"Dad, send me back to the clan right now!"

"The black-robed man who gave me the elixir must have a way to make me recover."

"If I go back too late, I'm afraid that the best rescue time will be exceeded and I won't be able to change back!"

"Okay, I'll send you back for your father!"

Mother Kong was a little reluctant, but she also knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Hurry up and ask your father to take you back to the clan. When you recover, come back to the ancestral land and improve your spiritual roots!"

"Wait!" Mother Kong's words reminded Kong Tianjiao.

"Dad, although I look a little ugly now, my strength has increased, my physique has increased, and my strength has also increased."

"In my current state, isn't it easier to pass the ancestral test and obtain the power of the Kong family bloodline?"

Father Kong also suddenly realized.

"That's right. In the eyes of our ancestors, strength is the most important thing, and appearance is insignificant!"

"How are you now? Why don't you take advantage of this strong state and go directly to the ancestral land!"

"It won't take long anyway, and it shouldn't affect your recovery!"

Kong Tianjiao replied: "I'm in good shape now, better than ever before!"

Although Doctor Li didn't make Kong Tianjiao recover, he cured his injuries.

"In that case, let's go to the ancestral land now!"

The three of them took advantage of the night and came to the rockery in the backyard.

Father Kong cut his palm and let the blood drip from his fingers onto the rockery.

The surroundings seemed to be shrouded in mist, like a dream, and everything became hazy.

"Let's go!"

Father Kong took a step, and Kong Tianjiao followed closely.

Mother Kong stayed where she was, still looking at the beauty-enhancing purple jade on her waist.

'Will wearing this thing really make you younger and younger? '

'Wait... why did he give me this! 'Mother Kong raised her eyebrows, "Does that guy think I'm too old?"

Mother Kong raised her head and was about to question him, but she found that the father and son had disappeared in the rockery.

The ancestral land of the Kong family, those who are not of the Kong family bloodline cannot enter!




The artificially excavated stone stairs were covered with slippery moss, and Kong Tianjiao followed his father down the stone stairs.

After walking for about half an incense stick of time, a bloody smell came to his face, and Kong Tianjiao knew that the destination had been reached.

The father and son came to an underground cave.

There was a small pond in the middle of the cave, and there seemed to be flowing water in the pond. There were obvious traces of artificial excavation around it, but these traces were very old and covered with thick moss.

Father Kong lit the torch on the rock wall, and the full picture of the underground cave was revealed.

What was flowing in the pond was not water at all, but smelly blood, and the blood that rushed into the sky was pouring out of the pond.

Moreover, this blood is not ordinary blood, but spiritual blood containing spiritual energy. This kind of blood can only be obtained from immortal cultivators and spiritual beasts.

In a trance, Kong Tianjiao seemed to hear countless wronged souls wailing, affecting his mind.

"They are all dead but still restless!"

Kong's father waved his hand, and the spiritual energy was rampant. Kong Tianjiao suddenly felt his ears and eyes were clear, and the wailing disappeared without a trace.

There is a 20-square-meter artificial island in the center of the pond.

Kong's father grabbed Kong Tianjiao's collar and jumped into the air to the island!

The two walked to a stone tablet engraved with dense patterns and knelt down to pay tribute!

"Kong Lin, the 108th generation of the Kong family, brought Kong Tianjiao, the 109th generation of the Kong family, to pay homage to the ancestor!"

"I hope the ancestor will open the ancestral land and bless my Kong family to prosper for ten thousand years!"

After speaking, Kong's father stood up, the spiritual energy in his body spread outward, and he muttered something in his mouth!

The thick blood in the pond began to boil, and streams of blood were attracted by the spiritual energy, forming blood columns, impacting the stone tablet and being absorbed by the stone tablet.

The strong smell of blood covered the surrounding air with a layer of red gauze. Under the reflection of the flickering torches, it looked like a large-scale blood sacrifice scene, which was extremely terrifying.

As a large amount of blood poured into the stone tablet, the blood in the blood pool gradually disappeared, revealing the pool bottom that had been dyed blood red.

Until the last drop of blood was poured into the stone tablet, Kong's father restrained his spiritual power.

"Why is there no movement?" Kong Tianjiao asked doubtfully: "The ancestor didn't reincarnate secretly!"

Slowly, a pool of spiritual blood was poured in, and not even a bubble came out.

"What nonsense!" Kong's father said: "I forgot to burn incense!"

Take out three incense sticks from the Qiankun bag and light them. The faint smoke seems to communicate with another world.

The stone tablet began to emit a faint light, and the complex text on it began to twist and rotate with the center of the stone tablet as the center.

"Go in, son!"

"Perform well. As long as you can trick the ancestors' blood essence into your hands, you can successfully upgrade to the best spiritual root!"

"No problem!" Kong Tianjiao showed off his muscles and said confidently: "I will succeed!"

After that, Kong Tianjiao plunged into the stone tablet.

Instantly, Kong Tianjiao felt as if he had entered another world.

The spiritual energy here is abundant, it is extremely mysterious, and it is full of mysterious laws and rules.

Feeling this familiar place, Kong Tianjiao took a deep breath. Just when he wanted to pay homage to his ancestors, he heard a majestic voice in his ears.

"Who is this monster? How dare you trespass into my Kong family's ancestral land!"


Before Kong Tianjiao could speak, a strong force came and blasted Kong Tianjiao out.

Father Kong looked at Kong Tianjiao who had just entered and came out immediately, and was shocked, "How come he was faster than me?"

Kong Tianjiao was completely confused.

'What's going on? '

'I just entered, why was I beaten out? '

'Oh no! '

Kong Tianjiao was shocked and stood up suddenly to look at the stone tablet.

The symbol on the stone tablet has returned to its original position, and the passage to the ancestral land has disappeared.

Every time the ancestral land is opened, there is only one chance to enter.

"What's going on?"

Father Kong hurriedly helped Kong Tianjiao up.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Kong Tianjiao's breath quickly weakened.


Father Kong hurriedly infused spiritual energy into Kong Tianjiao's body. This is a unique poison of the Kong family. If Kong Tianjiao is really a monster, he will definitely not survive for a quarter of an hour.

Force the poison out of Kong Tianjiao's body.

Father Kong stuffed a healing pill into Kong Tianjiao's mouth, and Kong Tianjiao's face looked a little better.

"The ancestor thought I was a monster, so he blasted me out with a palm!" Kong Tianjiao explained.

"Didn't you explain to the ancestor?"

Kong Tianjiao wanted to cry but had no tears: "There was no chance to speak at all!"

"Forget it, this is fate!"

"I am so unlucky!"

Kong Tianjiao was extremely depressed. Since September last year, he has been having troubles.

It was as if there was a force targeting him.

Until now, the top-grade spiritual root that he had been looking forward to for a long time passed by, and Kong Tianjiao could no longer hold back and burst into tears.

"I've waited for this moment for three years, but it was ruined by a pill!"

"Damn black-robed man, I will never forgive you!"

Father Kong hurriedly comforted him, "It's okay, son, I will find a way to collect a pool of spiritual blood again and create another opportunity for you!"

"Besides, even if you are not beaten out, you may not be able to be promoted to the best spiritual root!"

Kong Tianjiao: "..."

Father Kong patted Kong Tianjiao's shoulder, and a strong bloody aura emanated from his body.

"Starting tomorrow, I will take action for you. Even if I am discovered and my family is at risk of being destroyed, I will definitely be able to collect another pool of spiritual blood for you within a year and a half!"

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