The second floor, the seaside.

Ye Qiu looked at the endless scene in front of him and couldn't help stretching. This ocean is called the Sea of Richness.

It means that there are endless fish and inexhaustible seafood resources.

It is the most mysterious place in the entire second floor.

There are obviously monsters in the sea, but when people go out to sea in fishing boats, those monsters will not attack fishing boats.

But as long as people go into the water, the monsters under the sea will swarm in.

This is very strange.

Monsters attack humans, there must be a purpose, right?

If it is for food, then people nowadays have not been in the water, won't these monsters starve to death?

But if they are simply hostile to humans.

Usually they eat seafood species, then this ocean cannot be so rich.

Many people have not figured this out, thinking that this is just some kind of game mechanism to prevent players from going into the water.

But Ye Qiu knows that the teleportation array leading to the next floor is under this ocean. But to be honest, he did not participate in the strategy of the second floor in his previous life. He just followed a melee and left the second floor.

Because it won't be long before the solar eclipse comes.

"In the previous life, the strategy for the second level lasted for about five months. The one that was really difficult to deal with was not the Black Emperor, but the water ghosts under this rich sea."

"Because most players are not good at swimming, even those who can swim cannot perform underwater."

"It would be great if we could invite a teacher from the Water Divination School to lead the way."

Ye Qiu thought so, and saw Du Yuan suddenly tighten the fishing rod in his hand!

""The goods are ready!"

Ye Qiu and Du Yuan were on a fishing boat at the moment. They had sneaked into the NPC fleet.

They were going to catch a few fish that could turn people into undead and take them back for research.

This fish seemed to be the material used by the third level of the School of Necromancer.

Ye Qiu didn't know the other effects.

Ye Qiu came here mainly to get some information from the local fishermen and see if he could catch some bubble fish.

Bubble fish is the raw material for fish gill potion.

If he could get a few of them, it would be of great benefit to the subsequent underwater exploration.

At this moment, a local fisherman suddenly came over.

"Wow, this sticky fish is not small?"

Du Yuan looked at the fish he caught and threw it into the basket."What are the characteristics of this fish?"

The fisherman thought for a while and said,"This fish has no bones, and the fish meat becomes very sticky when it is heated. Generally, not many people eat it. It is fed to poultry."

"What kind of fish are you fishing for?"

Du Yuan thought for a moment and replied,"Corpse fish."

The fishermen were stunned when they heard it,"You can't fish for that, that thing is contraband and highly poisonous. People will get a strange disease if they eat it, so don't think too much, guys!"

Du Yuan smiled,"Don't worry, we are not eating it, we are just taking it for research."

The fishermen shook their heads,"Then don't let others see it, fishing for this kind of fish will cost you your head."

Ye Qiu cast several rods but all were empty,"Old man, do you know the origin of this underwater monster?"

Hearing Ye Qiu's question, an old fisherman holding a pipe suddenly came over.

"That has quite a bit of history. Since my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather... I can't really tell which generation it was, there has been a legend circulating in the village."

"It is said that a long time ago, there were no monsters under this rich sea."

"The Titans have ruled this land for tens of thousands of centuries, even older than our birth."

"Their kingdom has even spanned the galaxy, which is unmatched by anyone, and we are nothing more than slaves raised by the Titans!"

"Until one day, four knights suddenly came from the other side of the starry sea. They each held a different weapon and their bodies were as tiny as ours."

"But they have the ability to compete with those giants."

"They called the giants Titans, saying that the end of the Titans had come, and they came to pronounce the fall of the Kingdom of God."

"Even the Titans were afraid of the power of the four knights, so they had no choice but to leave the continent."

"Our ancestors swore allegiance to the four knights and established the first human nation here."

"I don't remember the rest of the story very clearly, I just heard that our human ancestors betrayed the will of a certain god."

"He borrowed the power of the four aliens to forge a weapon, tricked the four aliens into entering the Sea of Plenty, and sealed them there forever."

