Seeing the two mentors fighting after a disagreement, Fang Ze finally understood why they said that this school was not suitable for him.

Even the teacher went out to fight, how could the student be good?

Fang Ze, with a calm face, always felt that he was a little out of tune with them.

But... what if I go to another school now?

Can I also take on the task?

Or will I join the school after completing the task of a school?

With such curiosity, Fang Ze ran to the water fortune school next door.

It has to be said that these two schools are completely opposite.

Everyone in the water fortune school is very indifferent and not good at speaking, but they will nod when they see Fang Ze.

Arriving at the central palace of the water fortune school, three old men are playing chess around a triangular chessboard.

What kind of chess is this?

Three people playing together?

Fang Ze watched for a while and didn't understand it very well. But one of the elderly women wearing a blue robe with gold edges answered his doubts for him.

"This is Shuizhanqi. We are simulating a war between three human forces."

"Young man, are you interested in joining the Water School?"

Fang Ze talked to the three wizards and asked a few questions. Their answers were very detailed.

At least much more detailed than the Fiery School.

They said that the Water School has three branches like the Fiery School. The three branches of the Fire School are Purgatory, Fire Curse, and Strange Fire.

Purgatory focuses on the control of fire and the change of appearance.

Fire Curse focuses on the power of fire.

Strange Fire is more special, and their ability lies in using various different flames.

The Water School even talked about it in more detail than the people of the Fiery School.

Because the two schools have a deep connection.

The Water School also has three branches, namely Abyss, Source Cold, and Water.

Abyss focuses on water magic.

Source Cold focuses on ice magic.

Water is a kind of auxiliary divination.

It's hard to say what it is used for. Anyway, Fang Ze didn't understand it very well after listening to it.

Because this is not divination in essence.

It's deduction, or observation of evolution.

Fang Ze thinks that the ability of Water should be to buff teammates.


In the next few days, Fang Ze visited several other schools and learned about their abilities.

Each school has its own characteristics, and there is almost no duplication.

In addition, some schools have linkage magic.

But they are all regarded as taboo magic!

Because linkage means that a person must be proficient in two schools at the same time!

For example, the Water School and the Fire School, a long time ago, there was a special faction between the two.

It was a faction that used fog walking.

He needed someone to be proficient in both the Fire School and the Water School.

Another example is the Water School and the Geomancer School.

The combination of the two can use a complete divination technique.

For example, the combination of the Lightning School and the Atmosphere School can use the teleportation technique to reach a certain place in an instant!

But these magics are still regarded as taboo magic by them.

Fang Ze was very curious. Since there is linkage magic between different schools.

Why can a person only be proficient in one school?

Can't he be proficient in multiple schools at the same time?

Only the people of the Water Divination School mentioned this to him, saying that each school has a different sequence of potions.

Because they all come from the same source, this series will be extremely stable.

But if you drink potions from other schools during this period, because of some unpredictable conflicts!

The person who takes the potions will have a high chance of crashing out of control!

It's like adding various different modules to your game, and the conflict between the modules will cause the game to crash or fail to run.

Even if you are lucky and drink potions from two different schools without losing control.

But what about the follow-up?

You can't just take the initial stage potion, right?

Starting from the beginning, the more chaotic the beginning, the greater the risk of losing control in the later stage!

That is the result that no one wants to see.

This is also the reason why many schools have given up combined magic.

But in Fang Ze's view, this is actually nothing.

Because the player himself can be resurrected infinitely, that is, they can keep trying and making mistakes.

Even if at the end, the next stage will be 100% out of control, it doesn't matter. At worst, just be a casual player.

You know a little bit of each faction, but you just don't have a big move.

With this idea in mind, Fang Ze started the tasks of six schools at the same time!

They are the six schools of magic: Fiery Fire, Water Divination, Atmosphere, Lightning, Geomancer, and Nature!

He had no intention of joining the remaining six schools, including Summoning.

Because according to a mentor, the core materials required for the six schools of magic in the early stage are basically the same!

That is the blood of high-level monsters!

It is worth mentioning that the higher the purity of the monster's blood, the higher the success rate of the potion made!

If we talk about the top-level monster blood, it must be Fenrir's blood!

As the original monster, its blood is the purest magic material, and it can almost achieve 100% success in taking the medicine!

And the purity of magic after taking the medicine is also higher! And it just so happens that Fang Ze and his friends have a bottle of Fenrir's blood in their hands!

Fortunately, the King of Hell did not want this bottle of blood at the beginning.

In the next few days, most of the combat players were running professional tasks.

Ye Qiu, Xigua, and Du Yuan went to the Battlefield School.

Zhang Qingyan went to the Archery School.

Fly went to the Shadow School.

So far, the number of people who went to the Light School and the Holy School is the least.

Among the magic professions, the Summoning School is the most visited by players!

It is obvious that most people have no intention of playing a nanny or a nanny.

Instead, summoning and battlefield have become popular in the version.

And the life-related players are still working hard on the city wall!

Now the initial circle of foundation has been completed, and nearly 10 million players are busy together. It is not to mention how efficient it is.

In reality, they have never been so diligent.

It is estimated that after another two or three months in the game, their project of 10 million people will be completed.

Fang Ze is busy doing tasks while preparing for the union.

They have enough money, but they are still far from having a lot of reputation.

Now almost no player can reach 10,000 reputation.

Even Fang Ze only has more than 9,400 reputation.

However, Fang Ze has come up with a way to quickly brush reputation.

That is, everyone does not form a team, and only one person can do the last blow.

In this way, all the reputation can be guaranteed to be given to one person, and then the soul life and money can be divided equally.

After a few days, the players' school tasks were almost all completed.

The materials that need to be collected are all those that are available in the first and second floors, and they can be collected very easily.

Many players chose to post the potion formula online after getting it, and directly let other players copy it.

Some people even gathered together and put all the formulas of the twelve schools in one post.

They also said that they would continue to update it later when there was progress. Now the collection of that post has exceeded 100 million.

After Fang Ze finished the tasks of the six schools, he and Ye Qiu started to brush up their reputation.

Because there are too many players now, it is not easy for Fang Ze and his friends to find some monsters to kill.

Therefore, they went around and brushed for several days before they accumulated enough reputation.

"So, what is our guild called?"


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