The rest of the people looked at Elder Wang Yingjun silently without saying a word.

They also felt that Elder Wang Yingjun was simply unlucky.

The rules of previous activities were similar, but there was never any trouble.

Who would have thought that the disciples would protest on the second day of this year's event, and then the Fantasy Dog would inexplicably enter the battle, and finally even come out to buy and sell Xuantian Tokens.

It's really...ah!

Who is it? With so many activities, I have to catch this one.

Let’s observe a moment of silence for Elder Wang Yingjun!

"You all say something and think of a way to solve this matter." Wang Yingjun asked everyone.

Someone hesitated and said: "Elder, this matter cannot be solved!"

"Our activity rules only prohibit robbing, but they do not prohibit buying and selling!"

"Disciples are all consensual, we can't interfere!"

"You still need to tell me? Do you think I can't think of this?"

Elder Wang Yingjun was a little angry, and the successive blows made him extremely aggrieved.

Elder Wang Yingjun has not dared to practice in recent days.

After failing to break through the realm and encountering these troublesome things, he was really afraid that he would go crazy as soon as he started practicing.

"It's actually quite simple to resolve."

A loud and confident voice sounded, and everyone looked over. It was the person who made the key opinions last time!

Elder Wang Yingjun's eyes lit up and he said with great anticipation:

"I have to rely on you at the critical moment. Speak quickly!"

The man said calmly: "It's very simple. Since it is a matter of mutual consent among the disciples, we don't need to interfere."

"The only thing that needs to be solved is the problem of spiritual weapons. According to the current development situation, I am afraid that ten spiritual weapons will be needed to be safe."

Elder Wang Yingjun said: "Of course I know this. The key is how to deal with these spiritual weapons. Our activity budget is not enough!"

The budget given by the sect is only enough to purchase two spiritual weapons at most, which is far from enough in quantity.

The man smiled calmly and said, "This is easy to solve!"

Elder Wang Yingjun looked at this man's calm smile and confident words, and suddenly felt that he had met the savior.

"Tell me, how should we solve it?"

"Elder, just pay for it out of your own pocket and make up for the insufficient budget!"


Elder Wang Yingjun's vision went dark and he fell down.

All his savings were used up during the impact of the integration period, and he even owed a foreign debt.

In the past few months, all the contribution points allocated to him by the sect have been used to pay off debts.

Even when his friends invited him to eat in the cafeteria, he didn't dare to go. He was almost speechless. How could he have the money to buy magic weapons out of his own pocket?

"Elder! Are you okay?"

"Quick, who has the healing elixir?"

"I have... However, my elixir is a bit expensive. I keep it to save my life."

"Don't feel bad. Anyway, the elder has money. I will reimburse you after the elder wakes up."

"Maybe when the elder is happy, he can give you more reports!"

After hearing this, Wang Yingjun immediately opened his eyes and felt that his whole body was full of strength.

The first thing he did when he woke up, Wang Yingjun said loudly: "Quickly, put your expensive pill away quickly."

"Elder, are you okay?"

"How about I go out and find someone to treat you?"

Wang Yingjun waved his hands hurriedly, "Don't scream!"

"I'm fine. I suffered some internal injuries when I hit the integration stage. I'll be fine after I rest for a while."

"When you hit the integration stage in the future, you will understand how I feel now."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a little lonely.

Most of them may not even reach the Nascent Soul Stage in this life, so how can they reach the Fusion Stage?

Seeing everyone's sad expressions, Wang Yingjun felt much better.

With the help of everyone, Elder Wang Yingjun sat on the chair again.

"Um, where did we just talk?"

"Speaking of paying for spiritual weapons out of your own pocket... Elder, are you okay?"

"Quick, elixir!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Elder Wang Yingjun slowly circulated the spiritual energy in his body to calm his mood.

"Maybe this recent activity has disturbed me and caused my breath to become a little unstable. I just need to drink some water and take a rest."

Someone hurriedly brought the elder a cup of hot tea.

Wang Yingjun took a deep breath and asked slowly: "Besides paying for the spiritual weapon out of his own pocket, is there any other way?"

Everyone was silent, but the man with the loud voice still said:

"Of course."

Wang Yingjun suddenly became energetic, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? You scared me."

"Say it quickly!"

"Elder, you can use your agility to go to the weapon shop and steal a few!"

Wang Yingjun: "..."

"If you want to be expelled from the sect, just say so. There's no need to beat around the bush."

"Elder, I was joking just now, I have another trick."

"We will only prepare two magic weapons. Whichever of them has more Xuantian Tokens, we will reward them!"

Wang Yingjun said confused: "Wouldn't that violate the rules of the event?"

"What if we violate it? At worst, we will be scolded for a few years. At worst, we will no longer be active personnel. At worst, elder, you will delay the time of becoming an inner elder. Anyway, I don't care."

Everyone: "..."

Elder Wang Yingjun: "Your suggestion is very good, but which weapons store do you think I should steal?"

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