"Since then, the Titans have returned, but they no longer dare to underestimate us, let alone invade us."

"Because we hold the sword of Dalimos in our hands. Once we let go, this sword hanging from the top will destroy the Titans once again."

"The Titans were afraid of our power, so they had to cede half of their land to us. This lasted for half a year."

"The four knights slept in the sea of abundance."

"Since then, all the villagers who went into the water have never come back. Some people say that they have become water ghosts."

"But no one knows whether water ghosts exist, because everyone who has seen water ghosts is dead."

The Sword of Dalimos.

Ye Qiu didn't seem to have this sword in his memory. If he guessed correctly, this should be a metaphor.

It means that humans hold the key to unlock the seal.

And this seal is the sword hanging over the heads of the giants!

Once humans unlock the seal, this invisible sword will fall.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qiu directly pulled out the Flame Sword, and then plunged it into the water!


Countless water vapor surged up, and the flame on the sword was extinguished instantly. Ye Qiu drew out the sword and the flame rekindled.

"My weapon is hard to use underwater. If Lao Zhang were here, I would capture two water ghosts for you today."

Water ghost brain is also a kind of material.

It is the material of water-walking potion.

Find someone to go into the water to lure them, and find two archers to shoot arrows at the two water ghosts. It is not too difficult.

"How about Old Du, can you give me a hand?"

Seeing Ye Qiu eager to try, Du Yuan suddenly stood up and said,"Wait a moment, something's going on!"

"Look at the post, someone found the Sun-Chasing Wolf!"

Ye Qiu's eyes turned when he heard it,"Where is it?"

Du Yuan slid the post,"Near the Fiery School!"

Ye Qiu put away his sword and jumped directly to a boat that was about to return,"No more fishing today, let's go hunt the Sun Spirit!"

Sun Essence is a good material. Just mix some of it with armor and forge it to increase the fire resistance to the maximum, and it also has a built-in warming function.

Of course, this is not the point.

Since the Sun Wolf has appeared, the Moon Wolf will probably refresh as well!

If the Sun Essence and Moon Essence are fused, you can forge armor with stronger defensive performance than the Violet Gold Set!

It's just that you have to kill it quickly.

You can't wait until the sun and the moon appear at the same time, otherwise they will most likely summon Fenrir!

Fenrir is not like Big Eyes, mainly because his body is too big, and his health bar is so thick that it is unimaginable.

Players who summon him now will only be wiped out. If you want to kill an elephant with ants, there is no time at all.

Fenrir will disappear during the day. If the output is not enough, no matter how hard you fight, it will only be a waste of soul life!

And if Fenrir is lured to the player's residential area.

Then they will really be back to the solution in one day. Put it forward!

Unless you can ask the Hobbit to forge the Invisible Lock again!

But despite this, the Sun and Moon Wolves were still killed.

Their materials are the core materials of the warrior equipment in the next stage, and they are the type that must be fought.

But they are not enough to fight the Sun Wolf.

It's not because they can't be beaten.

It's because the Sun Wolf can only be hurt by attacks with the Moon Cold attribute, such as ice and water.

At this stage.

The only attack with water and ice attributes is the Water School.

Of course, the weapon made of the Moon Essence dropped by the Moon Wolf is the Moon Cold attribute.

But the premise is that you have to kill the Moon Wolf first!

That's too troublesome, it's better to call Zhang Qingyan directly and let him bring the Ice Soul Bow!

You know, the two weapons dropped by Larik are the weapons used to fight the Sun and Moon Wolves!

Ye Qiu directly sent the message back at the first time, and asked Fang Ze and Zhang Qingyan to wait for them outside the tower!

"This thing only spawns once a day, and it's not 100% refreshed. It's possible that it won't come once in half a month."

"Moreover, the Japanese wolves disappear at night, so we must act quickly!"


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