"What's going on?"

Kong Tianjiao also saw the black hair growing on his body, and then he touched his furry face, and immediately realized that there was something wrong with the pill.

"Oh no, I've been fooled!"

At this time, the guards of the mansion had rushed in, and when they saw Kong Tianjiao in a gorilla-like state, they shouted loudly.

"Monster, if you dare to hurt people, I will take your life!"

"Quick, protect the young master!"

The maid collapsed to the ground in fear, pointing at Kong Tianjiao and trembling, saying: "The young master was killed by this monster!"

In the maid's cognition, Kong Tianjiao had been killed by the monster, and then the monster turned into Kong Tianjiao's appearance, ready to replace the identity of the young master of the Kong family.

But because the Kong family had the protection of their ancestors, or the monster was not well-trained, it revealed its true form and exposed the facts.

In the novel she heard from the storyteller in the front street teahouse a few days ago, the Painted Skin Demon killed and disguised himself as a handsome young man from a wealthy family, and fell in love with her maid...

Thinking of this, the maid suddenly regretted shouting, but when she saw Kong Tianjiao's furry black face, she shouted without hesitation: "Help!"

The guards drew their swords and rushed up, shouting:

"Revenge for the young master!"

Kong Tianjiao was shocked and hurriedly jumped onto the roof, saying as he ran: "Stop, I am your young master."

"Don't you even take a piss and look in the mirror? You've revealed your true form, and you still dare to be stubborn."

"Don't let this monster run away!"

The guards jumped onto the roof and blocked Kong Tianjiao's escape route.

Kong Tianjiao hurriedly tried to prove himself: "Niu Er, I am really your young master. Do you remember when I was thirteen years old, you were in the kitchen with Aunt Li who was cooking behind your wife's back..."

"Shut up!" The guard who called Niu Er was furious, "What a vicious monster, you fabricated facts before you died and wanted to frame my innocence. I will chop off your monkey brain and sacrifice it to the young master!"

Niu Er chopped with red eyes, Kong Tianjiao took a step back and easily dodged it, and knocked him off the roof with a backhand palm.

Before taking the powerful pill, Kong Tianjiao's strength was stronger than Niu Er. After taking the powerful pill, Niu Er was no match at all and was blown away several meters away.

The other guards attacked together and surrounded him.

Kong Tianjiao retreated while dodging the guards' attacks in a panic.

'I must prove myself as soon as possible. The sound of fighting here will soon attract more guards, and then it will be troublesome. ’

Kong Tianjiao realized that the evidence he proved himself could not harm the interests of others, otherwise others would definitely not admit it, and he had to tell a secret that was beneficial to them.

Recognizing this, Kong Tianjiao said to another guard:

"Dachun, when I was ten years old, I was caught peeping at the maid taking a bath, and you took the blame, which led to you losing your cultivation resources and being unable to make further progress. Do you remember?"

"You monster, you thought you could impersonate the young master by stealing his memory. You are simply looking for death!"

Kong Tianjiao clearly felt that Dachun's swordsmanship was faster, and the sword was full of murderous intent!

"We can't fight them anymore!"

Kong Tianjiao knew that if he delayed, he would definitely lose, so he found the right opportunity, knocked Dachun down with a punch, and snatched the sword from the other party's hand.

His Qiankun bag was still on the table in the room, otherwise he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Kong Tianjiao waved the long sword in his hand and retreated while fighting.

But soon, a new batch of guards arrived. Among them was a Jindan-stage master who rushed directly to Kong Tianjiao at an absolute speed.

Before Kong Tianjiao could react, he felt a huge pain in his chest and was blown away by a strong force.

Kong Tianjiao felt that his internal organs were dislocated. If it weren't for the fact that his muscles expanded a lot after taking the Dali Pill, which provided him with room for buffering, he would have been knocked out by this punch.

Although he was still conscious at the moment, Kong Tianjiao also felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, and blood spurted out of his mouth directly, wetting the black hair on his chest.


Kong Tianjiao fell heavily to the ground, and the stone slabs behind him were all cracked.

Kong Tianjiao complained in his heart: "These grandsons are really cruel. Why aren't they so fierce when fighting foreign enemies!"

Just when Kong Tianjiao was about to despair, Kong's mother's voice suddenly rang:

"What's going on?"

The voice here alarmed Kong Tianjiao's parents.

Kong Tianjiao seemed to have found a savior. He used all his strength to get up and ran towards Kong's mother.

"Mom, save me!"

"Madam, be careful!" The guards hurriedly reminded, but they did not mean to stop him.

Kong's mother's cultivation was much higher than theirs, so they did not join in the fun.

"Are you Jiao'er?" Kong's mother asked gently.

How could a mother not recognize her son? Although Kong Tianjiao's appearance had changed a lot now, just by looking at his eyes, Kong's mother knew that the gorilla was his disappointing son.

"Mom, it's me!"

"You are just a monster, how can you be my son?"

Kong Tianjiao explained anxiously: "Mom, I am really a Tianjiao. I was calculated by a villain and took the wrong elixir, so I became like this."

Kong Tianjiao was really anxious this time. If he was punched by a guard, he would at most spit blood. If he was punched by his mother, he would not even have the chance to spit blood.

The corners of Kong's mother's mouth curled up, "Words are not enough, I'll ask you a few questions, if you answer correctly, it can prove that you are my son."

"Mom, ask!"

Kong Tianjiao was full of desire to survive, and he kept calling her mother.

"Then let me ask you, does your father have any hidden money?"

Kong Tianjiao blurted out without thinking: "Hide!"

Kong's father's face suddenly changed.

"Who is this monster? How dare you pretend to be my son and confuse people here? Take your life!"

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