Feng Yun was in a good mood. So far, his gains from this trip were much better than what he had gained from staying at Xingyao Base.

It seems that going out is indeed the right choice.

Although Nanjiang Base and Xingyao Base are both third-level bases, the gap is quite large.

As far as Feng Yun knew, Nanjiang Base had two masters stationed there, which was much stronger than Xingyao Base.

As for the Xingyao Base, the only grandmaster was airborne from outside. He was said to be in charge, but in fact he was not in the base most of the time, just in name.

This can be seen not only in terms of grandmasters, but also in the number of innate warriors.

The number of innate warriors in Xingyao Base can be counted on one hand, and they are very rare to see, so they are all regarded as treasures.

As for the Nanjiang base, according to what Li Xun and others said before, there are thousands of them, and the difference between them is already obvious.

At this time.

Dai Tianen came over and cupped his hands towards Feng Yun,”I just offended you. It’s rare to see a swordsman outside this mountain. My hands are a little itchy. I hope you can forgive me.” Obviously, he had sensed it before. The remaining sword intent in Feng Yun’s body made him feel itchy and attack the latter.

“It’s okay, I understand.”

Feng Yun smiled softly. He still wanted to thank the other party. After all, he had provided him with so many good things, including sword intent, sword talent, and a fourth-level martial skill. Thinking about it makes him feel comfortable.

“Unexpectedly, little brother Feng also had 30% of his sword intent. He was mistaken. No wonder he could kill the winged lion beast with one sword.”

Li Xun and the others sighed, they were really shocked just now.

Then, they invited Feng Yun into the tent and brought out the Nanjiang base’s unique delicacies to entertain Feng Yun.

Feng Yun didn’t care much about these delicacies. But the little white tiger was different. He kept stuffing stuff into his mouth, as if he hadn’t eaten good food in eight hundred years. The corners of Feng Yun’s mouth twitched when he saw it. How could he be a foodie? He was simply hungry. The dead ghost was reincarnated.

If he hadn’t thought that the opponent was the future super ferocious beast White Tiger, he would have slapped this ultimate foodie away.

However, he thought so, and Dai Qingmeng not only didn’t mind, but also smiled. Look at it, with a healed expression on your face

“Brother Feng, we plan to go deep into the forest to pick the nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum. Do you want to go with us?”

At this time, Li Xun said to Feng Yun

“If you don’t mind, I’d love to see the legendary healing elixir.”Feng Yun put down the food in his hand and said

“Haha, why would you mind? Brother Feng is very powerful. One more person will give you more help. It’s not too late for us to thank you!”

It can be seen that Li Xun, Dai Tianen and the others are very good people. They are very different from the murderous and cheating warriors Feng Yun met.

Feng Yun has sword intention, and he has the most obvious sense of murderous intention and hostility. From them, he does not Didn’t feel this


At night, Feng Yun set up a tent nearby.

They planned to recharge their batteries overnight and set off again the next day.

In the tent, Feng Yun couldn’t wait to start challenging the projection.

First of all, I tried to kill Xiao Baihu and Dai Qingmeng, but unfortunately, one of them only exploded with flesh and blood, while the other one exploded with a piece of”Safeguard Soap”.

This made Feng Yun’s face full of black lines. The first one was okay, but what the hell is the second one?

It’s so real that I even bring soap with me when I go on an adventure.

With a speechless mood, he finally reached the last projection, Dai Tianen.

Mirror space, grass battlefield.

Feng Yun set the strength of Dai Tianen’s projection to the ultimate warrior level, and then started to use it.

Now, his strength, if fully exploded, may not be as good as the innate warrior, but it will definitely far exceed that of the ultimate warrior.

Dai Tianen naturally does not need much time to reach the ultimate warrior level.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Feng Yun killed Dai Tianen with one blow, successfully ending the fifth challenge.

“Hope something good comes out.”

He said silently in his heart, otherwise the whole night’s work would have been in vain.


【Victory in the battle with Projector Dai Tianen!】

【Drop]: Sword Intent (30%)

“Is it present?”

It’s really explosive!

Feng Yun took a deep breath, barely suppressing the excitement in his heart, and did not choose to manifest it immediately.

This place is too close to Li Xun and the others, and the movement caused by the fused sword intent will definitely alarm them. Feng Yun does not want to do this.

So he got out of the tent, activated his dark innate ability and space innate ability, and walked away from here silently, running all the way until he was thousands of meters away. When he came to a hill, Feng Yun didn’t sense anything powerful nearby. The ferocious beast immediately sat down cross-legged and silently said in his heart:”Exhibition!”

【Demonstrated Sword Intent (30%)…………Present…………Now complete! 】


A sword chant resounded, and a sword light rushed out from the mirror space and quickly integrated into Feng Yun’s body.

The next moment, the sword intention behind him escaped, its sharp edge was dazzling, and it was increasing at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

Thirty and a half percent… forty percent… forty and a half percent… fifty percent… until, sixty percent!

Sixty percent of the sword intent was completed, and the air around Feng Yun suddenly collapsed. At the same time, the hill under his feet was shaking, and one could clearly see the terrifying sword marks appearing one after another on the mountain.

Silent and appalling.

This movement finally alerted some ferocious beasts nearby, including level six, level seven, and even an eighth-level black leopard.

When they saw Feng Yun on the hill, their eyes were fierce and they rushed over one by one.

But before it got close, it disintegrated halfway, as if cut by some invisible blade, and turned into a ball of blood mist, which was blown away by the night wind and disappeared.

After a while.

Feng Yun adapted to his sudden surge of sword intent and slowly restrained it. At the same time, he used his dark energy to cover up the fluctuations in his sword intent.

The sword intent suddenly reached 60%, which is equivalent to an increase in combat power several times.

He felt that he might be able to fight an innate warrior now.

And he is currently just a peak warrior!

“Sixty percent of the sword intent has reached the level of perfection.…………”

Feng Yun secretly thought in his heart that 60% sword intention would be a watershed from now on, after which the sword intention would be perfected and its power would be increased many times.

But because of this, this hurdle is generally very difficult, and many swordsmen get stuck here.

Of course, for Feng Yun, what’s the hurdle? nonexistent!

Just let me project it, and I’ll cross over and show it to you in a matter of minutes.

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