I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1010 The fourth super ancient Pokémon?

Pokémon world.

After a few months, Bailiyuan came to the world of Pokémon again.

The coat of arms made the world and other world affairs temporarily put down by Bailiyuan, after all, the matter of Miaowahua was more important.

However, Bailiyuan also left after watching the broadcast of the opening ceremony of the [Wen Wu Conference], and the [Wen Wu Conference] will be held for more than a month, and the first half month is the preliminaries, and there is not much exciting The real seed players will not reveal too much strength in this link.

As for whether Shirley, Brilliant Gold, and Wu Geng Yue can survive the qualifiers, Bailiyuan has no doubts. After all, the three are the best among the heraldry envoys, and they are all former members of Yuncheng College. Graduated students, if they can't stand out from the qualifiers, then they will see the devil.

It's the same even if Brilliant Gold has been farming. After all, to be honest, those players who participated in the competition may not be able to beat a farmer.

Bailiyuan returned to the gym.

Compared with other worlds, the lives of ordinary people in the Pokémon world are much happier, at least most of them are. This means that the Pokémon world is a harmonious and stable society, and Bailiyuan can also feel the rare in the Pokémon world. leisurely.

But Bailiyuan's return to the Pokémon world is obviously not for vacation.

Bailiyuan is going to spend more than half a month to train the elves who are about to evolve, and at the same time, he also hopes that the frog seeds can go through battle and then evolve.

Bailiyuan still appeared in the Fengyuan area, after all, it was here that he left this world last time.

Bailiyuan appeared in Liuli City, then contacted Angela, and then collected the changes in the Pokémon world during this period.

The Fengen area is still stable, because of the disappearance of the Ocean team and the Lava team, the Fengen area seems to be a lot more stable.

But it was not silent.

Because of the appearance of Gulardo and Kyoka before, many researchers and scholars came to the Fengyuan area and began to study things about super ancient Pokémon.

Therefore, Angela did not leave, but followed other scholars to Larousse City for exchange and study.

Larousse City is near Suijing City in the Hoenen area. It is a well-known high-tech city and a gathering place for researchers and scholars. There are many schools and research institutions, and it is also a representative of the technological level of the Hoenn area.

Some scholars studied the various things left behind during the battle between Gulardo and Kyoka in Larousse City, while another group of scholars began to trace the traces of super ancient Pokémon based on legends about super ancient Pokémon.

As for disturbing the sleeping Gulardo and Kyoka... Someone mentioned it, and then that person was kicked out of the group chat.

After all, everyone is here to do research, not to die. Although they usually don't mind dying, they don't want to die.

At the same time, there was also a wave of mythical beasts in the Fengyuan area. The dolls and models of Gulardo and Kyoka were selling well. The ground-type, fire-type, and water-type Pokémon also became the most popular Pokémon during this period.

Although ordinary Pokémon cannot be as powerful as Gulardo and Kyoka, think about it, isn't it?

It's like entertaining yourself with green caterpillars if you don't have an empty seat?

In addition to these, the high-level officials in the Fengyuan area are still in turmoil because of this incident.

And the biggest thing is Dawu's retirement.

Although Team Lava and Team Ocean have both disbanded, and the leaders and high-level leaders of the two organizations have also disappeared, and those who have been arrested have been arrested, but the alliance still has to make a statement.

Then Dawu took the initiative to retreat.

According to the information Angela inquired, Dawu's retirement was not that simple, and it also involved the confrontation between factions within the alliance, but the specific situation is not very clear.

The most important thing is that Angela is not from the Hoenn area. Angela can understand so much because she has a good relationship with Devon Manufacturing Company.

However, the reason why Dawu retired from the outside world was not "responsibility for this incident", but "to relieve the burden and pursue his own path as a trainer".

It was Mikri who succeeded Dawu as the champion.

But these have nothing to do with Bailiyuan for the time being, and he doesn't challenge the alliance in Fengyuan area.

In addition, outside the Fengyuan area, Du also succeeded in becoming the league champion in the Johto area because of this incident.

Juzi Tianwang also contacted Angela, suggesting that Bailiyuan should return to the Kanto area to challenge the Tianwang competition, because after Du became the champion, the position of Tianwang would be vacant.

Of course, King Juzi didn't want Bailiyuan to take over Du's position directly. After all, the alliance was not up to her, but she wanted Bailiyuan to take the position and prepare for the future.

Because with Du becoming the league champion, the position of the league will undergo a major change and replacement in the past few years, and there will be many opportunities. If you want to get these opportunities, you must first have the qualifications to participate in it. Tickets to participate.

In addition, Bailiyuan went out for a long time without any news, which also made Juzi Tianwang very worried. If Bailiyuan went to other areas to become the king or the gymnasium owner, it would be Guandu. The loss of talent in the regional league, after all, this situation is not unheard of.

Of course, King Chrysanthemum also said that this is a good opportunity for Angela to return to Guandu to build a gymnasium, which will also be of great help to Angela in obtaining the title of doctor.

Angela also said that after finishing everything in the Fengyuan area, she will return to the Kanto area to build a gym.

That's about all the big time that happened during this period.

But after contacting Angela, Angela sent a special document to Bailiyuan.

""Super Ancient Pokémon Information"? What is this?"

The content of the document was not much, but Baili Yuan was stunned when he saw the beginning.

"It has been confirmed that there are four ultra-ancient Pokémon that are still traced in modern times... wait, four?"

Bailiyuan frowned. Although he didn't remember the story of the Pokémon world very clearly, he still remembered some information and settings. If Bailiyuan remembered it correctly, it was called an ultra-ancient Pokémon in the Fengyuan area. There should be only three elves, Gulardo, Kyoka, and Rift, which represent the earth, sea, and sky respectively.

What about the fourth one?

Bailiyuan quickly skipped over the information on Gulardo, Kioka, and Rift, and then saw the information on the last ultra-ancient Pokémon.

"The war between the sea and the land, and the sky against it. When the world is about to be destroyed, sin and hope are intertwined, and the light merges with the dark star lake. The mysterious boy who came here turned into a giant in the light, and the giant of light brought hope. Light, bring away the darkness of despair, with its body, calm everything, turn into light and fly to the sky, the night passes, and the dawn comes..."

Bailiyuan: "It looks pretty powerful."

"There are only a few words about the fourth ultra-ancient Pokémon legend, and there are not many. Master Sirona, the champion of Sinnoh, accidentally found a stone tablet that recorded its information. As for the juvenile becoming a Pokmon, scholars speculate that it should be a Pokmon with the ability to transform humans..."

Bailiyuan: "Can you change shapes and transform humans?"

"I thought this Pokémon was just a legend, but it once appeared during the battle between Kioka and Gulardo, and the light and shadow that blocked the battle between the two Pokémon were very similar to the depiction on the slate, so it is confirmed that it is real. Yes, but without more information and clues, it is impossible to judge..."

Below is a photo of the appearance of the ultra-ancient Pokémon engraved on the slate.

The leader is a human-shaped Pokémon, and then two lines are drawn to connect the other two human-shaped appearances.

Baili Yuan looked at the description on the photo and touched his chin.

"Why does it look familiar?"

"Xiao Yuan, the description above is 90% similar to your mega form and original regression form." Caroline said suddenly.

Baili Yuan stopped talking, and his face changed again and again, which was very exciting.

Finally, Bailiyuan silently put away the files.

"What does the study of super ancient Pokmon have anything to do with me? I'm just a passing fisherman, let's go, let's fight."

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