At a time when all the students of the Holy House were in a state of anger.

The deputy chief sitting in the back row also glanced at Councilor Morgan next to him with a gloomy face, and sneered: "Heh, you guys are really going to take advantage of loopholes." "

"Your Excellency the Deputy Governor may not accept it if he thinks it is unfair. "

Congressman Morgan said with a smile on his face.

"Don't laugh too early, it's not certain who will kill the deer. "

The deputy chief sneered.

He was also holding back the fire in his belly.

This format is obviously a huge disadvantage to Kyushu.

This is because the policies adopted by these powers, such as the Lighthouse Country, are very different from those in Kyushu.

They're basically throwing everything they have and betting on one of the best young talents.

A huge amount of resources are piled up, just to pile up the strongest!

This is true for people such as Sharma in the Three Kingdoms of A, and Makino Kamiya in the Sakura Country.

Kyushu, on the other hand, pays more attention to the cultivation of most ordinary talents and elite talents, and does not use too many resources for top geniuses.

Therefore, the overall strength of the younger generation is stronger, but the individual strength is slightly inferior. 087

This young and proud battle,

On the surface, it is 6V6 on both sides, but in fact it is Kyushu 1V6!

The other side has a huge advantage!

This group of ghosts is determined that Kyushu will not show weakness at this juncture of the Midyear Festival.

That's why deliberately in this battle that is destined to break out,

Such seemingly "fair" rules were formulated, but in fact they were completely one-sided.

It's not just the deputy presidents of these college leaders.

Many students realize that this is a machi.

That's why they're so angry.


If it weren't for the fact that the Midyear Festival was coming, and I was worried that I would be attacked by the enemy, Kyushu would still need to step on this pit?

Although everyone does not want to grow the morale of others and destroy their own prestige.

But Kyushu is destined to be more than lucky in this kind of 6V6 cutting-edge combat power battle.

After all, if you want to select the top six candidates of the younger generation around the world.

Kyushu can be shortlisted, I'm afraid only An Tang is alone.

Yang Lie, Song Quan, and Li Kaicheng, who are young Tianjiao above the 15th in the sequence, are of course extremely powerful.

But compared to Alpha, Sharma, and Makino Kamiya, these monsters built up from massive resources, it's still a notch behind.

If the Holy House really responds to the battle.

Everyone's only hope,

I'm afraid I can only hope for the young figure on the podium.

Gu Bai.

The youngest lecturer in the history of the birth, with his back against him, is the towering tree of the old dean.

If he had more powerful talismans to wield later, he might still have the strength to fight.

Now, though, everyone's main concern is.

The Holy Courtyard is not engaged.

"Dean, should we come forward to control the situation and discuss countermeasures?"

Elder Yan asked very solemnly.

"No, it's a young man's game, let the young man decide, I believe in that kid. "

Yang Taichu's tone was very calm, he had been looking at Gu Bai since just now.

He has read countless people, but he can't see through this young ghost.

The only thing that is certain is that this young man is calm and confident.

It was a kind of calmness where Tarzan collapsed in front of him without moving.

What is revealed from this is a powerful force that people can't see through.

This kid, that's not all, it's much more than that.

As long as he is there, those outsiders will not be able to make any waves.

Alpha slowly walked to the front of the podium, and faced Gu Bai Yao above, "How, do you dare to fight?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

And Gu Bai just shook his head.

This action alone made the audience quiet from the noisy state in an instant.

Is this a refusal?

Got this expected response.

The students at the scene were like a fish in their throats, and they felt uncomfortable with grievances in their hearts for no reason. []

"Are you scared, it's okay, it's understandable. "

The corners of Alpha's mouth curl slightly.

He turned back,

The pair of eyes covered with strips of black cloth "scanned" the group of elders of the Holy Courtyard in the auditorium behind them.

You can't see his eyes, but you can feel the contempt and arrogance.

"It seems that the bones of Kyushu have aged and will soon be buried in the ground and decay forever. "

This heart-wrenching sentence is undoubtedly a stab into the hearts of all the students of the Holy Academy.

Many people with impulsive personalities are almost unable to hold back.

And at this very moment,

Gu Bai's voice suddenly sounded again: "I don't mean to refuse when I shake my head. "

Alpha looked back: "What?"

Gu Bai looked down at him: "I mean, this bet is too small. "

Alpha was stunned.

And the students of the Holy Academy in the audience were full of question marks.



Big brother, you're making trouble!

We almost rushed up to the Ka people, and you actually came here because the stakes were too small?

Say yes sooner!

Alpha felt like he had misheard: "The stakes are too small?"

Gu Bai began to row:

"I'll make a rule. "

"Just as you said, 6v6, take turns. "

"Your side wins, Kyushu will no longer interfere with any freedom of your international exchange students, and you can stay in Kyushu without restriction until you want to go out. "

"We won, and all 102 of you international exchange students will leave the territory of Kyushu within three hours, and you will not be allowed to set foot on this land for life. "

"Of course, our institute will not refund the 200 million yuan of your study abroad fees each. "

Wait until Gu Bai finishes these words.

Everyone's brains have been shaken stupid.


That bet just now wasn't enough, and there will be another wave of bigger ones?

The students' mood was once again excited.

The leader of the hospital was almost choked to death by a sip of tea.


Not to mention the fact that the whole thing suddenly took a 180-degree turn, and went straight out of control.

This bet is inevitably too big!

"How, dare you fight?"

At this moment, Gu Bai returned this sentence to Alpha as it was.

"Good, we got into battle. "

After a brief pause, a smile appeared on Alpha's face.

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