Ever since Feng Yun killed Liu Mutian and completely eliminated the hidden danger, nothing happened again.

In addition to dealing with club affairs every day, Feng Yuxu also practices hard. Sometimes when he encounters something he doesn’t understand, he will come to Feng Yun for advice.

Considering that he was going to the inner city in the future and would be unable to take care of the orphanage for a while, Feng Yun had the idea of letting Feng Yuxu take his place.

So I will give him guidance when I have time.

In such an atmosphere, time passed by unconsciously.

In a blink of an eye, two months have passed


In the magma battlefield.

Feng Yun and a slovenly, burly middle-aged man were fighting desperately.

The two sides went back and forth, using various martial arts skills and fighting vigorously.

Finally, half an hour later, Feng Yun successfully penetrated the opponent at the cost of one hand.


【Victory in the battle with Projector Zhong Yunmiu!】

【Drop]: None

“No, come again.”

Feng Yun chose to continue the challenge.

Half an hour later

【Victory in the battle with Projector Zhong Yunmiu!】

【Drop]: None

“Not yet, come again!”

Feng Yun has been brushing for two full months, and not even a hair has come out.

He feels that he has been possessed by a non-chief these past two months, and his luck has been extremely poor.

It is like a lottery in the previous life, even if there is 100% The winning rate of 99, his is the unique 1%.

Yes, it is so miserable.

However, the days of non-chiefs will eventually pass, and everyone will have a time when they are possessed by the European Emperor.

Just like now————

【Victory in the battle with Projector Zhong Yunmiu!】

【Drop]: The third-level body training technique”Shen Gang Hegemony Kung Fu”》

【Is it present?】


Feng Yun looked at the dropped list and couldn’t react for a moment. Happiness often comes so suddenly.

He thought today was another day of nothing.

【The embodiment of the third-level body training method”Shen Gang Ba Ti Kung Fu”》…………Present…………Now complete!】


A huge amount of information exploded in Feng Yun’s mind.

The next moment, Feng Yun felt a heartbreaking pain coming from all over his body, as if countless ants were biting him, and he almost lost his life. He fainted from the pain.

This feeling was so uncomfortable that Feng Yun was sweating profusely in a short while. His body seemed to be undergoing a drastic change.

And this change was visible.

As time passed by, Feng Yun A thin red light film gradually appeared outside the body, which seemed to be transparent but not transparent, and seemed to be crystal clear but not crystal clear. It was flowing with a strange brilliance.

If there is a body refining master here, he will definitely recognize that this is the ultimate achievement of Shen Gang’s Hegemony Kung Fu. The Gang Qi shield condensed after the attack!

The Gang Qi is the product of Shen Gang’s hegemonic body skill. It can withstand all damage from the alloy soldiers.

I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like an instant, and it seemed like forever.

The plot The pain slowly subsided, and Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief like he was exhausted.

Damn, I finally got through it.

And at this time, he also discovered that his own changes were not only the transformation of his physical body, but also the thin layer of skin on the outside. shield

“Is this Gang Qi?”Feng Yun asked curiously.

He wanted to try the effect, but he couldn’t do anything by himself.

So he left the orphanage and went all the way to the Black Ax Club, which has now been renamed Shuguang Club.

When the members saw Feng Yun, They all turned pale with fright, as if they had seen some kind of devil.

They still could not forget that day when Feng Yun casually killed Liu Mutian.

“Call your boss.”

Feng Yun looked at them and said casually

“You, please wait.”

A member of the club left quickly as if fleeing, and not long after, Feng Yuxu was invited.

“Xiaoyun, what’s the matter?”Feng Yuxu came over

“Tell your men to shoot me with alloy arrows.”Feng Yun is determined to try out the defense of this divine Gang Hegemony Kung Fu.


Feng Yuxu and the other club members looked at each other in shock when they heard this. They had never seen such a perverted request!

“Xiaoyun, those are alloy arrows. Even your Dacheng Jinzhong Jue cannot block so many of them at once.”

Feng Yuxu worriedly said

“Don’t worry, I’m sensible, come on”

“Well, okay then.”

Seeing that the persuasion was fruitless, Feng Yuxu had no choice but to agree.

Soon, more than a dozen members held alloy bows and arrows, all aiming at Feng Yun


With a command, more than a dozen alloy arrows instantly left the bowstring, penetrated the air, and made a sharp explosion. Like a rain of arrows, they shot at Feng Yun from all directions.

Shen Gang Overlord!

Feng Yun’s body was shaken, and his skin A thin red shield suddenly appeared on the surface, no more than an inch away from the body.


Those alloy arrows shot out in volley, making a sound like the clash of gold and iron. The next moment, Feng Yun was seen standing there peacefully.

Not only did those alloy arrows not hurt him, they even broke into two pieces and fell straight to the ground.

“The power of Gang Qi is really powerful.”

Feng Yun tried his hand at a small test, and he was very satisfied with the result.

Feng Yuxu and the other club members looked at Feng Yun in shock, looking like a normal person.


Is this guy really only fourteen years old?

They I have never seen such a vigorous young man!

Compared with Feng Yun, they instantly felt like they had lived like dogs these years.


After testing the effect, Feng Yun left directly.

In a few days, it will be the day of the joint entrance examination of the four schools, and he has to go to the school to report.


When Feng Yun came to the school, he found that the atmosphere in the advanced class had become very solemn. Everyone looked serious, and there was a feeling that a storm was coming.

He went directly to the principal’s office and found that besides the principal, there were nine students here.

He also knew one of these nine students, the former Bai Tianchen.

Of course, besides Tian Tianchen, there were also Mao Yunxue and Yang Tian, but he didn’t recognize the latter two.

As if aware of the gaze, nine people looked over. Among them, Tian Tianchen, Mao Yunxue, and Yang Tian recognized Feng Yun at a glance and stared at him closely.

They can’t forget the young man who crushed them in the assessment.

As for the other six people, they didn’t know Feng Yun, and they all looked at him with curious eyes.

“Feng Yun is here, come in quickly.”

When the principal saw Feng Yun, the smile on his face suddenly became much stronger. ps: Please give me flowers, please vote, 嘤嘤嘤

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