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Chapter 84: You Can't Be Faster Than the Void (15)

Dio and Giorno have established a father-son relationship, but the two are like enemies.

"Is this Giorno's biological father... But I didn't expect that he would threaten to kill his son as soon as they met."

It's a bit difficult for Bucharati to understand the situation in front of him, but after all, this is someone else's family business, it's not up to him to take action, and Ye Du who is sitting among them seems to be an extremely powerful person, whether it is Giorno or the arrogant Dior Invisibly showing respect for him, and Ye Du was calm in the face of this scene, as if he had anticipated the current scene.

"What do they mean by parallel space-time?"

Naranga asked Mista next to him in a low voice.

"Parallel time and space is...I don't know either.

Mista spread his hands helplessly.

Terry Hugh, who was standing aside, supported her head with one hand, tilted slightly, and locked her eyes on Giorno and Dio.

"Are all fathers and sons like this?"

She muttered to herself in a low voice, seeming to be out of the crowd.


At this moment, Na 407 Langa let out an exclamation that attracted everyone's attention.

"What's wrong, Naranga?"

Bugarati asked cautiously.

"I just took the spoon, obviously in my hand... 55

Naranga was a little puzzled,

"But it's gone now! What the hell is going on here?

"Hey, are you kidding me?""

Apache rose from his seat.

"No, I don't! 99

Naranga took out the spoon again and put it into the bowl of soup just now - the end of the spoon broke as if it had been eaten by something.

"Is it a stand-in attack?"

Bucciarati turned to look at Ye Du, who nodded immediately.

Bugarati remembered what Ye Du had said to them before about the members of the Guard and their respective abilities.

And this ability must belong to Shi Ke Ya Luo's stand-in [Shock], a shark-shaped stand-in, although it is not large and does some damage, it can move freely in the water source, and can even move instantaneously in different adjacent liquids, Has a very amazing speed.

And since Skyalo was present, his partner Tichano (bfeh) must have gone here together.

Tichano's stand-in is [Face Close-Up], and those affected by it will say things that go against their hearts and make actions against their hearts.

Although his stand-in ability is very weak, he can make each other suspicious of each other and provide each other with wrong information.

They have always worked as a team, because [Shock] has limited lethality and cannot fight against multiple people at the same time, so it generally hides in a water source near the enemy, carrying [Facial Close-up] to make a surprise attack - [Facial Close-up] will Control the opponent and induce the enemy to approach the water source one by one, becoming the prey of 【Shock】.

In the original book, it was Naranga who was caught in the attack, almost burying the entire team.

At this time, the Bugarati team in Venice, the water city, was absolutely unable to avoid the opponent's sneak attack, so it was better to take this opportunity to lead the opponent out.

In the hot soup in front of Naranga, a shark fin was exposed, and after swimming quickly on it for a while, it disappeared, as if it never existed.

0. . . . .

On the balcony on the roof of a house not far away, two people were observing the actions of Ye Du and his group.

They were intertwined in a weird twisted posture, their bodies bent at angles that were difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

The two of them were Skjallo and Ticano, members of the Boss' Guards, who were ordered to hunt down the Bugarati team.

"Who are these two people? The information given by the boss did not mention these two people."

Skjallo said, but his tone had a morbid affectation.

"I don't know, it might be the two helpers we found temporarily, but it will definitely not be the opponents of the two of us.

Tichano's tone was as disgusting as Skjalo's.

"However, as the number of people increases, our actions are a little more difficult. We have to be careful - they all seem to have noticed the existence of [Shock]."

"Don't worry, no matter how many of them they can't catch my [shock], as long as there is a water source, it can teleport. This is Venice, and the water source is sufficient, as long as..."35

Before Skyalo could finish speaking, he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, and his body began to twitch violently.

"What's the matter! Skyalo!

Tichano anxiously checked the condition of his companions. He found that Skyalo's body was covered with countless twisted and terrifying tentacles, and the countless eyes on the tentacles seemed to be staring at him.


Frightened, Ticano hurriedly threw his companion aside, and scrambling back—knowing that he had hit a solid object.

A tall man with a hood blocked the sunlight so that Ticano could not see the other's face.

But Ticano could feel a terrifying smile on his face.

He hurriedly took a number of steps back, opened the distance, and took a closer look.

Ye Du and others have come to him,

On Ye Du's body, a tentacle grew, trapping a shark-like creature firmly.

That is [Shock].

"It seems that this is the case, the corrupt avatar will also have an impact on the avatar messenger.

Ye Du said with a smile.

All the damage received by the avatar will be transferred to the avatar, and only the avatar can see the avatar, and Ye Du, who has the power of the void, can also see the avatar.

"You, how could you possibly catch [Shock]?"

Tichano's voice was trembling, and next to him, Skyalo, who was covered with tentacles, was screaming in pain.

"I have corrupted the surrounding water sources.""

Ye Du smiled slightly, the tentacles wrapped around 【Shock】 violently squeezed it to pieces,

"And no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than the void.

As soon as Ye Du's voice fell, Skyalo's body suddenly exploded as if it had been squeezed by something, leaving only a burst of blood mist filling the air.


Tichano let out a piercing scream and knelt on the ground in pain,

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you! 35

He activated his stand-in ability and summoned a disgusting sarcoid, which grabbed a dagger and stabbed at Ye Du and the others.

"What an ugly struggle. 35

At this time, Tichano finally saw the face of the man with the hood in front of him.

Those eyes that were as scarlet as blood seemed to be pulling out his soul and tearing it apart.

Smash Valudo.

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