun's body. Generally, the iron shell kun uses the sickle-shaped arms to grasp the trees to fix itself or use the poison needle skill.

The iron shell Kun on the tree popped out a sickle-shaped arm, which led the body to jump up, and fell under the tree first. When Baili Yuan just got down from the tree, the iron shell Kun was already behind him.

Turning around, Baili Yuan met Tie Kekun's piercing black eyes.

Bailiyuan: "..."

On the other hand, Katie Gou and Gala Gala guarded Baili Yuan vigilantly as soon as Tie Kekun landed.

Bailiyuan rubbed his face.

"Responsible!" Tie Kekun said to Bailiyuan.

"Uh... what?" Baili Yuan looked confused.

But Bailiyuan always felt that what he just did was a scumbag.

"Responsible!" Tie Kekun repeated.

"This... is not good." Baili Yuan rubbed his face.

"Now I can't move freely, and I'm far away from the group. I'm easily attacked by natural enemies. You must protect me." Tie Kekun said without answering Baili Yuan's words.


"You can carry me away, don't worry, I won't poison you." Tie Kekun said.

Well, it was up to him, but facing Tie Kekun who was easily attacked by heaven and earth, Bailiyuan couldn't bear to let it go.

Then take care of her for the time being. Anyway, Tie Kekun evolved into a big needle bee very quickly, but the big needle bee doesn't seem to be so friendly to herself.

Shaking his head and throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Baili Yuan summoned the flame chicken.

"Thank you for holding her." Baili Yuan said to the flame chicken.

"No, you must be the one holding me, otherwise I will hold my elf."

Bailiyuan: "..."

Bailiyuan took back the flame chicken, and the flame chicken gave Bailiyuan a meaningful look before disappearing.

Bailiyuan didn't understand the meaning in the flame chicken's eyes, but still hugged Tie Kekun in front of him.

Tie Kekun was about the same height as Baili Yuan, holding Tie Kekun, Baili Yuan could barely see the road ahead.

Being hugged by Baili Yuan, Tie Kekun's eyes were a little erratic, but it was well concealed.

Just like that, Bailiyuan started on the road with Tie Kekun in his arms, heading in the direction where the target silver egg was.

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